• PipPipPipPipPipPipPip
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No one is saying that, if you feel you really need that dollar then nobody in the fucking world is going to fault you for not giving it. There's more of a stigma attached to giving money (you're a sucker) than just passing by them. That's because a stunning majority simply pass by the needy.

Also, as it has been pointed out a few times, you are neglecting some pretty fundamental issues when you pass it off as "laziness" and say they should just go get a job like me. mental illness, circumstances that have put them there, the fact that getting a job without a permanent address or phone number is incredibly difficult, a lack of storage for their stuff when they do go to a job, those are only the most obvious.

Also it's funny that we hold "nicer clothes than me" against people. They may have had a home or wealth at some point, but even more importantly why are we holding them having suitable clothes against them? At least the are spending some of what they get on needs??? Having nice clothes is also important when being interviewed.
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giving money to beggars is essentially ENABLING or whatever you wanna call it. it's not something you can feel good about. food is fine tho

I've given money to a strangers twice. I think both of them were beggars, but I'm not sure about the first one. he seemed like a confused old guy and he only wanted a few quarters. he said he only needed this many more to get a ticket home, and he had all the other quarters lined up in his hand. could have been a ruse or could have been the truth doesn't matter

the second time was kind of embarrassing. it was this gross shirtless young guy and he asked me for change. I made the mistake of looking at him so, unable to say no, I opened up my wallet to show I only had a couple bucks and say I needed em to get home. but somehow money weaseled its way in there. 5 would get him something to eat, and when he saw the extra one in there he said it would send him home. so I gave him all six dollars and I still feel kinda bad about it. not about the money you dope it's just six dollars, I feel bad about being dumb and giving into this guy who's just gonna go hassle another person
ever hear of this great book. it's called atlas shrugged
Do you mean enabling in the sense of habits? That's something I really haven't had to deal with since it really isn't prevalent in Madison, WI. Maybe drinking but there really isn't a question that a large portion of the homeless here are mental health cases. Still, I think the reality is it happens and you weigh the chance it does more harm than good against the hope they'll at least spend something on needs. Are there more effective ways to ensure it gets to people in need? Maybe, but clearly these people aren't getting the help they need now. If the concern is you may give it to someone who doesn't need it then you are going to have a hard time finding who is the neediest. That's a road which will require being judgmental and people will only go so far as to satisfy themselves in this regard (Seaweed decided men in suits cannot be in need but someone who looks needy (rags??) are in need, he feels good without second guessing that this person may simply be better at getting money from you). I guess what I'm saying is you can give it to someone who is asking right then and there on I guess HOPE I dunno or spend time trying to find the best candidates to receive your help which kinda misses the point of "just giving." Family members and friends give to each other all the god damn time and it goes to shit like video games frequently, but we become overly concerned if we give money (small amounts) to someone we don't know... because we don't know that it'll go to something more valuable than video games

Also is feeling good even a part of it? A lot of times I give out of guilt and only feel doubt afterwords. Usually I walk away from the situation feeling pretty uncomfortable

But if you mean enabling in terms of the practice of begging, then uhhhh I dunno what to say beyond it's no less a worthwhile way of trying to get money than working. If the expectation is that beggars are only trying to slack their way through life and take advantage of other people's kindness, then the same can be said about a lot of people who work for a living. So much comes at other people's expense in the system. But I think that's more directed at seaweed than you.

Also haha there have been like 6 replies now
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That right there is an instant classic, Ghoul. It hits all the main points, should  consider putting it in a facebook note asap, "$$ is god"

Also why is their some stipulation that people are only worth giving money to if they eventually get a job? Giving money to someone on the street isn't about inspiring them or encouraging some ideal, it's about recognizing your own secure humanity, and the remote chance that buck makes a difference. You give it knowing full well it may be spent unwisely or simply to reinforce a bad habit. If you are going to gripe over that kind of thing then go out of your way to find a donation you trust or better yet ask if you can get them a sandwich or something to eat. Smart people will guilt you into buying them a sandwich rather than even ask for cash.

The not getting a job thing and PRIDE and DIGNITY are all bs you are attaching to them. here we have a lot of people who have been on the street since one of the mental health institutions shut down. Also also they stay in the same spot because they have shit they can't leave unattended, people without homes have a very difficult time protecting their stuff and lacking a permanent address also hurts your chances at getting a job.
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Thanks guys, I used a proxy and I could view the site so I must not remember doing something against the rules??
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I miss him so fucking much, thanks for posting that here. It's been really hard to care about anything else the last couple weeks maybe this will help
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eek is 'also' but it's eek the noise people make when I spook 'em
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Actually no Dr Manhattan comments! Most people who missed it also said blue ghandi, which yea I see too. Your Hero I was Blue Man Tobias from Arrested Development. And yea that's a shaved head
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I ended up cutting the mustache to size

Also this was me beforehand
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and all the other naming stuff is my favorite
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Happy Ghoal-a-days!!!

With the Twin's losses finally wearing off I can start thinking about baseball again. MMObaseball is pretty bland and dominating SimDYnasty free leagues sucks because no matter how complete my team is I get swept in the WS.

I always kinda wanted to try What If Sports (hardball Dynasty) and now seems like a good time to hop into a Something Awful league because 1) They are starting a brand new league that is private (I guess a public league will have a bunch of people trying to fleece you in every trade) 2) The baseball posters there are really nice/helpful and want new people to join.

It costs real money though (though $16 covers 3 months) and it looks like it can be a big time commitment. Give the thread (PM me if you can't read it and I'll sure my SA account details) and the site (http://www.whatifsports.com/hbd/Pages/Main/) a look and hey maybe it'll catch your eye too!

that man is the ruination of all things good in the universe :(
Including Adam Eaton! (He stabbed himself in the gut once, opening a dvd). The whole Orioles rotation going into this year though was somewhat of a shit show
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Load of crud--Drugs are illegal because they make people ill and cause brain isses!

It begs the question: Has anyone been more wrong about everything than Taft?
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*stares intently at xFIP data*

Hmm, yes.... Adam Eaton still sucks.. interesting