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This is now awesome sketchswap thread. :fogetshh:

Jesus christ, issues?

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I feel like a jerk when I send a crude picture of a dick and get such a masterpiece in return!

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You've suffered the wrath of a rogue scanner. If you have an XP disc and haven't blocked it in the BIOs, press ctrl+alt+del at the login screen and type "administrator" as a username w/ no password. You should log in w/ the highest elevation and be able to execute many more commands. That's how I fixed mine.
 Also, GET MALWAREBYTES. When I was trying to get help for a problem recently everyone kept recommending it to me and it's actually quite good!
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I would like to combat w/ nobs.
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I'll cub YOU. ​ Seriously, though. CubMe? Hmm? Elaborate on name and I may buy gam.
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I have it and it was bundled with the incredibly over-hyped Wii Zapper. No problems, but I question why you'd want to play it anyways.
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The fact that no one shares my distaste for Jack Black is incredibly disheartening but enjoy the game guys. :)​)
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this looks interesting. i love this style of game :D

 Sure you would, as you stated you liked Ben Croshaw's games and this is made w/ the same engine. :welp:
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In your games, did you ever join a guild, or faction? Why?
 When I used to tittle away my time playing Runescape, yes. I learned a lesson from that, though: clans/guilds are like having a second job I don't like alternative obligations.

Did you ever do anything like a dungeon party (raid)? Or another type of group activity? Who did you do this with?
 In NWN, yes. With my IRL friends via LAN.

Were there any types of players you disliked? Why?
 Players who are overconfident. 13 year olds(they are just generally terrible people in online games for some reason).

How did you treat players that you disliked?
 Ignored them (as in ingame ignore mechanic)

What do you consider to be 'noobish' behaviour? How do you feel about this?
 Overconfidence, calling others noobs.

Was there anyone you avoided in game/were afraid of?

What rules were imposed in this game? (i.e. no griefing, no swearing) Did you stick to these rules? What were the consequences?
 No rules when I play on LAN and on Runescape the rules were so trivial I disregarded them.

Were there words or phrases that you used in the game that you wouldn't use with a real conversation partner?
 I've let a few IRL's and LOL's slip into everyday confident by accident. I only use certain chat speak (acronyms relevant to topic of conversation) when speaking about a game to a fellow gamer.

What class of character did you choose? What features of this character appealed to you?
 I enjoy support characters because I like to challenge myself. I never saw the appeal in equipping the strongest weapon you can and killing everything in one hit.

Do your characters have different personalities?
 I have MPD and all my individual personalities have characters with MPD who have characters with MPD, very confusing.

So would you talk in real life as you do in the game?
 See above.

Did you know anyone from both the game world and the real world? How do you think they were different?
 Less trust.

Did you ever roleplay in these games?
 I never really got into roleplay. That and many people just plain blow at it and will say things like *blocks spell and kills you in one hit*.

What do you think of roleplayers?
 Depends on the person, some are good at it.
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TIGER  WOODS SPACE GOLF 2 coming soon to a ps2 near you!!!
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I bet you wouldn't say that if it clearly stated it was a dungeon crawler.
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It was pretty emotional later on. Sometimes good stories contain next to no emotion and end up worse for it (think FFXII).
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Meh. When it comes to not using a guide you sometimes regret it. I didnt follow one for my FFX NSGNS and now I'm stuck at Evrae because I cant backtrack to get items I need.
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If I was wealthy enough for ten surgeries I'd be set. Fuck self-esteem I gots cash.
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This thread was normalish but then otomon posted. He makes threads awkward in a good way, though.
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Maybe the CORRECT religion  is actually polytheistic and God has a mother?
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Anyone into them? Not necessarily for J-RPGs either, any genre. I remember thinking they were p. lame too but I started one in FFX recently and Ifind they breathe life back into  games you've beaten already and strategy can be pretty fun at times. I know they're mostly for jobless people with the time to game for hours and the Youtube etc community for them is all Koreans, but what do you think of em ?
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In order to bring this back someone had to necropost a 4 yr od  thread ...
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Meh, at least it worked out. I have hyperthyroidism so my metabolism does whatever and I'll gain and lose 10 pounds in a week. I sometimes eat 10,000 or more calories per day and still havent been able to exceed 120lbs. EDIT: Not that I want to, I'm trying to lose 10lbs but I can't because I'm a freaking glutton.
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So the stepson that Uncle Joe hides in the basement is from another world? There are holes and Iwilll wretite of tem??¿!
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