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This topic makes me want to buy a microwave just to superheat water. And just out of curosity, what would happen if you superheated other liquids? Coke? Milk? I want to know.
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I'm planning on making another project now. Though I have a few questions.

And your questions are?
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Is there a way I can disable WPC altogether?

you could try running your pc in safe mode and see if that disabes the blocks, just tap f8 when you turn pc on an select "safe mode with networking"
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you could try running your pc in safe mode and see if that disabes the blocks, just tap f8 when you turn pc on an select "safe mode with networking"
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Im going to give you the benifit of the doubt and assume that you really do have some sort of weird browser/connection problem.

My suggestion is this. Throw your game onto a cd or pendrive and go somewhere with a regular connection, then upload your game from there. You can also try a different browser like Firefox since you seem to be having problems with your current IE configuration.


Pen drive/cd+internet cafe=sucess
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The sound on the ipod classic is great, my friend has one, but to be honest any decent mp3 player will have good sound as long as the headphones are decent. Unfortunatly a lot of mp3 players have shite headphones. Any good brand eg ipod/sony/archos will be ok.

I cant stand ipods cause of the wheel control method. I hate it and would never buy one. ipod touch is another matter but they are expensive and if you want it for music only it's a bit of a waste.

Good luck.
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What's going on?

Generally proxys don't support javascript.
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Why talk about ipod/itunes? Evangel has said he's not interested.

If you live in the UK check out your local sainsburys I got a Sony NWZ-A728 8gb for £30. If not you can get one from amazon/ebay for about £50-£60

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A sence of acheivement is one.
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Why is he called Donkey when there is nothing donkey about him.

There are several theries

1) it was supposed to be Monkey Kong but a mistake was made by nintendo and the name stuck

2) Shigeru Miyamoto, the character's creator, used the English word "donkey" to evoke the animal's stereotypical stubbornness. (There was no translation error; the game has the same name, "Donkii Kongu", in Japan.) "Kong" is because, in Japan, "King Kong" has become a generic term for any large ape.
Thus, Donkey Kong is a stubborn large ape.

3) Due to traslation error.

The second one is true I think


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The 1st DKC wasn't that hard, I Never did beat 2 or 3 though. gonna go play 2 now will def finish it this time. I kept my snes for this game. The second on was easily the best and everyone seems to agree. Best platformer ever? Not a hope in hell. INAGASMW.


There is an DKC2 editor so you can make your own DKC game.

INFO HERE: http://www.smwcentral.net/?p=thread&id=24705


After poking around, there is apparently a DKC hack. Not sure if its a full hack or just a single level/world
GO HERE: http://www.smwcentral.net/?p=thread&pid=480435
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like I ever read topics properly. Or even care. Fuckin' necro posters.
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Urk. I thought we got rid of these "im leaving GW topics" I haven't seen one in a while. Didn't we used get one or two a week? If you wanna leave then go. We don't care, unless you give us free stuff. Then stay.
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@Vellfire - Nope. I live in the UK. Normally I go to Pizza GOGO  'cause its local to me. The bases there are NICE. Gonna give Papas a try next week tho.

@Maximo - Find another girl to get pizza with.

Pizza is perfect "munchie food" for after hitting too much weed. As an added bonus if your high you almost have an excuse for hanging out the window and shouting "pizza dude!" when it's delivered.
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no, im serious i wanna play that call of latios game... has that come out yet or is there even a demo?

Are you living in a timewarp or something? There haven't been any pokemon topics since mid 2004 which incidently is when Pokemon Call Of Latios was last mentioned anywhere. The word "cancelled" springs to mind.
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On an unrealated note, are the Pizzas at Papa Johns any good? In comparison to Pizza Hut or Dominos for example. They've just opened a branch near me and I have some buy one get one free vouchers...
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Valkirie Profile
Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia

And if your really lucky Lufia: curse Of The Sinistals will be out this year. A remake of Lufia 2 on the snes except in 3D and is an action RPG instead of turn based. The Japanese version plays well so I can't wait for the English localisation.
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Just a note: when I suggested he try something new i wasn't putting him (or rm2k3) down. It was just a suggestion. nothing more.
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if you really good in rm2k3 why not try something not in rm2k3 so you can expand your skills. How abou a ABS similar to zelda/soulblazer in multimedia fusion 2?