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Yeah I've studied both electrical engineering and computer science before settling on computer engineering and although integration was pretty useless in computer science we did use it a lot in electrical engineering when figuring out curcuits. I don't know how much that is part of actual work but yeah it was really useful back then.

But don't take it the hard way that I assumed most people know how to do integrals! I don't really see why you guys are angry with me I was just telling dx that it's not a big deal at all to know basic integration, and it was meant to take him off his high seat not to piss off the majority of gw!
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what's ee, cpe and csc?

by low-level I don't mean low-level math I just mean that within the field of calculus integration is like the 2nd thing introduced after derivation?? I did not mean it is low-level math at all, just low-level calculus.
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and before you scoff and say UM THATS DUMB realize that calculus is completely worthless. seriously I was struggling to make a list of reasons why you should know algebra even and I had to include IMPRESS DUMB COLLEGE GIRLS and ITS ON THE GRE.
it's not as useless as, say, LINGUISTIC ALGEBRA (yes it exists). besides, as an engineer student, i use integrals a lot, within the fields of curcuit theory and statistics mostly, or using fourier transforms within the field of pictoral techniques. I do get what you mean that it's not useful in real life (Except as mathematical basis for the joke "Why can't x group be integrated? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO FUNCTION!! HO-HO"), but so is pretty much every field of study ever. If you're studying anything related to technology, however, it's pretty much one of your best aids.

Anyway, I was (no joke) under the impression that integration is high school material in most countries? Obviously I am mistaken, but normal integration is pretty low-level calculus (and low-level calculus is high-school syllabus as far as I know in most countries). Also ase Norwegian education is at a lower level than most countries, and we learn integrating in high school, so that's why I assumed they did it in other countries too.

Though yeah, I did not seriously think that everyone here knew it! I'm roughly assuming a bit more than half of gw are capable of doing it though (of the members that are out of high school, of course).


environmental science

This sounds like a pretty math-heavy study to me?? At least the ones who take it here (although it's called Energy & Environmental Science) have to take a shitload of physics and mathematics.
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I've been to Italy like seven times no joke. Stop by Lucca if you can that city is beautiful as hell also the Cinque Terre is an amazing walk you'll remember for the rest of your life if you take the time. Italy is most beautiful during summer though why are you going there now!

Also Venice is pretty cool, but be prepared for tiny and old fashioned hotels that cost a shitload. Also try feeding the pidgeons it is great fun.

When in Rome be sure to check out the pantheon and the ruins that lie close to the Colosseum. Also drop by the sixtine chapel in the Vatican. If you can go to Milano and go to the top of the dome. That's also one of the best experiences you can have while vacating in Italy.

All things considered I doubt there are many tourists there at this time of year so you'll likely be free to do all those things without a hassle.

But these three things you really have to do:
1. Visit Lucca/Luca, and stay for a day or two. Try walking on the city walls or just sit there drinking red wine and eating olives (this works best during summer, but is probably still fun).
2. Do the cinque terre hillside walk. As I said, it's amazing, and it's pretty much a coastal hill walk where you'll walk through four (or was it five?) villages that are all among the most beautiful villages ever.
3. Got to the top of either the dome in Milano or the Vatican. Both are amazing walks and really makes you feel alive, especially after the 300 or so steps to the top. I've done this quite a few times already and it's really worth it every time.

So yeah my dad is a sucker for Italy so we go there a lot. If you intend to visit Lucca or the Cinque Terre be prepared for not many people speaking English as opposed to Rome or Venice. In Lucca we couldn't find a single person that spoke English but I'm pretty sure they're there, especially since it's becoming increasingly popular as a tourist destination (although still underground).

Other than that...uh... venice is most definitely not beautiful, it just stinks absolutely horribly. The majority of italy is so very good but venice is awful.
I thought Venice was pretty cool since it's pretty much 17th century houses on a shitload of water and there's fucking bridges and boats EVERYWHERE. It's a really unique city but yeah it's a bit filthy but overall I thought it was rather great. Also the war museum is p. cool.
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nothing man, i wanted to be one of those guys that knows how to do math

but even steel knew how to do it..

even steel
everyone knows integration dude. i'd be shocked if there was a single member apart from S4D or something that can't do it. :(
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Just watched Lost Highway......
It's been a couple of years since I saw it, but I remember getting into my head that the dude that has this weird conversation with the main dude is his jealousy and that Dick Laurent is his evil side, that he thought was gone for good. I can't remember much from it but I thought it made a lot of sense at the time and a lot of the story elements make a lot of sense if you consider that point of view. At least for me.

I need to re-watch it though. I thought it was fantastic, and I much prefer it to both Blue Velvet and Mullholland Drive, although I do believe the beginning of season 1 of Twin Peaks is the best Lynch work I've yet seen.

Anyway the last three movies I watched were Blue Velvet (rewatch), Slumdog Millionaire and the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I'm a sucker for sentimental stuff so Ben. Button really got to me. I haven't cried as much during that flick since I watched that Korean Brotherhood of War flick. Yeah I'm a pussy when it comes to movies I just can't help but get really emotional and connect with the story, unless it's really un-engaging.
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and yeah Lars you're wrong I mean it is a little bit less intuitive but I don't think anybody's like ^ 2? well then it must be positive
That's not what I meant at all. It's like looking at a word that's written in another alphabeth, and you might know how to translate it back to your own alphabeth. It's not hard to see what it means but drawing a conclusion from something written in an unusual form isn't nearly as easy as if it's done in a form you're used to.
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you really dont? i recognize the 2nd one instantly as -16 but the first one isnt nearly as intuitive
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it has to do with the ^

if you see it written on paper its pretty obvious but computer syntax confuses human eye
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whoaaa what a pain in the ass ya had to learn english just to post on gw.  what a trooper. . . what a trooper
eat shit
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don't worry next time i'll learn german before trying to spell a word on the internet  :welp:
Yeah don't worry like 80% of the members here have learned ANOTHER LANGUAGE before going to this forum so yeah I'm pretty sure looking up the spelling of one specific word ain't too bad. :)

Fucking smart-ass.
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“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you”
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i have been, and keep being, no joke, incredibly busy. im going to russia so i have to clear out a lot of uni work beforehand so i have 8am-8pm workdays every day except weekends which are spent partying (except today sicne i finished UNI work at like half past ten so i didnt bother going out) so i am not too available for gw lately.

your theory is only partially right.......
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i havent posted in a while so in case anyone is forgetting me here's one from roskilde

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also lol i just remembered: my dad used to do medical research back in the 80s that required animal testing. more precisely: dogs.
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Lars you missed the whole add man, they're basically telling you to become a vegetarian. Vegetarians have better sex...
yeah i know its not serious and just GO VEG

but it's still a shitty point. the most unhealthy pieces of lard dont care what they eat and their diet includes a lot of meat. if they compared a non-junk fooder who is a carnivore (spore vocabulary here) to a vegetarian i bet there wouldn't be a lot of difference. idk

also match eater best new member 2009

edit: yeah i know im taking the BETTER SEX point a bit too serious but still.
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I think for millions of kids who are going to be watching this with their families this could be a little inappropriate

the ad makes a shitty point though. anyone that pays any attention at all to what they eat, and that includes vegetarians, will have better sex than anyone who eats at mcdonalds three times a week.
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What I am afraid of though, is that this is going to bridge the gap between the people too lazy to learn, and the talented musicians that actually deserve recognition. I do believe that today's mainstream musicians are not as talented as they were in the past, and I think this will take that to a new level. Imagine Britney Spears 2012 that doesn't even know a scale!
all irony aside, pop music isn't even close to this shitty. the net actually already has a lot of midi-sounding music with voices over it, and those are generally much better than this "music".

Have you ever listened to the radio?
have you ever listened to the radio?
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preferably both; developers are moving away from rigid roles within game development
that's not what we're told at our uni. we're told the separation of roles is become more and more extreme.

anyway game technology is one of the specializations i can choose in my 4th year but im not going for it since it seems pretty gay. people in the industry say its a pretty shitty job compared to other computer engineering jobs apart from the whole MAKE GAMES aspect. but it'll end up with you programming some shitty code for a game you don't give a fuck about and having no creative input at all into the final product.

if you want to work with games create your own mini-studio. i think that's the only way such a job can be really fun. or as a hobby of course.
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i have no idea if it is random but i used to have a lot of acne but once i started working out hard it gradually went away. the reason i did it in the first place was because working out during teenage years supposedly helps a lot in stablizing hormones so i figured it'd work. and it might've. i dunno why but a year or so after i started working out seriously i was completely free of acne. just dont respect results after a week or two. nothing works that fast.