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i cant tell if you guys are joking or not hahaha
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aer your capitalization is lawless
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i know ive said this before but jesus christ dday
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wow i didn't know that was you omcifer

welcome back
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RIP mr. magoo
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I would like to suggest we all revert to our original screen names

also i'm pretty surprised to see saltw.net because I thought the entire point was for the better URL
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so is that all the characters?

cause seriously this game is total shit without pheonix wright
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Mateui I feel like I should thank you for going to see the movies I want to see and saving me the trouble of being disappointed
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holy shit dday
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Hi guys. Just a little problem for me here, not totally reliant on responses but it'd be cool to see what you guys think.

I noticed back in december before I started touring with a band, while I was at work I rubbed my hand over my right lower back and felt a tiny lump. I didn't think anything of it but casually acknowledged it was there for months, thinking it was a cyst or a fat clump or something and would go away.
It's about the size of a pea I think, and seems to be under the surface of the skin, if I had to guess, and not part of the muscle. It moves a little bit, and by now it is prominent enough that I can feel it just by brushing my hand back there.

The problem is, I have been to a doctor (a PA actually) who said she could feel anything and assured me it was probly just fat or muscle from straining my back. Not sure how she manages to predict something like this when she genuinely did not even see what I was in for but whatever.
I have had my friend feel for it, my mom, my girlfriend, and my guitar player, and nobody can feel this thing and subsequently tells me not to worry. Of course that only worries me more (im not terribly worried to begin with) because I'd be pretty pissed if it turned out to be serious and nobody could find it.

I'm pretty sure it's not a cyst because it's been there for like a year, and what prompted me to make this post is that I felt a sharp pain in it a few days ago, suggesting it's not fat or muscle.

The inherent problem, I think, is whether the thing exists at all. I do have a bit of a paranoid history. Nothing huge, but I had a bit of a breakdown in highschool, though I never saw a doc or anything, I had been convinced that everyone was talking about me behind my back. Irrelevant maybe, but my biggest fear is that this could be a genuine mental illness rather than a physical, and the fact that I am even considering it seems to reinforce.

So I guess any opinions you guys feel like sharing would be cool. I am considering in the next few weeks going in and demanding an ultrasound or something.
thanks dudes
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is devil good or watchable? I had to pick between that and resident evil and I think I fucked up

well I know I fucked up butdamn that shit was horrible

i thought devil was decent, not great by any means but i had the same choice you did and i don't regret it

is resident evil good? it just looks like laughable garbage to me, but i keep hearing more and more that it's good which is kind of shocking because afaik it's only resident evil by name now
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jersey shores
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SY is a band I always mean to look into and never do, but people i have respect for musically always tell me Washing Machine is the best
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i do this a lot unintentionally and im working on it because like you said it makes you hard to be around.
also i am alone like 75% because of my work schedule so analyzing people and things they say, particularly in text, leads down this horrible road of paranoia and anxiety and it seriously not a good thing.

i am def. working on this; when i do it i admit i do feel superior in probably an unjustified way because i am no genius of any kind, but people just really don't fucking like being picked apart. i think i am good at it because i think quickly but it is also imperfect and i tend to draw conclusions too quickly and i often miss things.

tbh i think it kind of kills the fun of being part of a community (maybe i think this because i am alone so often). i very much like learning about people through conversation and stuff.
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andrew w.k.
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Holy shit thank you hundley, neil hamburger is gonna be in omaha in 2 days...

id have been so pissd if i had heard about this afterwards

maybe gw actually can serve a purpose...
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god damnit is PBR hipster now?
i swear to god this sounds like the plot of a south park episode but i can totally see this "hipster" witch-hunt turning out to be a ploy put together by the clothing industry and other markets that cater to young adults/tweens

i have had the same haircut since highschool and all of a sudden i have a "justin berbie" haircut

don't even acknowledge this site it is about as innovative as "h-date" or any of the good forum ads
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I feel like there's nothing to it save the gimmick itself.

The musicians themselves have probably not even heard it all the way through.
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i recall making a topic similar to this, and dietcoke took the reigns then too

i am starting to think this guy is serious
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trying to beat scott pilgrim on xbla, but jesus this game is hard