Well well well. I just got back from seeing Planet Terror and Death Proof at my local indie cinema. I'm from England, so we didn't get the full Grindhouse package here and it literally was the first film, then a break then the second film, like a matinee. We didn't get the fake trailers made by Eli Roth and Edgar Wright and those folk, nor did we get the fake cinema announcements. We did however see a large number of real 70s grindhouse film trailers, for films like Night of the Bloody Ape, Three On a Meathook, Deadly Weapons, Wham Bam Thankyou Spaceman and even a short film called Roadkill - The Killings of John Martin (all presumably added by the theatre itself), plus the main features were the European extended versions. Anywho, there's been a lot of talk about Grindhouse/Death Proof/Planet Terror, and I hadn't seen either films on their individual release. Tonight, I had such a great time. These 2 films were just so over the top and entertaining. It was fantastic. Everyone in the (sold out) theatre was applauding, cheering and in hysterics all the way through. It was the most fun I've ever had at a cinema. So I'll include Grindhouse as one of my favourite films of last year.
Zodiac has been mentioned, and I agree: what a terrific film. Everyone involved was at the top of their game and it was such an engrossing watch. Not as showy as Fight Club or Se7en, in fact, it's perhaps the anti-Se7en. I can't stress enough how much I enjoyed this film.
I liked Knocked Up very muchly. Ever since Freaks and Geeks I've kept tabs on Judd Apatow because, well, Freaks and Geeks is the best thing in the world ever. This movie was also very good. It was great to see many Freaks and Geeks cast members back together (even James Franco!) and in general, it was a hilarious and touching movie.
And finally (because a lot of films people have been mentioning as 2007 films are not out yet or only recently out here in the UK), The Darjeeling Limited. Lots of people found this as a disappointment, and not amongst Wes Anderson's finest moments. I disagree. This film was (like The Life Aquatic - which again met a mixed response from fans and critics) hugely enjoyable from start to finish, beautiful to look at (like Aquatic), and, as in all Anderson films, marvellously watchable, with loads of hilarious laughs, sentimental bits and an awesome soundtrack. A great all-rounder really. It also made me really want to run and jump onto a train as it is leaving the station in slow motion whilst The Kinks are playing somewhere in the background.
I can't wait to see No Country For Old Men when it comes out next week. I'll probably go check out Charlie Wilson's War tomorrow or Monday as well because Tom Hanks is usually pretty fantastic and I hear that the [Philip ][/Philip] Hoff[man] delivers yet another amazing performance. So that's that.
Your Pussy's Glued to a Building on Fire
"We're gonna live like kings! Damn hell assed kings!"