• *untis* *untis* ^
  • PipPip
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  • Joined: Feb 11, 2008
  • Posts: 247
has anyone done salvia divinorum

it's a type of sage that has unique psychoactive properties, but no biological risk at all. ideally, the only way you can have a problem with it is if you have a bad trip but if you've got a friend to watch over you and make sure the environment stays calm that isn't a problem. I'd like to try it but I've already said why I can't in the woym thread (this is where the IDEALLY comes into effect; some people have bad experiences with it, but this is the case with nearly every drug and probably every hallucinogenic)

It sounds pretty cool though, so I'd like to hear someone's experience with it. my friend had a cool story about his trip on it, I'll add it to this post tomorrow maybe
haha, I expected that to be some binaural beat shit

 A few friends of mine tried Salvia, and nothing happened. Where I live they sell it convenience stores, it supposedly sucks.
 Well heres the entire story since you claimed you wanted to hear about an experience with it:
You have to be 18 to buy it but the guy at the store near where I live barely understands english, so my friends bought some and I sat out while they smoked it. According to them nothing happened, waste of money imo.
How about no!? You are an idiotic version of a baboon.