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I don't know what's up with you people.  FF12 was awesome.

...wait, isn't this topic about FF13?
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@Jaffer: Looks all right for early development, but I think you should show us the enemies getting turns, as well.  Fatal Strike sounds broken, but I don't exactly know the mechanics of your game, either.   :o

@Thernz: Dude, you abandoned THAT?  It was amazing.  o_O;

@koaangel: You made that in RM2k, huh?  Now I'm all curious as to how it plays...  Most people can't seem to program their way out of a paper bag in RM2k, after all, so it'll be interesting to see how you've pulled this off.

@Corfaisus: I like it, but I think I've seen more epic mapping from you.  It's a civilized place, though, so I guess you can't go too crazy.   ​

@Sanosuke: Your game...intrigues me.  What are you coding it in?

@Captain Goodluck: The maps are mostly Metroid graphics, particularly from the two GBA games.  The submarine is from Yoshi's Island...  Not sure about the enemies, but I do recognize a few as rips.
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My problem with this is that there is no reason to make a sub-par ABS in 2k3 when you have, well, better tools available.

Oh, I'm not saying it's a crowning achievement and the game to end all games or anything.  I'm merely remarking on the fact that unlike about 99% of RM2k/3 projects, there seems to be an actual noticeable bit of effort put into this.  I couldn't really criticize it offhand, so I simply gave some praise.
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Wow, AFD...  That is seriously awesome for RM2k/3.  And you say it's from early in the game?  I can only imagine what else you've got in store...

Keep up the good work.  :D
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I am making a game that I have several different job classes that I can easily implement within the rm2k3 engine without too much coding:

Not to be a raging dick or anything, but if you're looking for the easy way out, game design may not be the best undertaking for you.

Every single class you outlined comes from Final Fantasy, so I say just to go with what's in those games if you're establishing some kind of theme.  In that case, check out these games for class ideas:

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I wasn't referring to the speed of the animation, rather the number of frames comprising the animations.  It makes some of the movements look over-exaggerated, is all.
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Well, though the animations are choppy (an artifact of focusing on programming, I'm sure), I'm really happy to see that your project is still coming along well, Gutts.  I figured RM2k3 might eventually get the best of you on such a system, but you've managed to keep it together and make it work.  I salute ya'.  :)
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Though I favor the font used in title B, I much prefer the darkness of title A.  It's a tough call, really, but if I must choose: title B.
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Other.  Depends on my mood, mostly, but more often than not, I want the names to make an impression.

I'd probably only do the Fire/Fire2/Fire3 scheme if I were working with a limited amount of space like Square was with the first six or so Final Fantasy titles.
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@Jr: Go find the font fix patch.  Also, change "hone" to "honing" or "to hone"; "somewhere" also needs an "e" after the "m."  :)
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I love it, Nessiah.  Simple, yet you obviously know what you're doing.  Minor syntax nitpicks: change one of the "shoots" in your help text to "fire" or "blast" or something, and either throw an "and" in there for the last part (so it reads "and slow to shoot") or turn the series into three sentences.  This'll help it read better and make it look a bit more professional, I think.   ​

Wow, I'm actually excited.  I've yet to find a single RMXP/VX project to get excited about, but this one makes me happy.  You have now condemned yourself to finishing this.  :b
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If they're dying as soon as the map loads, it's probably because this process is activated while all of those variables are still set to 0, meaning that they're all equal, meaning that they die instantaneously.  To fix it, you need to have that first box of code you pasted run BEFORE that final one that is on a parallel process.
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Damn, you must be pretty ripped, then.
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It's not that old, is it?  xD

I wish I could make a video of the platformer I tried to create, but the software I currently have disables my "accept" keys for some strange reason.  - -;;;
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No, I completely "get" what he's talking about.  It IS ludicrous to code a platformer into RM2k/3.  I've attempted it myself.  It's not worth it.
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Though I understand your sentiments, Lackeos, the majority of what you've outlined deal with simple preferences rather than actual improvements over RM2k/3, which uses a specific format that works more than adequately with homebrew RPG creations.

I'm from the camp that if your game needs __________, but you aren't going to make an effort to learn to do ________ yourself, then you have an obligation to what you create to get it done by someone who knows what they are doing.

Agreed, good sir.  I believe such a quote is sig-worthy.
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Why would you ever make a platformer in RM2k3? It's like juicing an orange by squeezing it when a juicer is readily avaliable.

I thought it was pretty obvious that he was making some kind of clone of Tales' linear motion battle system, which wouldn't be completely unheard of in RM2k/3.

No, it's like juicing an orange with your feet while the juice gets pumped directly into your eyes.

Do you even listen to yourself?
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By using something more flexible ?

You misunderstand.  What are the specific improvements?
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Handy enough to know anything that looks half interesting in rpgmaker would be better on something else

I'm quite curious as to how you would make an RPG "better" over a format that is specifically designed for the genre.
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Personally, I don't really care where graphics come from as long as they're used well.  The stigma of ripped/default graphics is simply that if the creator is slacking in the graphics department, he is most-likely slacking in other departments, as well.  It's a giant red flag for anyone who hasn't been following a project for any length of time.

Quote from: Corfaisus
Though I am curious, where did this "RTP is horrible no matter what, and it shows that you're just some lazy, stupid 9 year old for using it" bullshit start? Have there honestly not been enough games that use RTP good to justify using it?


Quote from: Mr.
Using RPGMaker shows you're too lazy to use anything else to make more interesting games and therefor your game should just be avoided anyway
Quote from: Mr.
while you lament the effort(or lack of) into making a game on something that terrible

Someone isn't very handy with RPG Maker, I take it.