• Angel of wavering tides.
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Some screenshots from the newest entry in to the "Dragon Fantasy" series of games entitled "Dragon Fantasy: Venaitura."

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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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I don't think so... Unless you mean "broken" as in "cheap." It (I think) lets you reflect all special abilities and such. That's why if I use it, it only really has a duration of 1-2 turns or somewhere around there (and is also very costly). I could probably take it out, as I've not used it yet.
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Hurrah! Good work there Immaking~! At least you've gone and submitted something. Heh. let's just hope this causes a few more people to put forth their creations! Also, I had to tweak a few things with your little beast there, though he's still in there!
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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Hello everyone! So I've recently began development on my RPG Maker 2003 project entitled "Boss Project IV." It is the fourth game in a series of RM2K3 games devoted strictly to fighting bosses. However, unlike those before it, I'm making sure that the fourth one has a plethora of bosses to fight.

Now...what I need from all of you are a few ideas for the bosses. I've a good 5-6 done so far, but I figured that the best way to get idea for new and special bosses would be to ask around. Thus here I am doing just such a thing!

The bosses are ranked from Low to High-Tier. For now I will only be taking Low Tier submissions, and will move up through the ranks as they are needed in the game.

I will list the status effects, magic elements, and weapon attributes bellow, as well as the MAX stats for Low-Tier bosses.

You will have to post a picture to accompany the boss, and I'd like it if the graphic was from one of the following games: Rudra no Hihou (Treasure of the Rudras/Rudras Treasure), Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy V, Bahamut Lagoon, or Breath Of Fire II.

List of Status Effects in the game:

Weak DEF
Weak ATK
Weak Mind
Mgc Drain (MP Poison)
Bleeding (Stronger Poison)
Gravity 2 (Stronger Gravity)

List of Attributes in the game:


Here are the MAX STATS For Low-Tier bosses:

HP: 40 000
MP: 100
STR: 4000
DEF: 255
MAG: 900
AGL: 40
EXP: 60 000
GOLD: 25000

And here is a template for your boss:

(Name of Skill/Effect) + (Strong, Moderate, Weak damage) +(Party/Single)


 Chaos/Confuses Party (Weak) (All)

Please do not post any elaborate designs that require constant fiddling with the Monster Group Events/Switches. Make it simple and yet effective. it is very possible to dosign a unique and challenging boss battle without any fancy events.

Thank you~!
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Yeah, I'll have to agree with those who said that the first one was the better one. The design may have looked more simple, but it seemed to...match. The second one looks good, but sort of odd.

Oi. And I has one more thing relating to Dragon Fantasy II. It's a 14~ second clip showing the new Final Boss death Sequence I whipped up this evening. I wanted to add some more life to the battle, so I shoved this in there.

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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Oh lordy. Forgot my actual response! Ha ha. Well, the font is for all to use! I posted the link to it in a comment in one of my following videos. It's the same font I used for Dragon Fantasy II.

EDIT: Oop. Looks like it didn't show up. Anywhoo, here's the font for those who want it:

Also, Zatham, just move your battle characters around in the "Battle Layout" tab. =B

Also, can I post these here? The video its self is new, but the game is rather old. What is it? it's Dragon Fantasy II! Probably my best completed game. And to celebrate its completion and finally say "goodbye" to the game I've spent so long working on...I've decided to post up the ending!

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Or if you just want to see the credit/ending sequence, Video 3 is your best option. =B
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Oh god, it's a giant shoe!


But I suppose I'm just stating the obvious, aren't I? Gah. Well, there goes my attempt at trying to reveal some sort of...hidden thing.

But anyway, that's a great stule you have there. I'm liking everything besides the ground, which seems a tad too plain. Everything else looks great, though, so great job with that.

Also...! One more video. HURRAH! Just a bit of me breaking the 4th wall through the characters of my latest project using RPG Maker 2003. And -gasp- it's not a NES-like game! Ahh!!! But I've posted videos before, so this shouldn't be a shocker.

Just the first boss fight and the dialogue in the battle.

Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Is that a Romancing SaGa track done NES style

I remember those were the only games I was really interested in finding an ORCHESTRAL SUITE of it but of course the one rpg soundtrack that didn't have enough fanboys to get covered that way

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLiTNnDWZgU&feature=PlayList&p=0D815ED62D5FCEAD&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2 this kind of works

'Tis indeed! Though it's a .WAV file, so it's fairly big. I'm trying not to have too much music in the game to lower it to a reasonable (though still large) number of MB's. But I'll be releasing an MIDI version of the game alongisde it, so people can choose themselves!

And I agree! That series has some of the best VG music I've ever heard, especially the PS2 remake of the original Romancing SaGa. That stuff is great! I want 'em to do the same for RS2 and 3, but I doubt it'll happen. D= Even somethin for the DS would be great! At least I'd have my fix of it.
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Oi. Now it does. Sorry about that.

And that Lava loos pretty sweet. But the bad thing about it is that the lava fall its self is much wider than the stream. But other than that, it's great.
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Huzzah. Another video by meh. This time it's of my newest project "Classical SaGa." Sort of a mixture between Romancing SaGa and Dragon Warrior.

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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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And yet another video. This one will probably be the last of the videos until I come along a wee bit more in terms of actually developing the game. I got the beginning portion done, but I've still got a great deal to do.

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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Oooo, I likey. Especially the character artwork you've got there. The style of the chipsets being used in that map also remind me of Ocean Blue's style, so I'm guessin' he did 'em, huh? And I didn't think the character was wearing a dress, but the sprite seems to indicate so. Looks more like a...long coat to me.  :hmm:

Ku hu hu. Everyone around here does indeed have a specific style. =P
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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Oi, oi! Yeah, I missed that. Thanks for tellin'! And it's sort of a mix. Near-modern, but not quite current. I like doin'a  mix between the two, 'cause you can add alot more to it! Ha ha. Such as some modern language and terms, etc.
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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Well, here's the scene in action. It's the beginning of the game. A small bit of cursing, but that's it.

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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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You think so? Well, how about this level of fog:
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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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From the small side-project I'm working on.

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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Hello everyone! I've come to share a tad piece of news with you.
So, fo what reason have I come in here this day and made my this topic, you ask? What is this news?  Well...it's to tell you all about Meth Note! Ha ha. It's a sort of gag series a couple of friends and I are working on. We began development yesterday...when one of my friends just up and suggested we use the idea to make a video! So...we did it! Ha ha. Now we're just showin' it around.

It's not the best idea, nor does it hold any level of real professionalism, but it was just fun to do! We plan to make more when we get the chance (which is not too often, since we live a fair bit apart).

Anyway, each episode is probably going to be around...what? 4-5 minutes in length? Yeah, that seems about right. If you've ever seen Death Note, then you'll probably get some of the references being made in the video (after all, it is a sort of spoof of the Anime!) and it might help you to enjoy it better. But fear not! We're gonna make sure that everything is explained so that you don't have to know too much about Death note.

I didn't know where to put this exactly, so i stuck it in here in the film department. Heh.

Anyway, here it is.

Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Well, according to the spoilers released for the latest chapter,
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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Oh....and also, is it just me, or are those two people in the opening wearing the Quincy outfit under their Shinigami clothes? I mean the bald guy (well, he has a BIT of hair, but I'll call him bald >.>) and the short, blue haired guy. The neck part reminds me of Uryuu's.

At like...1:20 and onward.

Hrmm...so there are more Quincy, eh?
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!