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One of the best sound archives I ever came across was the one from Ragnarok Online. All you need to do is download and install it, and quite possibly you can grab the wavs straight from one of the folders in its installation directory. There is a slight chance that you need a simple ripping program to extract them from a different type of file. I am not exactly sure though, as it has been such a long time since I did it myself.

Anyone looking for a collection of generic sound effects and especially game specific should check it out.
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This season has been ridiculously close! This week has the potential to completely upend the standings. Hopefully I can use this week to keep climbing the ranks.
The enlightened posse appears to be on the cusp of a phenomenal comeback, a win against philly styles would definitely assert that climb.
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C                               O                               P                               Y                               P                               A                                S                                 T                                  E

Copy/pasting a bunch of spaces is an incredibly easy way to space the letters.
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Well, I don't typically work with brushes except for roughing in sketches 99% of the time, so whenever I work with the brush I usually just set up the parameters on the stroke  itself and use those settings throughout the sketch. Obviously this isn't what you're needing to do with the brush, but I felt we shared a similar issue in the brush not initially maintaining the parameters it was set to.

So to answer your question the best I can; when my brush reverts to something other than what I was using, it is always the basic preset that it ends up on. And the best way I can avoid my brush reverting is to direct select a brush stroke on the stage. After that the parameters on my active brush will be preserved until I do something drastic like start making shapes of different colors or changing the color and stroke settings on my pen tool. But in reality I don't actually have saved versions of the brushes I usually use. I just adjust them on the fly and trash them after that.
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I'm not sure exactly your problem or the solution you're looking for, or if any of that still needs solving, but....

When I'm drawing with the brush and specify the settings, I can also draw only once before it reverts. The best way I have found to rectify this in my work flow is to choose the direct select tool (A), select the drawn brush stroke with it, and then revert back to my brush tool (B). This seems to keep the brush settings to whatever settings were on the image I direct selected before swapping tools. It's still kind of annoying, but it gets the job done with relatively little interruption.
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I don't think Juris is wrong in saying that science is a social convention, because in effect, before it is law, it is convention. There are only a handful of applied laws, and science to a great extent owes its foundation to these laws. Beyond that, just about every area of science has gray areas that are being decided upon and rewritten by scientists regularly. An excellent example of this can be found in paleontology and geology, both of which have never actually formalized proper groupings and dating of significant events in their respective fields of study.

Even so, it is fair to argue that science as a whole is more firmly grounded than most of what we would consider a social convention. The fact that it takes a consensus of educated scientists to tell us fact from fiction in utterly complex situations, however, speaks to the socially ingrained merits of science as a whole.
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haha I'm dumb. forgive my stupidity. Not sure how I forgot about that whole linking whoever is reading the topic thing...
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Lately, I've been thinking about

 Remember that old fad? :laugh:

haha, when was I a fad? All I do is lurk, play fantasy football, and randomly comment on stuff.
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haha, what what!

I'm just kicking myself because I intended to grab him in all my leagues, but let him slip in every one but this one.
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that works for me, thanks
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I suppose I could be more specific in that I would like to voice my opinion that the draft be moved outside the 3rd-6th. This is one of few drafts I play consistently and I'd like to fully participate if possible. Any time after the 6th, and even late on the 6th I'd be able to make. So as far as that's concerned I'm pretty flexible.
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Hey I totally can't make the draft that weekend, I will be out of town..
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whoa! haven't been here in a while. nearly forgot! I am down to play
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Dogfish head 90 minute is definitely my favorite beer too!

Coming in at a close, but different, second, and one I haven't been able to get my hands on in a while, is crooked tree ipa by Darkhorse brewery.

I'm also fortunate enough to live right 'round Lagunitas Brewing company, so their ipa is on tap everywhere.
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what these two frisco net companies? Give me links bro i want SF fashion for sure.

also you live in SF? I love that place. One of the best atmospheres of any city.


These be the stores. And yeah, I live in SF. Not technically, but I work there, and thus basically live there. I chill about a 15 minute drive from the city tho.

I agree that it has a ballin' atmosphere. Very social, and accepting. Tons of stuff to do too.

I actually moved there from Madison, WI back in November for work.
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Online shopping is the shit! How else would I get a sweet ass hoodie like this one?

Interestingly enough, the two places I typically get stuff from are both independent companies based in San Francisco. Which I live in now, but never shop in. Main point here is that going to stores is a waste of time.

also, it might be less effeminate to wear some of the women's clothes on yesstyle than the "men's".

edit: that imagination site is crazy awesome. I'm definitely gonna get a shirt from there, although it's hard to pick which one. The simpler designs are without question the way to go. I'm diggin the einstein one or the one with the dude exhaling a universe.
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We  just pushed our game live!

I was/am the lead artist on this (ongoing) Zynga (farmville, mafiawars) project, and it has been quite a crazy experience thus far. I've learned a ton about what it means to be a manager/director in these short three months, and no doubt sharpened some art and flash skills along the way. I don't personally believe that these social games are all that fun, but I do think that our team did a good job at making it as enjoyable as possible. I encourage you all to check it out, and share your opinions through review on facebook, or here, or wherever.


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also from the grave
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aww yeah, Fuck you!!!
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I got more but this will do for a start