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this one was good - only just sufaced thou. Do you still own your immortal soul?

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This topic makes me want to upload a ps3 game to a torrent site just to spite Sony.

And yes fuck money as its just a method used to control the general poulation. But you knew that, right?

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This is the 3rd version of the game.

The 4th version used to be on Liquid Motion:

It also used to be on the rmgamearchive.

Here is v4, it'll prob be longer than v3.

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Hey guys, just wondered if someone could re-upload Children of Mazae, please?


Then in the popup window click on "Cliquez ici pour démarrer le téléchargement"
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I would like to see the N64 FF7 remade as it was gonna be quite different to the psx version. Not sure how much was compleated before it's demise though.
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FF7 is the reason I got my PlayStation. That said, and this is not going to be a popular response, but FF8 is better. Whew there i said it. *waits for backlash*
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apparently they wouldn't since they've said a million times they're never going to

Never trust a Japanese game dev.

Yoichi Wada: "We’re going to explore the possibility of Final Fantasy VII remake"

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My games are steam free, too.
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I want this as my gw username now!
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I am searching for some old shit:

- ''The Donald Fuck RPG''

Ha Ha. Not gonna happen, bud/
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they dont put ice in drinks at england.
it pissed me off.

Thats IN England not at England and I don't know which pubs you've been drinking at but I always get ice. prob though you didn't deserve any 'cause your a stupid tourist lol
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i wish i cud make great topics like this
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Well depends if you have money or not. If I had money  would prob spend at least 6mts traveling around asia. HK, S.Korea, Japan, Tibet. If I was poor the who knows?
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although I prefer playing Continuum Shift on PC (the arcade has been emulated perfectly, granted you have a capable pc)

I didn't even realise this had been done. Thanks for the heads up. Gonna download at my friends later as my 3G connection isn't up to large file downloads. Unfortunatly that means I won't be playing online with my connection either :( n/mind. Unless you consider Worms 3D to be a fighting game...
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2k3 is better unless your an advanced user, in which case fuck rpg maker all together. adv users would be better off with someting like MMF2


Or if your desperate gaymemaker
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Quite a nice game! Has higher production values than most rpgmaker games. The monster hunter side quests work well but I think long term they may get a bit boring when all you want to do is progress with the game.


One thing I did notice was at the begining of the game your told that ordinary items are in red chests and special items in other coloured chests yet the first legendary crystal is in a red chest! Not particlarly important but it struck me as an odd choice...
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Do you get private shows? Saves on the beer money dude.
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I've never been to one because I'd feel really ashamed if my mum found out and I love my mum.

I've got ask, how on earth would your mum find out? Unless she was actully at the club herself! How awkward would that be.

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£200 month. No bills included. It's a bedsit, medium room, with a kitchen bit and you share the 3  bathrooms with a load of dicks. On the plus side the is a hot girl downstairs. Game on!
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man up you sissy

Other than practise this is the best advice! Just get on with it and play. If you can't hack it maybe you should wear a dress and take up knitting? lol