See I honestly have no problem with anyone in this thread, but its a little silly that people I know who actively insulted him all of a sudden became his biggest fan overnight. I go to my facebook and I see so many disingenuous people.
Don't get me wrong, I understand why this is a huge deal. The man is a music legend and many loved him. But I hate how some people just change their opinions just because he died. But that's not really something I see in this thread, just a personal annoyance.
Now, I loved some of his songs and I really did hope that he'd one day get his shit together. Although, to be honest I'm not a huge fan and I am not personally affected by his death. The thing is, that he died in the worst way possible and the worst time too. I mean, this is basically what people have been waiting for. They've been waiting for this guy to finally go back to the man of old that everyone had eyes for back in the 80's. He was going to go to England in like 2 weeks on tour, and according to people who were working with him, it was going to be some really amazing shit. I think he even said "See you all in July".
Bam he's dead. It's just so random. I mean, I wasn't going to be there, I probably wasn't even going to check it out. But I can sympathize with the people who were really waiting all this time for him to get back out there and he just got taken away. The guy had fucking kids as well and god I feel so awful for them.
You also have to consider that he had a terrible childhood and as a result he never really grew up. He gave back to kids and really seemed to genuinely love them. I don't know if he ever truly molested a kid, but if he didn't you can only imagine how soul crushing it must have been to be him. Also, people can be so fucking stupid sometimes about just about anything. Yes, we get that you don't dangle your child outside a balcony but I don't think he was , like, trying to tease the crowd with it like a you would do with a dog and biscuits. He was just like "Oh hey man fans look mah babeh". Sure it was dumb, but stop making a big deal out of it for fucks sake.
The thing is, Michael Jackson was someone EVERYONE knew. He wasn't some musicians that you could hear his music in an elevator and not know his name and someone would go "Hey how could you not know that". Pretty much the most ignorant people in the world knew this guy. He's been around for the whole damn generation and he was pretty young too. He had a lot of vigour to him and he really seemed like he would be around for much longer. That's why its so tragic and so damn weird to people.
If you don't care, that's fine. It's better than being a hypocritical bitch. But for God's sake, how can you not see why this is a big deal?
Also, let's be quite honest. If he didn't die, the news would be filled with some other trivial shit. Afghan war? that's still in the news. Iran blowing up - yep still in the news. Stop fucking exaggerating.