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A lot of people are guessing Megaman is going to be in this Wednesday (a day before E for All). There's a cryptic message posted on Capcom's website that reads:


A bunch of people are guessing the second line says "prepare yourself for a fight" or "prepare yourself for a brawl" which makes sense if you think about the title. Probably has nothing to do with Megaman, but we can always hope. There's supposed to be a Capcom conference this Wednesday I believe. Maybe we'll hear something then.

EDIT: Also found a timer to go with this: http://www.capcom-unity.com/

No way in hell.
I'll be plum surprised if Megaman is included before December, if at all. I'd love to see him, but it seems strange that Sonic, an obviously more popular character, would be announced first, if both are going to be at E for All.
Also, that timer looks very un-brawl. But I have to admit, my fingers are crossed.
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Yeah I think it's edit too, either the way Despain said or you could edit it with your Wiimote (draw/color stuff etc.) or maybe both! Idk tho, but it would be cool if it was both!

This is the reason for the delay.
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If there's one thing I hated in melee, it's the guys who sat and paused the game every minute, trying to get a cool pose, which would then just disappear when he pushed paused again.

Maybe now we can keep that down to a minimum.
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Sorry, that wasn't serious.

My bad.
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The reason they postponed the game is that when they announced Sonic, someone finally asked him where Captain Falcon was, he realized that he had completely forgotten to include him! So they rushed back into development to add Captain Falcon.

This was said in an interview by Sakurai himself.
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I love Sonic, but I have to admit, from where we stand, it's VERY hard to determine the negatives that are going to balance him out. He looks pretty much unstopable in those videos, as all we see him doing is kicking ass.
His moves are unnecessarily similar too. Actually, what's the difference?
Both are spin moves, both charge, so the difference is that one can jump into the air? I'm guessing the down B move is the one that looks so fast in the trailer.

Hopefully when Falcon shows up they'll make a video of him kicking Sonic's ass.
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Sonic just brings up embarrassing memories from my youth...


That is by far the nerdiest coolest thing I've ever seen. I wish we were friends.
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I agree, but Sonic has a little more momentum than Snake. I expect some kind of video at an E3 or something. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Sonic baddies turn out to be a part of the adventure plot, as I wouldn't be surprised if Dede or K. Rool were. That being said, some of the baddies do suspiciously look like MM/Sonic influenced grunts, but in the same breath the whole Emissary thing reeks with the stench of Heartless.

Just need to say I totally called that.

Also, I think the pushed release date is a good thing. It gives us guys who are only buying a wii for Smash more time to collect the money and find a console in time.
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Did anyone notice that the character icons on the bottom disappear when the players walk through them?
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The thing I'm most concerned about with SSBB at this point is speed.

In melee I felt Captain Falcon should've been way faster than Fox/Falco and Sheik, being that he's a racer.
I don't know how I feel about comparing him with Sonic though. I guess I still want Falcon to be the fastest.
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I was totally hoping it would be Captain Falcon, just to drive us crazy.
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Kirby's smash seemsly extraordinarily accurate compared to the other smashes. It doesn't look like you can control kirby while the smash is in action. I just wonder whether all the other players are automatically thrown into the pot or not. If so, it def. has an advantage over smashes like Samus' or Mario's.

P.S. who is this ashley chick from warioware? the song reminds me of evil dead the music.
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Unless ZSS is only a suit for Samus, I Don't think I'll use her even once. There's no reason to have 2 of the same character when they could be 1 character like Sheik/Zelda.
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Hardcore gamer is just a word that nerds use to retain dignity. Obviously a nerd isn't going to be cool shit at a basketball game, so a basketball player won't be cool shit in a game of halo 3.
Wii is taking that away though, anyone can be good at wii (even a lego robot).
I'd imagine basketball wouldn't be near as popular if someone came out with this revolutionary way to make nerds really good at it.
That's my idea anyways. There's obviously a reason we (nerds) don't like the wii, and I understand completely why someone wouldn't want Brawl to be in that group of games with DDR. I guess it's just like one of your favorite underground bands getting mainstream.
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I def. don't want Sakurai to make SSBB into what the Wii is making its other games.
Yesterday I was at target, in the game section, and this 5 year old kid was getting his dad to buy him a wii. I thought to myself, "Wow, you'd never see that with PS3."

Maybe I'm a prime example of what you guys are saying is bad, but I don't want Brawl to be a game that 5 year olds can play. Of course excluding prodigies and the like.
Smash bros has the potential to be the only wii game that can capture the attention of my own generation, the generation that grew up with an NES attached to their tv. Of course everyone has their own preferences, but most people over a certain age, or level of maturity, are playing Halo, Call of Duty, Madden 2008... Games that aren't available on wii.

I guess IMO, Smash bros is leagues above Wii Sports, and other games aimed at teaching the next generation of gamers to stick with Nintendo. Though I'm positive Brawl will be the #1 Wii game for a long while, it could in fact stand up and rank with big games on consoles for the gamers that buy with their own money. Assuming this game isn't dumbed down for kids.
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Looks a lot like Sonic and Tails, which is awesome imo. I just wish they would've like blocked the two players from separating, as opposed to the warp thing for player 2.
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Wow, I'm retarded.
I totally missed the "while holding the shield button." part of that post.

I'm thinking "damn, all I gotta do is tap to the side a bit and I'll avoid all damage? Sounds cheap."

Yea, but obviously, I wouldn't really be much of a smash bros player if I didn't even know how to dodge, I guess.

ANYWAYS, I'm really hoping ZSS is only accessable after a smash, or like you said, holding the 'a' down at start of a match.
I just really think the game will lose SO much, if we have 2 types of marios, 2 types of links, 2 types of samus', and 1 type of donkey kong/any other character. I know it's a little late for the idea, but the game would be a lot cooler IMO, if it was only the main character from each game. There are SO many Nintendo games, yet we'll probly never see them, because we have the ever popular Luigi/Peach/Bowser/Yoshi/Wario/Dr. Mario.
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Woo for Fox's smash.

The shields were a given a few days ago, but the dodge things I think are going to change the game, big time.

I really hope they haven't blown it. Melee was near perfect IMO, and if they change too much I think it'll go in the wrong direction.
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I was really hoping excitebike would be an item, like Wario's bike.

Oh well, I just hope these 2-d trophies aren't just laziness. Half of the ones we've seen already are 2-d.
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This has already been the best week of updates we've had in a long while, but I wouldn't be surprised if it got better.