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what is the appeal in duke nukem other than 'heh heh doom with a sense of humor'

like i get it back in 92' when you could make a video gameman pee in a toilet or read a dirty magazine this is revolutionary. but this stuff is standard now with games like gta on the market, and the only thing fueling duke nukem is "nostalgia"
like really i can't help but hope for the best for pretty much ALL developers but duke nkem is failing because it's as stupid as any "_____'s Adventures" game that you goons made in rm2k. especially when 1 in 5 console games is attempting to be the next halo.

this is the same problem with webcomics that you can find 30-40 comics about a guy and his friends sitting aorund playing video games making jokes that seem funny in the writers head but are stupid and cringeworthy, and then you have Scott Pilgrim out of nowhere that maybe has a production manager or PR or something that these comics aren't able to have and boom edgar wright is directing the movie adaptation.

matt hazard was a huge flop and you wonder is it because it's a bad idea? yes. what is the difference between this and duke nukem? maybe buy this game for your dad for fathers day (he will think it's funny (maybe edgy too) and it just might be out in time for fathers day or the next one)

sorry for the rant guys but that scott pilgrim bit has been scratching at my innards for weeks until this pitcher let it out
really unless your a die hard DN fan this is worth a rent at most i dont care how long it takes to get releast
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I saw a fargo a week ago and it was pretty good.

It always sounded boring to me and though I love the coen bros movies I really had to force myself to start watching it
macy's character was really annoying and boring but frances mcdermott and steve buschemi's characters were great, and i have always thought peter stormare was awesome and underrated

this movie just makes me want to rewatch 'burn after reading' something fierce
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I have woken up to nocturnal emissions every night since I've gotten these new 300 thread count sheets for my bed.  It's never happened so many nights in a row. I'm posting this here because it didn't seem too appropriate for posting in the "what's on your mind" thread.

Would this be a less common occurrence for me if I masturbated more regularly? I don't make a regular habit of it, but I certainly would if it's my sleep schedule and personal health at stake.

how do you hold it in man, especially with pics like this floating around
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Also I would really recommend not watching the video it really is heartbreaking...
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Yea i came here to post about this too.

What I think is really intriguing about it is that 4chan or /b/ has apparently already found the girl and harassed her into deleting her facebook
and apparently this isn't the first time they've done this either

Here's a story about 4chan vs animal cruelty

Yea hopefully something is done about this it's maybe the most obscene thing i've ever heard of
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quick Q for trauma center fans:
is there any plot/continuity to these games? I am interested but the wiimote is such a turnoff for me that I can barely even stand to netflix on the wii and i feel like an arcade type game wouldn't work out well in my wallet
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On the other hand maybe I'm overthinking it and it was just a kind of okay film that demonstrates how completely glossy action movies have taken over if they can make a high-concept thing about dreams and just make it another rush of shiny surfaces and a cheap excuse for SLOWMO FIGHT SCENE aaaaa. Gimme ya thoughts.

this is pretty much what i thought. like i guess it worked for what its worth, but i thought the wife thing was a bad move and kinda took away from the movie in order to develop the main character. TBH i thought leo's character was really predictable and boring and everytime he wife showed up i groaned a little.
a lot of this movie didn't add up (for instance why rolling the van down a hill while theyre sleeping doesn't wake them up, but moving the elevator does) but i think for the sake of the ride you have to suspend disbelief
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ive always thought silent hill was incredibly intriguing as a concept but games have been pretty much unplayable to me because of the combat
like i'm not good at horror games in general because i tend to panic and lose control of the game for a second which usually ends up killing me
this on top of the combat controls are crippling, i have always wondered if these games would be better if they were 1st person.
bioshock was kind of like this but much less imaginative; i guess if they could take the controls/mobility of games like bioshock and implement it into silent hill without compromising everything you get storywise by being 3rd person, it would appeal to more people, me at least. i really think there's a huge different between playing as a character that you learn about as the game progresses versus 1st person when you are told who "you" are and have to learn about yourself. imo the latter is much less believable because i would never kill my wife, etc..

maybe it's the fact that it IS unexplainable, but not so much that your attention is drawn to how obscure it really is
like an idea that makes no sense to you because you don't know the story/meaning behind it, but the mystery itself is unsolvable and leaves you with nothing to do but marevl at the idea

i am rambling incoherently but i guess i would call silent hill an underdeveloped idea in the hands of people who aren't sure what to do with it
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let's be honest shaymalan is not that bad, he is going through what everybody who is on top goes through

he has had a few great movies and justly has made some pretty bad moves
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i just beat half life 2 and the episodes and am now going achievement hunting for lack of anything better to play

i really don't understand what everybody loves about this game, there isn't anything new past halfway through HL2, with the rest of the game and the expansions being just KILL 2 OF THAT BOSS FROM EARLIER

i guess the graphics are good and the puzzles are fun but there were also times when i was stuck somewhere for tens of minutes because i missed a level or god forbid a character told me to do something and i was looking the other way (so it was inaudible)
not to mention the ridiculous platforming over lava/water/sand that this game is just not made for! agh!

i like the game alot maybe just because of the engine but i really don't see how it can even compare to say COD or halo
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i really love the scene where the lady accuses mark whalberg of trying to kill her and hes like "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat nooooooooooo"

it is just so amazingly bad it should've never made it past editing
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pirhana 3d is far beyond the kind of laughably horrible you would expect from a recent thriller

ugh i spent 12 bucks on it for 3d too
god dambit...

not looking forward to saw 3d anymore
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i saw king of kong and hated this billy mitchell guy but i thought it over afterwards and decided who cares

nobody cares at all about donkey kong if any of those old games' high scores, they are just trying to put a "WWF" spin on it
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James Patterson's Alex Cross series are a huge favorite of mine, mainly Along Came a Spider & Cat and Mouse.
They are police/mudermystery type books but they focus on the psyche game thing.

They are not incredibly smart though Patterson has a campy kind of writing and things come off kind of immature or something.
I guess you'd have to read his stuff to know what I mean, but in addition to this series which I really like, he has a women's mystery club series and a series called 'max ride' that i unfortunately picked up and found out it's essentially twilight with angels as opposed to vampires
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i have nothing to contribute about cows i just wanted to let everyone know how much i enjoy reading dialogue between rajew and mince
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that dogtooth movie looks badass!
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I hated Dinner for Schmucks not because it was poorly done or anything but the plot was just so hard to take I actually had to get out for a minute.
It's like one of those Ben Stiller/Luke Wilson movies where they just get repeatedly screwed over and every character is eccentric and extreme except for the relatable main character. I just can't watch shit like that.
Tom Goes to the Mayor comes to mind but I guess the big difference is that the characters then were weird in an intriguing way and the show was about tom dealing with this people treating him like he was oddball, as opposed to Dinner for Schmucks making me scream inside begging paul rudd to just go insane and rip out steve carrells intestines because the conflict built to this absurd point where you have no choice but resent him
the movie also had some kind of formula i noticed where steve carrell would do someting horrible and push paul rudd until he lashed out, and then steve carrell would be sad and they would reveal something sad about his life that didn't really explain why he was so weird but rather that being that way was hard or something. this happens like 3 times over before paul rudd learns some kind of lesson, no idea what it is because the movie ends with steve carell costing him and his girlfriend both their jobs
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No... Damn you E3 for giving 5/5...

The artistic value is very shortlived, the game quickly goes from running around in a forest full of mysterious creatures to a boring ass warehouse moving boxing circa portal and tbh the puzzles don't seem clever or intuitive.
I am pissed.

I just got Braid a while ago and was amazed and invigorated by these "indie" platformers and tbh it looks like the moguls figured out what was going on and started cashing in
ugh 15$?... screw this game. i even had to buy more points to get this
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i don't feel like looking through this topic but did anyone buy LIMBO?

i got it and it blows. pretty pissed i spent so much on it.
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The more I think about K-Pax, the weirder it becomes.  The two concepts of a more advanced extraterrestrial (PAX=PEACE, GET IT??) and a repressed mentally ill man who has built this absurd wall to separate himself from his past seem to be equally likely in this movie.  The fact that he has such an accurate outlook on a distant star system is unlikely because he's never seen cracking a book, as is the fact that he has such success in affecting the minds of the mentally ill.

I like the idea of a mentally ill "Prot," though, this guy who went out and researched this new insane existence and goes as far as eating a banana with the peel on it to look like an extraterrestrial.

thats exactly why i thought this movie was crap. i had such a hard time deciding through most of the movie whether the performance was poorly written or kevin spacey was doing a bad job or he did it perfectly and the character was just so film un-friendly, but i wasn't impressed at all by the character.
like i felt like the way he demonstrated how much he knew about space wasn't impressive or shocking and when jeff bridges finally revealed his past it was pretty much exactly what you thought it would be. they shrug off his weird knowledge of the stars as "oh he was always pretty sharp even as a country hick"

concerning whether or not he was an alien it seems almost obvious that he was not- it really felt like they added that missing person onto the end of the movie to satisfy the people who wouldn't be happy with a non-mystical solution, and despite that it seems to me that someone who killed his family and tried to kill himself and then studied space to some ridiculous degree is definitely capable of killing/kidnapping someone and hiding them
also wtf! they finally find out this guy killed his family and tried to kill himself and they just throw him back in with the rest of the mentally ill? wtf! and when he convinces one of the other patients to stangle someone theyre just like "hey don't do that!"