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So I'm assuming this a Text MUD? I'm a bit confused. :D
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I think it's a bad idea to start with a story because you'll end up writing something big and complicated and you'll have no idea how to implement it or you'll give up
This is just a perfect example of how everyone starts/creates games differently, Mince Wobley. That is true, however. It depends if you're really determined or not, I guess.  :shrug:
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Write your story first, otherwise it'll be really chaotic. It also gives you something to build on, rather than making a forest and having to force it into your story, etc.
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Define "dead parents/friend/etc subplot". Just to make sure we're on the same page here. :)

 "Oh nooooes!!1 DON'T KILL THAT GUARD MY PARENTS DIED I DONT WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO DIES!" or "I lived in an orphanage ever since my parents died :(​(" kind of plots.
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Well...I like to think realistically with this.
Do you really need to cover that the person has parents or do you need to uncover a character's history that much etc.etc.etc.

Plus most hate reading so...
I mean sure it's an RPG game but still.

Think about the amount of work you have to do as well  :sweat:

 Oh, this isn't for my own benefit. Just in case you thought that, of course. I just wanted to know what the consensus was on this topic, as it's very common.
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apparently touhou fans.

the characters from touhou had names? i thought it was just a bullet hell shmup with some random weird little girls riding broom sticks that shoots lazers(they're a dime a dozen in touhouistan).

 Yes. And if I'm not mistaken, there is an anime to accompany the game.
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Erm, if theres only enough demo for 3 very bland screenshots, perhaps you should delay releasing it a little longer? Just a thought.
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Take it easy, haha. It's just amateur game-making. No one's going to jump down on you and throttle you for not making the most refined, well-polished, smoothest game ever. (to be fair, though, I would if you were a professional company. Massive rage at Wild ARMs' "The planet it's environment". FFFFFFFFF)
Massive rage at Wild Arms 3: 'WHY DO YOU SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK'. :cry:

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There should be a USB dongle that attaches to your arm and measures its circumference, then translates it into raw RPG stats.
Can I borrow this for my RPG? I'm thinking of making your strength/attack power based on the actual strength of your arms!
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Well the entire idea of it being random is that you can't alter the result ... so, no.
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 Do you prefer to play it out? Or would you rather it be uncovered slowly and built upon by the actions/dialogue of the character? Personally, I'd rather it be built upon, because, provided the story is well-written, there can be a bit more suspense, etc. and it improves the story. It's something to look forward to in large, verbose dialogue sections, if you will.
 Then again, if possible, I'd prefer to launch this plot element into the sun because it is overly cliched, but if need be. :laugh:
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[topicinfo topic=10204]Move target[/topic]
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This sort of has a retro feel to it. Kind of charming, I might considering playing it. Also, could you explain the "hydration" concept briefly? I'm just wondering if it'd be annoying have to hydrate yourself. :p
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I don't speak Portuguese but I am sure that if I did I would find it very enjoyable. :D
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The file size really surprised me. I was going to download but I don't see the point downloading something over 1 GIG if it's a trial. I also can't be bothered starting a project I'll abandon once I realize that the program is bad/unintuitive/notmycupoftea (choose one).
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Just out of curiosity, is that a TBS?

Edit: To elaborate, is the battle system that of FF:Tactics, Valkyrie Profile, etc? ... or is it just an ABS?
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Sorry to everyone who likes Jack Black, but I hate him to no end. Don't really know why but I never really got the hype surrounding pick of destiny and I certainly don't get the hype surrounding this game ...
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Peta has gone above and beyond and is now soliciting members/sympathizers to donate their organs so they can use them for trollin'. Seriously, I know they believe this to be an act of martyrdom ... but isn't this a bit far? (Yes, I know this is one will. But Peta seems to be expecting that others follow in Ingrids footsteps. INGRID STARTS A REVOLUTION@.) I'm aware that Peta has done retarded things like this in the past, but never to this level. It seems like they're more interested in shocking the public into believing in Peta again rather than being animal activists.


For Dem Lazies:

I'm not going to expand on it, and just allow you guys to contribute your opinions, etc, as I've work that needs being done.
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This isn't fair...

No way someone could get that thin without dying first.
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Got XP? Exit to login screen, press ctrl+alt+delete twice and then type administrator for username and leave password blank, press enter.
 Did this when I had a virus blocking me from using Cmd prompt and task manager at some point.

 This'll log you in as root administrator. VIRUS GOT OWNED :D
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