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I don't think people are complaining about muse because of the money.
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Well, after the fact, governments, and power-centers-whatever, co-opt sources of non-violent change and distort their image to make it seem like they wanted to change the system to the current one, so as to prevent dissent.  This kinda shit definitely happens all the time with MLK, and Gandhi also!  Of course they don't support while it's happening, later they just try to be on the same side as the non-violent protesters.

It's harder to do that with violent protesters.
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They're anarchists.  They don't want a "representative" government.  They don't want centralized power!

It seems like these days no one even knows what Anarchism even is... ...or even that it exists.
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They are against institutionalized hierarchy and domination.
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In accompanying notes, the blogger said: "The police are using neo-fascists and policemen in plain clothes, with rocks and sticks, pretending to be demonstrators who are targeting either the demonstrators or vandalizing small shops and houses, trying to divert the climate and scare off the everyday citizens.

"The pictures are from Patra city, where Policemen in plain clothes and Neo Fascists were clashing with demonstrators AND caught vandalizing small shops in the city. This was confirmed this morning by the Mayor of city of Patra, this morning on a major TV channel (Alpha)."
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I was surprised there wasn't already a topic about this because this is pretty important...

Anyways, in short, some police basically shot a 15 year old kid in cold blood in Greece (according to witnesses), which trigged protests all over Greece.  Of course the protests are more related to the Greek government policy in general rather than just this isolated incident.  Oh man, I have to go so I can't say more...  I'll post more later maybe.

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Why did you think it was the weakest?
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I like Port Rubicon, and some parts of the other songs.  Overall it's a bit melodramatic, and the production quality kinda is too "good"; there aren't any imperfect sounds let in and I think it's not as interesting because of that.
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I'm seeing them at the Henry Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles.  It's like a 2 (maybe more, LA...) hour drive, but I'm going with a ton of friends, so it should be awesome.

Edit: I recently discovered Battles, and they are amazing.
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Gonna see animal collective in January, so pumped.
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I'm procrastinating right now.. ...but I think I'm going to do one the things which I'm supposed to do right after this post.  Hopefully.

Edit: all of
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yeah leslie holie, or whatever the fuck his name is, is probably the worst thing to happen to pt besides wilson needing to have a MESSAGE and pulling one of out his ass
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not if they rub steak on their vagina
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I wouldn't date someone who wasn't a vegetarian because I don't want to taste their meat-lips.
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a number
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Thank you, I think that's it!
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There was this really STRANGE game I remember for a while ago, it was an rpg of some sort and it was all about preventing the game from starting or something (I hardly remember).

Something I do remember:
-Strange title which was not a real word, might've started with O or Q.
-Lots of bizarre custom graphics.
-cut scenes done with pictures
-a CBS with atb meters that where not straight and instead twisted in a bunch nonsensical directions.  Also the battle back drop was always revealed to be a stage at the end of the battle.

The main thing I remember was it's unusualness and non-senseness.
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