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If any of you guys got a key send one my way, I'm looking forward to this quite a bit
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My favorite part is the top of the seventh!* and my least favorite part is the bottom of the seventh!

*he's the AL batting champ and well known for his plate discipline.
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Alright I just joined off your referral link. It looks like I should go for a position with really high demand, right? I'm finally gonna realize my dream of being a 2nd string defensive end in Des Moines Iowa!!! Also what stats are most valuable/absolute musts?

As for Sim Dynasty, that's a good point about checking activity for trades. Also since my league is only 3 years or whatever (I think this is how the free one works?) and a season has already come to pass, my idea was to hold on to my solid veterans (B+ or higher) who are producing and fill the other holes through trading off lots of young talent and draft picks. I mean, I've got a few young guys in the minors that I'm loading with coaching points but nobody less than a C+ and I've got pretty specific plans for them (one guy was in the rotation when I started and I decided to send him down until the final season and just train him like crazy) but other than that with no real future for my team better to win now, right? I dunno is this strategy actually a good idea?

Also one last question, does a player's success in the major impact their future results? What I mean is, I've got a player or two who have worst stats than their counterparts but are out playing them significantly. So does the historical success of the worst player count more than the raw abilities of the other guy? Some portion of it has to be luck I guess but it's weird seeing a B- guy out hitting a B+ dude.

Slightly on topic, I'm gonna get some guff for this but fantasy baseball kinda sucks! I'm winning this league but RBI's Wins and Saves are so arbitrary I could just as easily be losing!

how bout that joe mauer?? he is good at the baseball
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Glad to hear because I was kicking myself for offering something I didn't really control.

Yea I've heard about Goal Line Blitz and will definitely make a character sometime. I like sports *grins* but yea there isn't a good reason not to play especially if it actually takes less time than mmobaseball

Sim Dynasty is great but I had like a 1-9 streak and finished the season pretty poorly. I also can't get a decent trade started because nobody else is active. But yea I'd play in a legit league though I dunno it mostly depends on the cost

This has been baseball chat
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I'm kinda interested in this topic but I'm not vested enough to post about it
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This looks pretty good and if I'm not mistaken you did Lexico which was really, really good.  I'm definitely checking this out, if not for that crab and duck alone!
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Hahaha, I'm a shit head! All the roster spots on his teams are filled! I shouldn't of opened my mouth, sorry

Right now my guy (http://www.mmobaseball.com/myplayer.aspx?id=34228) and Manto are both in the same league (different conferences though). That's something I guess? I'll try and keep my eyes open if anyone goes inactive or there's a spot open. It seems like getting everyone on the same team is going to be really difficult!!

Also I really like Sim Dynasty. I picked up some team and spent the night fucking with lineups and letting go of AAAA schmucks (heh). I'm on a 2 game winning streak YES!!! The only thing is it is really difficult to get a feel for how my guys compare with the rest of the league.The game also seems to value some weird stuff with the mentoring but I'm not entirely sure I get that part yet to begin with. I'm pretty much ignoring defense for now too
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Yea I wasn't thinking!!!! Forgot referrals are a necessity to get free points.

Basically I haven't played a game yet but the guy running our team just dumped me some extra money and seems pretty ok. He also just bought another team that isn't loaded with goons yet so I can probably get traded there and get you guys spots too (noz has a guy I think?). Post your player link if you wanna do that. I new season is suppose to start soon, heads up

I think the nice thing about it is it takes 2 seconds to pick what to train and I bet during the games you do even less. But I imagine in  a year people will be making players for high school teams and desperately hoping their guy makes it to a college or Canadian Semi-proAAAAAAA team and almost nobody touches the 'majors'. I bet I strikeout every plate appearance in my debut and never make it anywhere.

I'll check out Sim  Dynasty for sure. It definitely looks neat and the pacing sounds good. It's probably more along the lines of what I want anyway
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now that everything's coming out : i hate you drule

i know that gw isn't really ending

but i hate you drule
What I love most about TREG is his posting
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Bump, I'm playing a crappy browser based BASEBALL MMO http://mmobaseball.com/index.aspx with goons in case any of you want in
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Uh Yea this is kinda exciting for me as a catholic!

I've primarily fallen out of god/my religion because I wanted to sleep around during college because I always thought it was well established as a sin. I guess not! I planned on returning to the faith once I got my degree, wanted to settle down, etc. but if this interpretation turns out to be true then I may as well jump back on board. I was kinda curious about anal anyways
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I've never been the biggest fan of Star Trek but I think I'd take any of the shows over this. It wasn't boring for sure but a good deal of it is just fan service. This isn't anything more or less than a Transformer movie.