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Wow, Dada...  I remember those screens (or something almost exactly like them) from years ago.  I recognize the windows and the font and that "Somewhere in the world" in the location display...

Ah, memories.  I assume that that project of long, long ago is seeing life once again?
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Also, kind of a dumb question.. But by giving the single tree's a light source, do you mean give them shadows or something like that?
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Ah, I see.  Back in my day, they were always called Mack & Blue...  "Refmap" sounds like some kind of mockery of how ridiculously overused they are.
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Someone want to clue me in on what the hell Refmap is?  Google fails me.

On topic: looks nice, Batistaberg.  :)​  No real criticism to give, so you get a cookie of win and awesome instead.
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Which I why I may well not go with that idea. This is my first game so maybe I shouldn't get too fancy. I have a lot to learn first. I know many people say I should start out in 2k for my first game, but I 'm really loath to do that as I particularly like the side-view battle system.
Seriously?  I absolutely hate 2k3's sad excuse for an ATB.
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So good, that this game may be better than MM10 in almost everyway...
You shut your filthy whore mouth.  MM10 is awesome.   ​

And I gotta' say "no" to calling it Megaman 11 or Megaman 12.  I mean, that MegaPhilX guy did that with his Megaman fan project (calling it Megaman 10) and he had to go back and change everything after getting himself all that publicity.  MM9 and MM10 have done extremely well to the best of my knowledge, so you can almost expect at least a MM11 out of Capcom.

I agree with what others are saying about the speed (and believe me, Megaman comprised well over half of my childhood gaming, so I can tell!).  Also, I noticed Mega's falling velocity seems to get reset or lowered every time he makes a screen transition by falling, so you should try to find a way to address that.  Finally, it may just be the speed of the engine, but some of that stuff looks way hellish to dodge consistently.

Anyway, keep up the good work.  I'd like to see the end result.  :)
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Meadzy: The former.  I never much cared for placeholder backgrounds that take up a large chunk of the screen border.
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I'm not sure if anyone has written what you've requested, but all I'll say is that if you think you'll need this degree of help in scripting such a thing in RM2k/3, then you're probably not ready to have one in your project.
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Just downloaded it and played it for a bit.

I suppose I'll start with the good:

- I get a real Lunar-ish vibe from the story, what with the way the characters really lay the unseriousness onto each other constantly yet there's obviously something urgent taking place.  I didn't get far enough to figure out what that something is, though.  Also saw your name in the dialogue.  Are you a bad guy?  :b

- You used Unlimited SaGa battle themes.  I love you.

Now for the criticism:

- Maybe I'm just jaded, but I've found myself becoming more and more intolerant of graphical rips.  I realize that not everyone has time to sit down and draw out every tile in the entire game, but I have serious trouble labeling Ratix, Millie, Dorn, and Marvel as anything other than...well, Ratix, Millie, Dorn, and Marvel.  It was more excusable in your Dragon Fantasy titles as the generic Dragon Quest sprites were much more nondescript.  Any particular reason they kept their tails?

- The dialogue's a little overbearing.  Perhaps you should make it brief or tone down the jokes?  I'm not against humor in RPGs, but I think it should be saved for less-stressed moments in the game...particularly not the intro, as you'll want it to be short, sweet, and straight to the point so that you don't lose the crowd in drabble.

- Perhaps you should lay off of the overlays a bit.  While they do add atmosphere, I found it really hard to see anything half the time, and the "lantern effect" in the cave just made it worse.  I know the fog is part of the story, but even games where the characters are thrown into pitch-blackness tend to be mindful of the player, even if the characters themselves can't see jack.

Well, that's all I've really got to say so far...  Keep at it.   ​
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The song choice really dampened the experience for me, but overall, I love the menu.  This feeling is heightened because I rejoice to see someone program something that's more than decent in RM2k/3.

I get a real Final Fantasy 9 vibe from the menu, though that's not a bad thing.  I do have some minor things to mention, though:

- the cursor repeat speed seems way too fast.  It looks like the player would often accidentally choose the wrong thing if he's hurrying through the menu and does little more than tap the directional keys.  I'd have to play it myself to judge it for certain, but I remember having a problem with this kind of thing in Final Fantasy Origins, so the concern is legitimate.

- the menu skins, while nice, seem...unnecessary, and I'd wager a guess that you had to create a good seven times as many files in order to implement them.  Personally, I'd choose a color that suited my project and stick with a single theme, but that's just me.  This is less of a concern and more of an opinion, though.

Other than that, I can't really find anything wrong with it.  It looks awesome.  I hope to one day see "Project Kangaroo" take flight, as I'm genuinely interested now.
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@ReiZer0: Looks pretty good.  You might want to darken the window background because it conflicts with the font and makes it harder to read.  You could opt to darken the font instead, but light text on a dark background is usually more eye-appealing.  There's a lot of negative space around the menu, which is...okay I suppose, but I think it'd look better if things were spread out a bit more.
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I don't have one, but I've wanted to do something like this for years.  I'm glad there's a coherent way to do it on the big old internet!   ​
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Don't use 2k.
2k3 is NOT complicated in comparison to 2k. 2k3 has more features, but the difference between the two is actually very small. IMO 2k3 is just a better version of 2k. There's no reason to use 2k at all.

Except 2k3 has a completely different battle system, which as my experience dictates, is essentially half the game itself.  I also believe said battle system is inferior to RM2k's...not only for those playing it, but also for the many hoops that the creator must jump through compared to the one used in 2k.  2k3's battle system is not more complicated (no one is making this claim), but there is more to learn and manage in order to make it function adequately, hence my recommendation for the original RPG Maker 2000 until the newcomer has effectively learned the ropes.

If you wish to use 2k3 first, then go for it.  I won't stop ya'.
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OK, slightly different question along the same lines- which do you recommend for a newcomer to game-making- 2k or 2k3? Is one easier to use than the other?
2k is easier to use (though the Don Miguel translation is a little iffy if you're a newbie), but 2k3 has enough features to make a user happy after he's grown comfortable with the basics of the two programs (they're similar enough for a person to transition between the two with very little "downtime" for relearning the other program).  I recommend 2k because, unlike 2k3, there isn't a whole lot of information overload right from the get-go, and unlike a lot of people, I tend to prefer its traditional turn-based battle system to the questionably-implemented ATB system used in 2k3.
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I guess it depends on what you're going for.  In spite of VX, I still use 2k3 because I prefer the way it looks and I consider myself a master RM2k scripter.  I haven't used RMVX myself, but as Calunio said, most of the (current) games resemble one another quite a bit.  I'm sure there's plenty of power in the scripting system, though, but I have no knowledge of the extent of that power.
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Yes, but it didn't look cartoony. It's the thick black outline that makes it look cartoony.

Notice how the tiles don't have outlines and the tiles themselves have an intricate design.
The tiles you have going now look a bit like Mother, except the shading is different.

I was referring to the menus only.  I do agree with you about the chipsets and panoramas being used, but I was not talking about them earlier.
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The clash IS in the original.  Nothing wrong with it, though, as there should be at least some sort of difference like this to keep the menus and stuff from being muddled with the gameplay graphics.
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OP: it's an RPG.  They're deliberately designed so that if you fail at life, you will eventually get strong enough to overcome anything the game throws at you.

...unless, of course, you're talking about Dragon Quest II or something.  That one's just plain out to get you.  It's trolling in video game form.
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You know what was really wrong with FF9?  Needlessly long wait times during encounter transitions and the fact that if you didn't have a guide, you wouldn't see half the game because every other item and side event can be permanently missed.  Other than that, I feel it was the epitome of PS1 Final Fantasy titles (aside from Tactics, of course, which is clearly made of win and God).
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Why does this remind me of Rudra no Hihou and Tales of Phantasia?

Fixed for you.