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i like the sound of it,,,
but where is the story?
or is is a sim'-style game?
wait, is it a RPG-making engine?
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i would try it... but if there are two things i hate about games, they are lag and non-adventure battle system...
but thats just me.
the rest of it looks and sounds good C=
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i have to try this (tales west)
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it looks good,,,
but is the resolution static,,,
or can you make it -- higher?

hmmm... maybe... nooooo

maybe its just this crappy ten year old monitor...

the world may never know
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  Hi peeps,,, I'm back
as some people may know, my last "game" was a disaster.
i thought that i could get away with writing some mediocre story and just take it from there;
well if you are reading this and you are a beginner,,,
yeah i don't know what to put right there,,,
lol anyways,

i have improved greatly with the practice (and the fact that i have no PC)
so i sat down with an idea I've had for a while,
and until i have completed this whole written project,,,
I'm going to keep updating, chapter by chapter.
eventually I'll also add in the pictures of characters i have drawn,,,
well, I'm going to stop droning on, just read and critique,,,
*attempts to bow and falls on face*

Chapter 1
[/b]General Harlem is creating a new, synthetic city of life, and is leaving the old one that has survived for seven generations behind, burnt to the ground. The only thing that survived was one building with the final soul slave, Vera. This building is virtually indestructible. Vera searches around the small cell for any clue of his whereabouts. Because Vera's soul was subdued to the seed of life that kept the city of life's nature abundant, he was no longer mortal, nor was he immortal. His eyes were stricken with darkness like a possessed civilian, his thin clothing was torn and shredded from the energy released before. Once Vera locates a manual to the laws of the true-land's nature, and also an empty journal along with an Atlas of the three "topographical continents" (meaning each was located at a different altitude, sort of like heaven, earth, and hell), all inside of a bag, he ventures into the next room searching for any other clues (keep in mind that since the building is virtually indestructible, it is equal to a prison) and discovers a bridge (portal) to each region. Vera enters it and finds himself standing beside the god of inequality, Karma, in the above-lands. Attacked by body guards, Vera is prosecuted, but they only believe that Vera is loony, so he is dropped into a nearly deserted village via dragon, where the only resident is a lonely samurai. With a few kind words, Vera is given sentimental clothing, but only after learning to commandeer a scythe with passion and technique.

That's the end of chapter 1, note that most of the stuff in there is unnamed, so i don't make a mistake later, so keep in mind that everything is yet to be named.
well that's about it, just comment and feel free to ask questions,
one more thing: the first chapter obviously didn't unveil much of the story, i know,
but i know where i am going with this.
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My CMS is almost ready, but the reason I am going so slow is because I just ordered a sound card because my old one was [metaphorically] a piece of shit, and I got a crack for the full rpg maker XP but it won't let me open it unless I have direct X sound, so I'm just waiting for the sound card to come in the mail, because RM2K3 is just not going to cut it anymore. [I know, I've been at it for sooo long...[Sarcasm]]
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Does anyone know where I can get some good hero graphics for an ABS?

[ One ][/ One]
[ And ][/ And]
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I agree with Vellfire, even though I have never thought of it that way, props to you

Also, I have now gotten serious, and will finish this game, but I have realized how long it takes to even make just the story in the game (The demo, excluding all of the features, side missions, and NPC's) takes a ton of time and patience, so I know it will not be done by tomorrow, but I will release a demo of the demo if someone would tell me how to, but hang in there, and all of you will be in the credits under "Special Thanks", and one more thing, when I am done with the game using downloaded resource art, I will replace all of it with original art, so I need a spriter, and maybe a map creator.
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Somthing I thought of while writing:
I am also making a demo of the game as I go, I thought it could help me find out what is too obvious and doesn't look right. I have finished the Intro, and I am about to start on the "Rise of Action", and work on the story for atleast two hours a day, everyday until I have the complete game, that way all of the sequels fall into one big game that will one day be released as one download, and btw, if you are just now viewing this post, there will be atleast three sequels, or maybe even way more, like Final Fantasy (I have only played the ultra hardcore version, on Game Boy, which was not fun to play because it had such horrifying pixel art.)
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Hey, thanks, but...
*note*: before someone said I was twelve, everyone was just repeating the same thing, I didn't really get anything from that, and now you are just arguing about bullying, my OP was how to make a game from someone who has the experience, as in who has already made a game, now, I'm not saying that none of you are not pro's, so no offense, because I hardly know any of you, and the second reason was for pressure, some said "take it slow", but I am trying to create a routine of going through the processes of everything on a timed basis, then go back and rewrite as many times as neccesary so that everyone is honestly like "Wow! That is a beautiful story! Now, turn it into a game so that I'm interested in it! Until I have created a unique, cliche-less masterpeice that only losers complain about, so continue with the pressure so I go from  :laugh: to  :cry: to  :naughty:​, and then,  :woop:​, not like :sweat:​, or  :crazy:​, I will have my rough draft STORY by friday (pressure!!!)

I'm out!  :fogetcool:
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Hey, thanks billions for the help, today I sat down for two hours making a [very] rough draft, well actually more like an event log and the draft will be written tomorrow, Here it goes:

<>Agari is lost in the woods
<>Maura finds him and shows him the way to Luna Village
<>Agari recieves wooden sword and shield from Taliban
<>The next day Agari wakes up to find out that the town is gone
<>Agari sets out on his journey to find the people
<>Agari must wander through another forest
<>When he gets to Lankai village a man teaches him how to use his Aura
<>Agari must travel up a short path to Hironama
<>Prof.Caldell tells him that Rosumar probably kidnaped the villagers and took them to his home
<>Agari must go to and through the Giro Mountains to find them
<>Rosumar strangely gives them up without a fight
<>They all go home, while Agari crosses the bridge to Aranai to find out what is happening
<>All of the towns that he goes to are abandoned, except for the hidden city of Kasrai
<>There, a loon tells him to go to Yikarugi
<>Agari makes it there in time to discover that Mordak has taken over Kasrai also
<>Agari has to fight him, but Mordak still imprisons Agari and takes him to the Salem Mountains
<>Rosumar was the one who kidnaped everyone to keep them confused while Mordak searches for the sword of theives
<>Agari fights Rosumar, but when defeated he flees from the mountain
<>Agari must find his way out
<>At Yikarugi, Maura turns out to be one of Rosumar's recruits to set him up
<>After supposedly defeating Maura, Agari must go to the Obsidian Forest, Aura River, and the Lousen Sea to find the seven keys to the Song           of Thieves, an entirely new element that stands between fire, ice, and darkness
<>After doing that, the Sword of Thieves appears mysteriously
<>Agari ventures out to defeat Rosumar
<>Rosumar dropped one of the three bones after killing him, and one of them was given to Agari by his mom when she died
<>These bones are for The Cave of Passage that leads to a new country
<>All of the people returned home
<>Agari enters the trinity reserve to fight Maura agian
<>Maura steals the bones from Agari after he is almost defeated
<>He attempts to escape, but surprisingly the whole village is just outside of the reserve and so she drops the bones and runs away

That about wraps it up, tell me what you think

Name:The Song of Thieves
+Lots of side missions
+Over 100 beasts to fight
+This is the first of the trilogy
+Huge world to explore
+There is a whole other story through the Cave of Passage
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Hey, I have a quick question. I have an idea for a game, but I have no clue where to start. Can someone please tell me what order to make my game in and how to make a better plot.
Ex: Maps, Characters, Story, Etc...
Ex2: Intro cutscene, Journey, Training, Twist, Death of close one, Etc...

Although I want it to be a lot more detailed, like telling me how you made your game.

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