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Dude, they're still people with emotions (you seem to be ignoring them).  Also, I don't know mkk, but certainly not everyone posting REALLY PERSONAL SHIT in this topic is a horrible person.  By yelling ATTENTION WHORE when people share how they feel, you're only making people feel worse.

But you know, if someone is being a huge cock when it isn't necessary, I feel the need to call them on it. 

How do you not realize the immense amount of insensitivity you are showing?
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While I agree that this topic could be attention whoring, and that it may not be very psychology beneficial for people tell everyone about this, telling them they're wrong is much worse.  Seriously, mkk's like "I got raped" and panda and others are just like, "fuck you attention whore, this topic is horrribbbllllle"  that's fucked up even if she's being an attention whore, and even if she's a shitty person or whatever (I don't know enough about her, but she hates gays so...).

jesus christ, I would think this would be obvious (someone lock this??
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I don't want to get this too off-topic, but I love Zeuhl.  You should really look into some of the Japenese stuff, like Bondage Fruit, they really bring some cool psychedelic stuff into the mix.

But yeah Prog is mostly a shitty genre imo.  I like some early Genesis and some Yes, but not much more than that.  It just comes off as rockers trying to make intelligent music, but LOL ODD METERS doesn't make your music any more interesting...  ELP is horrible too imo.

Nicely written article though
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yeah shoegaze is pretty good but damaged hearing isn't

I mean I like loud, but when it's painfully loud (as in OUCH MY EARS), that's lame.
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yeah dude you look pretty damn good

better than most (or at least a lot of) people without cancer imo
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lmao I want to play this really bad.

it still seems like a ridiculously obvious satire to me, a very long running satire
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that's a real good book, I second it.  It's actually the perfect thing for the situation you're in.

also I may of posted before, but I'm still with you

unfortunately I have chemo cures or anything but like my mom was into juicing vegetables and shit.  I generally thing that eating healthier might make you feel a lot better in every way though.
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yeah seriously it's not just for avant people because some of the melodies are damn catchy
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They are definitely more prog than punk, but really they're neither (lol stupid genres)
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Oh man all these bands are great.  I love "progressive punk" or whatever you'd call these bands (I agree with everyone else, that's a horrible name for it).  Like jesus, these bands are all fantastic for each their own reason

But really everyone should check out the GREATEST "progressive punk" band of all time: The Cardiacs.  Really this band is one of my favorite bands ever, and I think everyone could benefit from listening to them.  They're kind of hard to get into at first, due to the vocals and the abrasive/jarring nature of their music, but really they kick ass.  Some of their stuff is pretty from punk, but I think that people can still see where it came from (maybe).

Their best album is Sing to God, but it may be hard to find anywhere so http://www.myspace.com/cardiacs.

OH yeah, they are from the UK, but uhhhhhh
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ugh I'm replaying CC and I just got to the Nikki concert part JESUS it was really boring and now I'm not motivated to continue
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I knew I was supporting the right guy.

Obama is a badass.
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Yeah I love Chrono Cross, but it does have a lot of horrible things.

like the concert steel mentioned, completely horrible and pointless

and also the characters.  All stereotypes.  I guess this could be intentional because they were going for a slightly cartoon-y atmosphere (thus simplistic characters)

The story was really cool though, and it had some neat ideas and scenarios.

Certainly the graphics were beautiful and each area was wonderful and memorable.
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I actually don't really keep up with things like this, so this topic is really useful.
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ok good job saying HUMANS CAN'T GET NUTRIENTS FROM VEGETABLES, it's still not true even if a hundred people say it is

the fact of the matter, is that while it's healthy to eat a VERY SMALL portion of meat each day, and that is the most healthy diet one can have, eating as much meat as almost all meat eaters do (in America at least, I can't speak for the diets of other countries) is far less healthy than a vegetarian diet AND it's possible to get the all the protein needed just by eating a balanced diet.  Yeah it's harder for us to get protein from plants, but it's not IMPOSSIBLE, and certainly not "minimal at best".  Usually the absorption rate of protein for non-meat sources is 50 % while it's usually pretty close to 100 % for meat sources.  Additionally, it's easy to absorb protein from both milk and eggs.
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I wasn't trying to argue for veganism, it's really difficult to be Vegan and actually healthy obviously.  I don't think I would ever want to invest the amount of time it takes to plan a vegan diet; also, it's nice to have to follow a STRICT DIET and seriously opens my life up a lot more.

I'm a vegetarian, btw.

True they feed cows shitty grain.  But the amount of meat that Americans consume calls for a great deal of extra feed to be produced.  You heard from Leric, he eats meat 3 times a day.  In my experience (not a valid argument, but whatever), this is really common among my fellow Americans.  Because of this incredible demand for huge amounts of meat, we have things like factory farming which is horrible and pretty much one of the main reasons why I choose vegetarianism.
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corn whatever.

my point was it takes a lot more resources to provide for someone eating meat 3 times a day than it does for someone who doesn't (given they don't have a retarded horrible diet or something)
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It depends what genre it is.  Every genre has the aspects of it which make it great, including some PROG even (although most of it is BLAND HORRIBLE SELF-INDULGENT SHIT, without much AT ALL in terms of complexity).  I also think punk is really good, but if you listen to it for "complex arrangements" then you're not listening for the right thing.  Punk is about the punch of the music, and about message and energy, which is completely valid (and awesome).

A lot of music is about being emotional, but that's not all music has to be about.  There is nothing wrong with music being about technical ability (although prog isn't usually the place for this), and that is satisfying in it's own way.  Also musical complexity and intellectual depth of music could be another venue for creative (like Boulez and a lot Modernist music).

All genres have something good in them as long as you understand what that genre is about.  Even, UGH, COUNTRTY
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But it takes an incredible amount of grain to produce a pound of Steak.

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yeah I'm pretty sure you have no idea who I am, but you're definately one of the most important members on GW, and certainly the most influential one.

So good luckkk

But reallyy, you don't seem like someone who could be beaten by cancer.  And it's probably benign, but even if it isn't, I don't think cancer could kill steel.