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Congrats Hundley!
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Woo! My guys faired pretty well this week. 'Cept Derek Anderson but that could be a good things anyways. Half of ASE's team was from the Browns receiving corps it seems.

Shame that Brady and Romo didn't do well this week. It would've kept things slightly more interesting.

I guess I'll be matching up against the Colts for the championship game. I hope Manning breaks a leg or something- that way I can win and he'll stop doing shitty commercials.
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Intense! The excitement kills. :)
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Much like karma- this "law" of attraction is utter rubbish.

First and foremost, for something to be a law it needs to go through enough testing to be proven to be a factual circumstance in the universe. I can guarantee you that this isn't the case with the "law" of attraction.

Secondly, much like karma, the "law" of attraction, is governed by selective and confirmation biases. The way both ideas work is that you're more willing to recreate and pick out situations that confirm what you so firmly believe in. This, "law" of attaction-wise, basically means that you're forcing the "law" of attraction to prove true. If you think you're going to get yourself a girlfriend then you'll most likely try and get a girlfriend. You'll pick out any aspects of your life relating to the that subject and take special note of them. By doing so you'll eventually succeed in your goal because you're actively seeking to succeed in that goal by setting your mind to it in the first place. It's not so much a mystery of science as it is the way of life. Try, try, try and you'll succeed. That's basically all the "law" of attraction sums up to.

Now karma is another subject that amounts to nothing but a simple proverb. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. The whole premise of karma is the fact that what you do will come back to you in some way, shape, or form. There're varying degrees of return in each individual's belief but the basic idea remains the same throughout. This is a larger example of selective and confirmation biases and it in fact goes beyond that. The first thing to know about karma is that a believer is going to be looking for hints of it every chance they get. Drop a quarter and it rolls into the sewer- that's karma!
"I should've never took that extra penny from the penny tray at the gas station."

Get a christmas card with a check from a forgotten relative- that's karma!
"I'm glad I called my grandma six months ago."

If there's an opportunity to relate something to karma or any belief, that person will take that opportunity every time. It's one of the simplest ways to give meaning to life. And having a purpose/meaning is one of the most important things in order to sustain a healthy life. That's on a large-scale but, like I said, karma goes beyond that. On the subject of 'simpler' life-matters, karma allows somebody to feel good about themselves even if they do bad things. Here's a hypothetical.

Jimmy the gangsta is a firm believer in karma. When he's not killing children for their candy he's constantly assessing his life under the scrutiny of karma. Occassionally he will scrape his knee or lose a dead homie to the streets and naturally he'll feel bad because of it.

"Daayum dood, my bro straight got popped, G. Dat's karma on tha real. Shouldn'ta capped doze bitches on foth street. Karma's a bitch!"

As we can see, Jimmy just justified killing the "bitches on foth" with an event completely unrelated to it. That hardship is now temporarily erased from his mind now that he believes that it's been justified or forgiven by his own unfortunate event.

Anyways, neither karma nor the "law" of attraction are bad beliefs. It's just important to understand why they work the way they do. Anything that puts a person into a positive mindframe is a good thing in my book. Once you can understand how they work though, you can go beyond the bounds and limitations they set on your control of your life. These beliefs simply focus your attention on a small scale of how your mind works and will ultimately hinder your mental progress toward acceptance of yourself because they close your mind to so many other aspects of thinking.
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If there is going to be an American Union, the coin needs to be HARDCORE. Like, ten bald eagles wearing sombreros and hockey gear perched on maple trees and cactuses eating hot-dogs, apple pies, and serpents.

Thank you for that enlightening post. :)

By the way...
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At least Heath Miller didn't do anything. If Roethlisberger didn't do anything the past two games I would've won them both. I wonder if there's a way I can go back in time, call Benny up and, tell him to just sit the next two games out. Ha! Oh well.....
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Roethlisberger has cost me two games now. What a sucka! I guess I should probably find a new quarterback to start.

That Monday night game looks to have been a very long and boring one.
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That was a pretty impressive game put together by the Eagles last night. They still fell short but there were a fair amount of times where I thought they were going to dispatch the Patriots. I'd like to see the Patriots go undefeated, so kudos to them for pulling through.
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Dun dun DuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuN!

I think that I've been upheaved...

It's 82 to 83 with me on top but the Titan's D should put me away. Very close game. Brady and Owens completely decimated. :)
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Exciting game this week!

The Immortalz and the Jotuns go head to head in a grudge match of week 4 in order to determine who really deserves the number one spot. Week 4 was a rather disappointing match where neither team appeared to be top tier and the Jotuns won with a paltry 45 points.

The Immortalz boast a strong line-up lead by the astonishing Tom Brady and an always reliable T.O. The rest of the team appears pretty solid. A poor passing game by the Steelers is the only thing that could really shake the foundation.

The Jotuns, who've retained the number one spot all year, enter the game with two fresh running backs. The waiver wire has been good to the Jotuns thus far but can it really repair the nasty chink in their armor? With Frank Gore sucking it up and Marshawn Lynch battered up- the Jotuns are suffering in the running back department. On the plus side, the Jotuns boast enough reliable quarterbacks, wide receivers, tight ends, and defenses that exploiting beneficial match-ups is an option every week. Which, I suspect, is how the Jotuns have been able to stay on top.

This game holds a great possibilty of being a preview of the Championship Game this year and, offers to the victor the right to be called number one! Stay tuned for the greatest game of the season!
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Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
7-1 for me peoples. A couple key players on bye weeks and poor choices have destroyed my chance for a perfect season. Not that I expected one.
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Still on top. Pardon my ego but, if I manage to win the championship this year, I will have won every fantasy football league I've ever participated in. Which totals to eight thus far, half of which are not internet related.

On a less ego-inflicted rant, you should have totally beat me last week. I admit I've been getting pretty lucky so far this year. If I truly want to keep my record in tact I'm going to have to try a lot harder in the games to come. Luck can have nothing to do with it.

Thanks for keeping us so dramatically posted on the ongoings of the league. It adds a ni itce touch of flavor to all. :)
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I sent you a trade offer ASE.

I'm pretty happy with my team, after my two first victories. Yahoo autopicker is apparently smarter than I gave it credit for. Even though a lot of the decent players on my team were picked after the crappy ones.
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Online play is more or less pointless with all of these restrictions. At least random online play, which, more or less, is just you playing against randomly leveled computer opponents. Personally, I'd rather play against a team of 3 level 9s vs me than play against some random opponent(s) that'll result in nothing of merit.

My guess is that somewhere there will be a repositiory of friend codes belonging to anybody worth their grain in salt in smash bros that you can find. One of biggest draws of the online play was to finally put an end to all the shit talking everybody on the internet did. Which is probably why this repository will eventually exist.

That's my two cents.
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Bah, I totally missed the draft...
It looks like my team isn't really all that terrible, though not very reliable either.
I guess I'll just have to watch a lot of football and build my team from the ol' waiver wire.
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Man...I thought I missed it but then I didn't...

We really can't afford to schedule it at a time where everyone can't make it. Significantly lessens any competition one might have.

Anytime M-F works for me though.
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Hrmmm...5 people will make for a really awful season.
Perhaps we should make this public if we don't get any more.
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I'm all signed up.
This year I shall return to my old name the Jotuns.
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You can find a lot of resources on fantasy football on the ol web. Just google it and go to any random site you find. Most likely you'll find something of use. The most important part, short of knowing the rules, is having a fair amount of knowledge about all the players; specifically offensive players.
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It's almost that time again. Last year we survived without anybody trying to rig the season and it was pretty fun. For some reason it's hard to get enough serious contenders but maybe this year will be different.

I am currently a two-time champion for this here event...can you dethrone me? Probably not. Haha.

Anyways, this is just a post to see who's down this year. If anybody wants to run the league this year let me know. I'll probably be very busy so I don't want to run it unless I have to.