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Recently I have been watching America's Next Top Model: Cycle 13. I didn't realise how much work goes into a photo shoot. Anyways I came across this cool site. It sort of a cosplay thing http://www.francescadani.com/.

Check out the photo shoot section. A lot of work has gone into the costume, modeling and photography.

And for a laugh have a look at this One Piece Costume the model hand made! It's totally awesome :)

Anybody know of any other similer sites? It doesn't have to be cosplay related.


And before somebody speaks the obvious, Francesca Dani is totally hot!

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That looks weird. Weird in a totally cool way, tho. Is it gonna be puzzle based like Zelda? I hope so.
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Are you asking for a specific game from the ones listed there?

Or are you asking if we already knew about that site?

Well, that site belongs to someone here (Jingle My Bell Bitch aka C0nfus3d, and has been on the Project Site List for a few years now, so yeah, we already knew about it.

But FileFront deleted all the links, so that site is basically dead now.

*** After looking through the old RMGameArchive, I noticed that I didn't get a chance to get about 1/5 of the games listed there before FileFront deleted them. Did you manage to retrieve all those games from your old computer yet, C0nfus3d? ***

I just MUST do something about that site. I haven't even thought about that old hard drive for years. Must get that sorted too...

It was on the RMGameArchive:

And it's one of the games from there I missed out on

Will upload for you. Anything else you want from that site just ask I still have them.

you are fuckin' shitting me. i'm pretty sure that's my game! i had no idea i released that online.

is that the one where you start out on a desert planet delivering some droid or something... then you get ambushed by a bounty hunter... and a jedi saves you? it's been a while.

edit: yo, out of curiosity where the hell did you even find that.

Ya know you said exactly the same thing last time lol! I don't remember where I got it, at that time I was just randomly downloading any rm game I could.

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You may just have fluid on your ear. Go to doctors and get it looked at.
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Here's Name 73:

I have Beloved Rapture too, but there's supposed to be a new demo soon.

If you stlll want it, I'll upload the last demo for it, but I'd really rather not since the new one's scheduled to be released, and it is a large demo.

Heck! I remember this from ages ago, download link went dead before I had a chance to grab it! Gonna download now. Thanks SegNin.
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Didn't realise I had such a wierd nose until I saw this photo, n/mind.

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Since rapidshare download is off and megaupload isn't always available, there's a new download link for the game:


The megaupload link works now (it didn't last night) which is strange as megaupload is normally reliable.

Also i'd sugest you edit your main post to reflect the new link and to remove the rapidshare link.
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six legendary crystals

Good grief. I can't stand it. Talk about over used. Screens look good though and overused plot devices aside, might be good. Will try later.

... 104 mb? Uh, I don't need to get the RTP to play this, do I? Is there a specific reason the size is... respectable?

Mp3's are likely the reason for the size.
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Would be a great game if the battles were a little more balanced, as they are too hard to start with. Other than that so, far so good.
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Awesomeness! Downloading, comments incoming.
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Looks good, will download and post my thoughts later...
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I'm staying at my mums and ima gonna eat unhealthy food and be verrrrrrrrry lazy. Same as the rest of the year really :)

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Does anyone have Badluck's old game 'Rise Of The Third Power'? (I believe that was the name) i'd like to replay it :)​.

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Watch the you amount of space you use as well - you dont need a large space for a bog standard shop for example, so make it small unless it needs to be bigger.
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yeah I guess I should try give some WPRG's a chance.
I've played a few but I just couldn't get into 'em.
I hear Last Remnant is like a mix between JRPG and Western maybe it'll help me get used to them?

I've heard good things about Dragon Age: Origins.

Fighting Games:[/i]

Street Fighter IV

But maybe wait for Super Street Fighter IV?
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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts n' Bolts.
Saints Row 2
Final Fantasy XIII (duh, you missed this out, it should be released soon)

Edit I noticed you mentioned Blazblue, let me know if it's as good as it's supposed to be.
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I see your point, but 10 days are free and a full 3 month sub is 12.99 and comes with a saturn pad, which makes it worthwile for me. Plus, as you said, there is more to the site.
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Ok, so sega are now running this awesome site, where you get to play old sega titles. Titles range from Sonic to Strets of Rage. You have to sign up and VIP titles are only available to paying subscribers, but you can have a 10 day VIP trial for zero duku.

Personally I'll be trying Shinobi 3 first, never played that.

Also the are 2 level editors, for Sonic and Stuntmaster MotoCross 2. You can create, Share and play other peoples levels. How cool is that? And there was a offer where if you pay for 3 months subs (£12.99) you get a free Saturn USB controller! http://www.playsega.co.uk/info/?action=whatIsPlaySEGAVIP Don't know if thats still on offer though.

Anyway I'm hoping they add Baku Baku Animal as thats awesome.



After posting, I realised I sounded like I'm advertising the site. So, just to let you know, an adbot has not hacked my account!
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Just pay USD 1.50 and get it changed. It's not rocket science.
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Ha Ha! That music brings back memories! Funny vid.