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Finished coding the "Sight See" Ability, Its mostly used for puzzles and finding hidden truesure outside of battle.



The fog has a zoom effect that loops
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Ignore the empty maps, there just testing ares, anyway my first attempt at lighting overlays.

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Mecha Sonic in Sonic 2 on megadrive, there are no rings so you get hit once you die, it took me a ages as a kid to beat him :mad:
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Torchlight, currently playing a Hardcore Alchemist on very hard.. good times :woop:
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I got up to the Mike Tyson fight and felt like crying in the corner.
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The starting town, as of right now it has no NPCs (because i haven't finished the first batch yet) and still need to add a few extra details.

Works fine except the fact that when ever i move the cursor the hero moves  :mad:
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That looks really good, although the font is a little hard to read, maybe making the menu a little bit darker could help. :shrug: Still over all its visually appealing with no wasted space so that’s a plus
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Question time, which is better, Title A or Title B

Title A

Title B
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Well for my game I have planned a few different methods for a Class system, but before I start work on them I have a few questions regarding this subject.

1. Do people even give a hoot about Class systems anymore or are you discouraged by them?
2. If a game did have one would you prefer to be able to change classes at will or a "One choice and you’re stuck with it" system?
3. Exactly how should the Class system impact the game in your view, for example, like FFV where the story seems to revolve around it or more like an extra add-on?
4. Do you prefer classes to be restricted to what kinds of equipment they can use or do you prefer more freedom in that department?
And finally
5. Should Class skills be learnt as you level up or acquired though other means? (Such as buying them with Points or the like)

If you could share your thoughts on this matter it would help greatly. Thanks
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I read all the replies I got for my last CBS screenshot and honestly I agreed with allot of point people said so I am doing it again, The new look I’m working on is much cleaner, less clutters and bloated, I just started work on the new CBS and almost done with the HUDs and the Soul Gauge (Which has had a little work done to it)

The Monster that is almost invisible is acutely glowing white, its dose this when you are selecting a monster to attack.
Coding is going at a good rate; still have things to do in the real world so a working battle system should be done sooner or later, hopefully.
After I finished the HUD and command window I’m going back to do more monsters as well as the rest of the hero’s.

And for an actual screen shot a chest message box, the map is just a test map so ignore that. Five pictures needed
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Well I have been doing some more coding for the CBS and redesigned a few parts, so far I got the Party hud almost done and the Monster Hud is almost done, parts of the command windows done and some other bits, anyway here’s a look at what I’am working towards.

The SG (Soul Gage) replaced the Combo system due to how overpower it made the party, its similar to a limit system but instead one of the SG cells will fill up every time you kill a foe, then once it fills the attack command is replaced with a new command that contain powerful spells that do a variety of stuff, but each cost a certain amount of SG cells.
Also changed the command windows location and a minor redesign to it, Changed the Enemy window to now show there LP, though you still don’t see their EN, also made it so when you are selecting a foe to attack or whatever their name in the window will glow (so you know whose bar is whose).
Apart from that it’s mostly the same, though I doubt I’ll have a demo out any time soon. :sad:
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That looks pretty good Gongo. Good old refmaps days. By the way the font and numbers are pretty hard to see because of the colors you've chosen. You may one want it to be more easily readable. It's a good thing you've added an HP bar though which definitely helps.

I could make the background colour of the boxes a little darker for them to stand out more but I don’t want it to dark, I’ll give it a shot
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flying spaghetti monster did it.
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This is a mock up of the final CBS I’m making but some of it is coded (and by some I mean very little :sad:​) I just filled in the missing parts. also every single monster and boss will be fully animated (idle, status effects, multiple attacking animations ect) and when a monster dies it doesn’t disappear, instead it stays which will let other monsters revive them (And most undead monsters revive themselves after five turns if any other monsters are still alive).
I also got rid of Mana and replaced it with Energy, it works like this, Attacking cost 15 En, That characters En will increase by 15 points and will slowly deplete, once it reaches 0 that character can perform an action, monster also use En though you can’t see there’s.
I’m also planning for a combo system (known as stacking).
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Well my hard drive literally died and I had to get it replaced :sad: and the sad thing is my last backup was before I finished the menu, so I got to work on a new one and already I have problems but here it is thus far.

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I’m not sure if it’s just my crappy internet but the link for Naufragar Crimson & EX seems to be down, for me at least. Does anyone have a working link to it?
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I have done another redesign for the menu, And have placed the LP digits back on the front page.
And placed the battle character sheet there as well (for the mean time the placeholders that I made in less then a day). They stand idle if they have no status effects and some LP left, do there status pose if afflicted with one and there death pose if there dead :blarg:

And an idea I have, When you talk to NPCs a speech bubble appears in the message box, If its a smiley face you finished a quest or the like, a ... is just plain talk and the ! is shown when a NPC is giving you a quest

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Well I made a new look for the menu & message box, and I’m going to redo a lot of the menu (there’s ALOT of empty space so I’m going to shrink it to make it look cleaner)

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@Mr Weird Guy
 That looks awesome, Reminds me of Gradius (now that was a great game)
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@Chipotle, @Dis
 Yes you're right, I’m going to put the characters battle animation there that will change depending on his current condition (such as low on health, status conditions) :fogetcool:
the reasons its empty is I haven’t started the battle character sheet (right now I’m using edited FF ones for testing)