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@MBT - I really do admire you for continuously bringing out finished works and improving each time from the last. 11 games, I don't think anyone else in the RM scene can honestly say that.

As for your RMN issue it's simple.

1. Login
2. You see the bar at the top with your name, mailbox, notices, submissions. Scroll over submissions and select submit game.
3. Enter the required information
4. Wait a day or so for it to be accepted.
5. When you come back to the site that top bar should be flashing blue if your game(s) were accepted
6. From there you can edit the game page and add a download link or upload your game to be hosted.
7. Enjoy your new audience!

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Video of Waters Edge!

So what have I been up to:

* Implemented a running system into DT which looks very nice if I say so myself.
* Finished up some sprites but am looking for help making battle characters as I suck at animating and creating the necessary sprites for animating.
* Reworked the story so it comes across better.
* Added a new video of the area Waters Edge(That's not the whole area, just some of it)
* Two new screenshots and a revised older one which you can all gawk at.
* Haven't started yet but will be redoing like the first hour or so of the game to match up with newly written story.
* What started out as a simple experience is slowly becoming more so, which I like and regret at the same time.

If I'm being perfectly honest here.. I don't work on the game as much as I used to. Ever since I got my diploma I've been trying to either focus on work or getting ready for next years course which is much harder and a lot more serious. Have no fear I will be updating, well at least trying to more often.

Thanks for looking and check out the new stuff!

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Seems the Retsu Arashi links I find on here are broken. Anyone able to help a guy out?
Here you go

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And here I thought this game was lost. Finally get a chance to play this again, you should put it up on RMN.

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@MBT - Knowing you games I'm not sure I want to know what happens next haha.

(Still working on this)

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First post back here in two years! I didn't even think my login would work, but what do ya know. Anyways, screenshots!

(Click logo to see game page and continue to get updates)

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Homeland. And yeah, it was Marcus who made this game. TCF to find a working link for Chronology of the Last Era you will have to actually look for it under it's old name as it was released like that, Zero Reality Shattered World.

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some new shots of my game TAUT
i worked a lot on redesigning the graphics and completed about 75% of it
game is near to become finished, but time for working on decreases much :(
No one's commented on these? Wow I just have to say these look great, although the red lighting in the first screen looks a bit odd.

@Mateui - God do I remember Pengui, I was really looking forward to that game haha. Glad to see your still going on after all this time.  :happy:

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Have any other older games sbester people might be interested it? Put up a list or something.

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Oh man I remember this game. Still looks amazing too, you should also add this at RMN. More exposure is always good.

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Is that rain? Looks really weird in comparison to everything else around, and that tree is really bright compared to the others. Characters are also out of place, perhaps darkening them up would make them blend better, or a subtle screen tint.

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Spirebattle was sadly left unfinished.. And the new awesome looking version never got a release. There's still that old original demo released of it somewhere though, I think the one King is speaking of.

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Oh god I hate Megaupload.. Is this up at RMN? Cause this seriously looks amazing. Been a while since I played an Rpgmaker game.

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Glad to see your still working on the game Ghost :) looks great BTW.

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This looks pretty good. Will definately try this when I get home. Haha some of those screens.

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It was released...sort of:
I can't believe it was even released. Too bad the link doesn't work anymore, that would have been an awesome trip into the past. As for Shadow of Evil, there's no trace of the older version I can find, just that new full version one.

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Overall, fairly unimpressive.
Although I kind of agree(Aside from that menu by rm2k3 standards)it's a pretty decent copy. Change the sprite though, looks horrible. Make a taller one to match the size of everything else a little more, as well as remove the sword.

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Tomato Quest is impossible to find, If anyone has an account at Ultima Island and seen the author of the game, please ask if he still has it. I remember WAY back seeing the prequel to Chronicles of Haledos, does anyone know if was ever released?

I think it was called Haledos: The Beginning.

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I know Ive heard of Name 73 before, futuristic styled game wasn't it? Oh man I think I know where to find it but it's been a while. As for Beloved Rapture just go to this site and you'll find it in no time. Segnin I'll take a look around for Tomato Quest for you, haven't heard that game mentioned in a LONG time.

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What Dietcoke has said is probably the best way to describe the series progression. I wholeheartedly agree.