Quote from: WackFiend
I want to say Oblivion but Oblivion looks much better. Neverwinter Nights 2?No and no.
I want to say Oblivion but Oblivion looks much better. Neverwinter Nights 2?No and no.
i meant to say anyone not chainer or ketayAnd with a hearty cheer he stepped through the crowd and spoke aloud, "For today, I am not Ketay."
Yeah it is.Also Ketay I see you reading this topic stop masturbating it's not nintendo.Oh wow, aren't you the clever one.
I am trying harde to guesseMaybe if we put heads 2gether we can get it!!!!
What is Plok on? It looks awesomeSNES. =D Awesome game.
Story[/color]A couple of guys decided to kill each other and you can be one of them.Well I'm a man for story and there's no way you can top that... So I think I'm going to have to start playing hardcore yo!
Curse you for posting a Plok! screen! That was going to be my choice if it came to be my turn!Same here. T_T Plok! FTW!(Not that I'll ever guess most of these...)
It is nice looking but I dont see how you could maintainy productivity with something like that. Then again.. by the time I have posted this you probably already have a new style...He still has more open space than I do WITHOUT a task bar or anything. -_-But I don't really like how it looks... But that's only because I'm used to horizontally stacked task thingies at the bottom. It would just feel wierd to have things on the left... Plus I don't like how it's transparent... x_x I like your last one better. =P I want something like your one before, except with taskbar at bottom and dock on left.
I suppose we shouldn't care that television is flooded with crappy reality TV and sitcoms because it's just the media. Sure that's an inflated example, but the point is that people can put a few more seconds into their posts and add some semblance of thought over mindless agreement."And a really bad example... Since they have all those on TV because so many people like them... But I guess because you don't like them it makes them crappy!Anyway, it just doesn't seem natural for a forum to be this formal. People don't always have their own opinions on things; they often share the same opinion as someone else.
These are primarily DISCUSSION forums not POLL forums. Outside of the poll forum, there is absolutely no need for you to post just to show "hey, I agree with x about y issue". Zero. nada. Zip. It's right in the rules that I wrote, and I took the ideas about posting straight out of Bart's old rules which have been the same for years: Don't post if you're not adding to the topic. "Quoting + This." is little more than a post count + 1.It's strange that I've never bothered warning or enforcing it or anything, considering I'm usually pretty quick to warn and shit. But that's changing now because as you can likely see, it's getting out of hand. Obviously people would say "it's not a big problem, it's just people agreeing with each other" but that's ridiculously lazy and defeatist. We're better than that. "Quote + This." is a World of Warcraft forum attitude and if anyone is happy with being on the same level as the WoW forums in terms of quality, you can leave now.Well... Isn't a forum supposed to be kind of like a "discussion forum" and we're supposed to be having discussions? A lot of times in life if you're talking with a bunch of people, and you make a point, you'll get a bunch of people who say "Yeah, I agree with that!" I don't see the point of penalizing people for that. You're like turning this into a serious political meeting where people have these huge posts every time, and people aren't allowed to speak out of turn. =/ It's an amateur gaming community... You're going to have people of all ages who all talk in different ways... It's just natural to say "Yeah, I agree" when someone says something.
You will notice that leafo got a TALKING TO and guess what he's SO MUCH of a better poster now because of it. But imagine this; imagine leafo hadn't quadruple posted. Those posts could have all been done by four different people. Hell, they might as well have been.This.---------------------------Anyway... I think posting something like "this" isn't that bad... Especially when a topic is asking for peoples' opinions and someone has the same opinion... It lets the poster know that more people have that opinion without making the person retype it all... I mean, of course it would be good for them to add to it, but not everyone has anything to add. Although it is annoying when someone quotes something like "oh man" and puts "This." ^^Just start warning people... With a light/soft/not bad warn thing... Whatever it is called!
GAY nice touch.I tried to make it subtle so it blended into the image and you couldn't see it. You must have really good eyes.
except it doesnt.Yes huh. Although I switched back due to lack of coolness with editting the taskbar. Plus I never use my desktop. But I think I'm going to keep this thing that lets me have multiple desktop... So I can have all my windows for working on Trisphere open on one, and then another thing for doing everything else in another, and it takes under a second to switch back and forth... It'll let me split up all my windows and such,without totally destroying my computer's resources.