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yea nvm k-pax, this movie is incredibly mediocre and isnt nearly so open ended as it is they put something that doesnt fit at the end to keep the movie from falling flat
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also goodbye brad, you are one of the few "good souls" of GW.

hopefully you realize your mistake or become bored in the near future!
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because he wants to know how many people didn't hate him

oh how i miss you, welcomes/farewells forum
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I love this film, although I still have arguments with people over the ending.

i havent seen this movie yet but I thought the point was that he was able to find and deliver information in a way that made it seem like he had some ability.
i think this is on netflix so i will go try to find it but i'd like to talk about this afterward!
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micro maniacs for ps1 is one of my all time favorite racers
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im not making games now but i'd really like to see more shots of skarik's fps and swordofking's adventure game
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i agree. i always thought he was awesome in con-air if only because he seems to be this dumb hick who has no idea what is really going on and is running around fighting and shit. it's almost kind of parallel to the entire movie which imo is better focused on john malkovich* and even john cusack
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good news for you then, ghost rider 2 is full speed ahead!
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i am no good at rts but you guys made this sound fun so i downloaded it

i had really poor characters to choose from i think, i picked a rat guy and played one match and it was so incredibly not fun for me that i stopped and havent played since

like i think the problem was that he was a stealth or assist character or something but there was no indication of this pre-game, so i tried to attack people and would just get annihilated every time. im a piece of shit
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Starship Troopers, which I haven't seen it in a long long time.  I know that I'm in the vast minority, but I love this movie.  It's awesome.

i don't think you're in the minority, this is a pretty big cult movie and i think we've even discussed it in this topic. this is a pretty poorly done movie but i don't there's many people who don't think it's at least entertaining!

i watched "let the right one in" on netflix and it was pretty good! i really am not into the vampire thing only because it seems like a dried out idea back in the 90s, but this movie presents it in, not an original light i'd say, but definitely in a way that is thought provoking and in a way that suggests vampires could be real without them living in groups in the forest or burying themselves in the ground every night.

i did like this movie a lot, though the bit about the main vamps gender threw me off for most of the movie and still does after wiking it.
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i had this huge post typed out and i deleted it because i feel like its silly to even debate whether anime being good or bad is objective, but ill just ask this:

do you think what you get from the shows/books/movies is any more valuable to you than what stay at home moms and whoever gets out of soaps? how about kids books? sports? music?

like i do this a lot (delete my posts) so that im not fighting with people all the time but posts like that really piss me off where people can assume their tastes are better/intelligent/whatever and not feel even a little bit pretentious. it really defeats the purpose of having a media forum unless the goal is just to insult people!
really this is my biggest problem with gw, not that you can't think highly of yourself or know that you are a pretty smart person with good tastes, but being so disrespectful to each other as to suggest people who like things you don't are 'brainwashed' seems beyond petty to me
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well, that's exactly what it is. it's for prepubescent children by design. although later on it arguably does get more serious, you shouldn't watch this show if you have a problem with it not having been made for your age.

I personally don't care since I like cartoons for pretty much all ages as long as they're made by talented people or studios, but you might want to think twice before getting started on this one since there are 457 episodes already. it's been running for more than 10 years.

ive made peace with it as one of my more emasculating qualities but one piece is specifically interesting to me because of the pirate thing, for what it's worth. the exaggerated characters etc... imo are retty great in one piece because of the target age (guy who fights with a sword in his mouth, guy who smokes 2 cigarettes at once) but there are a lot of things its hard for me to believe children could follow ie. the government in general.  anyway the comics are very good and the artwork is consistently different than anything i've seen. im guessing you googled 456 and don't care for this show?

I tried O-Parts hunter too, which was great- had a dragonball feel to it, but it wasn't finished afaik and the story goes "shipuuden" halfway through and then just stops.
i really can't stand naruto anymore
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ehy guys

i have stumbled upon some spoilers for whats goin on in one piece right now so i went back and redownloaded everything have been reading the manga alot lately
i tried watching the anime when it was 4kids but it was too kiddy and the voices made me cringe

i know it got sold to funimation so im wondering if anyone can say that it better enough that it's worth watching
just finished watching/downloaded s-cry-ed (subbed) a month ago which is pretty short so i'm wondering if one piece is too long, i think we're talking about a solid months worth of episodes

also if its any good im willing to watch the subs instead, i do really enjoy reading the footnotes that explain the culturally relevant bits

so yea this topic is mostly about one piece but there aren't any anime topics at all so...
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btw who was the guy who posted screenshots of an rm2k game he was making for years (it never was finished iirc) and they were these beautiful dark purple gray melancholy enviroments with huge churches and stuff.

i wanted to say it was jester but i think it's another member
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i remember being banned multiple times for making multiple going away topics

tbh ive always had a bad impression of gw, the people here are so... negative? people just harp on each other and stuff, and it's always been like that, but i've tried moving on to other forums and i don't know what it is, but i just get bored and come straight back
it's like fetish porn or something, you just can't go back to watching regular porn again afterwards
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yea this game is pretty much only transformers in that they... transform... otherwise this is just a very quick 3rd person shooter.
it's done really well and unlike anything thats ever had the brand name on it before
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i always credited the music to rare since pretty much every rare game had really badass music

banjo-kazooie's theme made me weep when they redid it with electric guitars for the new game
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Did anybody buy this? It's awesome.

I got it last night because the demo was amazing, but let me say if you played the demo and are great at it, you are still nothing.
This is hands down the most active, quick, busy multiplayer game I've ever played. There are so many buttons!

I have a problem with accidentally transforming (you can do it any time) when i'm trying to use my melee and on top of that there are usually 2-3 enemies in any area you might be in.

Being able to transform on command is really awesome, you keep momentum while doing it so you can go off ramps and transform and do the shit that made the new movies watchable.
In addition, you can choose from 4 classes, car, truck (which is an offroader type thing), tank, and JET.
I know you're thinkng, why would you choose anything but Jet? Well the jet is fucking HARD. Flying around is fun sure, but you're a huge target, and your guns arent as effective.

Get this game guys.
add me on xbox too
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you couldn't be anymore wrong brah
the ranger games are pretty good and even though i hate the dungeon games i assume people who like that kind of game would enjoy them.
also pokemon trozei is an awesome addictive game

and pikachu's adventure looks just as good as any zelda game maybe for a bit younger of a crowd. i will probably buy it.
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Call of Latios was abandoned iirc

if not it's gonna have some serious problems since its gonna have like 200+ pokemon to catch up with in a few months