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@ Kaempfer:
Thats all the information there is to display save for a few flyout menus. and whats wrong with the portrait size? it's not like they overlap anything, if something that is bigger than that side bar needs to be displayed then I'll have a flyout menu. it will all be short cut based too.

@ Tomato:
Yeah I'll be porting it over as I make it.

Thanks for the comments doods.
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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so would this mean images would get resized to fit posts? I kinda like having the forum take up all of my screen :/
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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This is what I am working on. Best followed elsewhere, same place as my future tutorials on Lite-C.

that's pretty sweet dude, but I thought you gave up on lite-c : O
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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This seems to happen every time we get a new admin...
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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kinda more creepy than happy though >.>
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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oh oh oh aren't Dietcoke and Dogchode69 the funny guys, voting on every one.

my favorite out of all the consoles I've had would be the ps2, I think
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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Wii sucks, I'm glad I don't have one anymore.

I didn't see the Metroid trailer, but I do know Golden Sun DS is going to be incredible. For me, that is the best thing that came out of this.

holy crap that announcement just made my day

no scratch that, it made my year
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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this looks really uncomfortable to use :S

@Ed: that one looks way freaking better.
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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Isn't 40 minutes enough time for rigger mortis to set in?

thats pretty crazy.
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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Did this remind anyone else of Jak and Dexter?

Also looks kinda cool.
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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@Ephiam  I like the system but within the text "alot" is two words "a lot"

@K-hos  not too sure what's going on here, looks interesting though.  What's it made in?

Lite-c, and yeah it's a bit hecktick in that shot :p
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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sprites are rips for now :>
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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@Mister Big T, Dude, if you go through the trouble of drawing that (I'm assuming you drew that) why do you let it get resized like that? :S it totally kills the pic man.
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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dats some friggin' anime wallpaper

do you ever get a lil embarrassed or self-conscious whenever anyone sees that?

Yes |:
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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I use Star dock for my dock and the icons are all custom but the left 3, and I don't remember where I got my wallpaper.
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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You need a projector for this? yeah thats practical :/
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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Man now link looks like even more of a dweeb \:

the train better be able to hop...
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V