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i had £5000 for the trip, but could've done things a little cheaper now and then. For example, my flight to Quito was quite expensive. Had I flown to somewhere else, I could've saved some money. Also, I haven't checked my finances at all since I got back, since the money was split up a bit, I don't know if the trip cost pretty much all of what I saved or what
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Evening everyone!

I recently returned home to England after spending 5 months travelling around South America with my pal Steve. We flew to Quito, Ecuador in July, spent 5 days in the Amazon rainforest, then began slowly moving south through the continent, spending time in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, before reaching the southern-most city in the world at Argentina's tip, just 500 miles from Antartica. From then on, it was north all the way up Argentina's Atlantic coast to Buenos Aires, where we stayed with Shepperd's family, before moving into Uruguay, Paraguay, and finally Brasil, flying home from Rio de Janeiro just before Christmas. We travelled almost exclusively by bus (the exceptions to this were 2 time-saving plane journeys and 4 days we spent on a cargo ship navigating the fjords of southern Chile).

We did an awful lot of stuff on this trip and there are a load of stories to tell. We met a lot of great (and not-so-great) people, visited some incredible places, walked for days, climbed mountains, slid down a volcano on our ass, too much stuff to list... I thought I'd share this stuff with you, but really to just go "here's 5 months of stuff!!" isn't so digestible, and afterall, I don't know if you guys are interested at all. So basically, here are a few photos (from the thousands I've still got to go through and organise) and if you want to know more about my trip I'd love to tell you all about it in detail (as you can guess it's like my favourite thing to talk about), or post more pictures or videos, whatever!

So there are a few photos I quite like. I haven't gone through my photos of Ecuador and the Amazon yet, nor the majority of anything after Argentina. There are no photos of Rio either, because I got mugged by a couple of motherfuckers with knives. Anyway... :)

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Shepperd told me this last week and I really didnt know what to say. It´s just so unfair, so horrible. I can´t even think of anything to say now, except that, when everybody raised that money for him, I felt incredibly proud of this community. I thought that was a really amazing thing.
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It is indeed Bolivia. Except the top picture of sandboarding, which is the Atacama desert in Chile, which is where I am now. And the Charango was only 20 quid, so it was an expense I was willing to make...a bed in Bolivia was only costing me 2 pounds 50 a night, and a  3 course meal of the day 1 pound 50. I havent  been picking up too many souvenirs, so the charango (and the hassle that carrying it around everywhere brings) will have to do.
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climbing mount huayna potosi in bolivia, 6088 metres. more here;

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well, it looks like my one picture has taken over the thread. yippee.

to answer questions:
I have tried and enjoy muchly Inca Kola.
They let you walk around Machu Picchu. If you get there early enough you can climb Wina Picchu mountain (the mountain in the photo) but they only let 200 people climb it a day so there´s a huge rush to get entry tickets. I missed out by about 10 people. So after 4 days of trekking through the Andes, I climbed a BIGGER mountain, Machu Picchu mountain, which was probably the most difficult "climb" I´ve ever done, especially in the midday heat, but it was worth it for the view at the top. Pictures of that when I can.

Also...swam in the amazon, fished for pirahnas, ate guinea pig, hunted caiman, chewed lots of coca leaves, took a 5 seater plane across the Nazca lines, wussed out on jumping the 4th highest bungee jump in the world (stood on the platform with the rope and everything... :( ) lots and lots to tell and show but i´ll leave that for later. :)
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yeah, I´m in Peru at the moment. Did a 4 day trek to Machu Picchu. Spent 20 minutes uploading that one photo to the internet to send to family and friends back home, so I kinda couldn´t resist posting it here too. Additional information; I´m very cold and very hungover right now, but its ok because a Peruvian movie channel is running all 3 Indiana Jones movies in a row. Posting this in the ad break for Temple of Doom. Yay.
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aye, I've kind of found myself in a really lucky position and decided not to waste the chance, even though the months between trips have been a bit rubbish, and the lack of general direction other than "i'm going to travel!" gets annoying. Totally worth it though.
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i saw "​" on the index and was hoping it was the renamed topic title of the steel's "okay" cancer topic..... ..... this is disappointing

till december!!!! have fun dude. I don't think you can top that adventure you and Shep. good luck and stay safe

oh god, i'm sorry. i'll change it. i'm going back to south america, starting in ecuador and going to peru and bolivia and chile and swinging through argentina saying hey to shep, uruguay, maybe paraguay, brazil. right now i'm actually kind of scared. and tired. i'm going to grow the best beard i can. and go to the fucking amazon rainforest.
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hey friends, i'm going backpacking tomorrow. i don't post much anymore, but I still love to read GW most days, so i figured i'd say bye and hope you all have a good rest of the year.

All the best! See ya in december!

love from me
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The backpacking sounds great, Gazzwa. It's a shame about the movie but I'm pretty envious of your trip. How long have you been saving up for it?

well i feel like a little bit of a tool about it, even 2 days before I leave. I'm pretty good at saving money and worked full-time for half a year to save up to go see Shep. I managed to save up about 3 times the amount I needed for that trip and of course, I wanted more adventure. So, as long as I managed to get another job for 4 months, I'd have enough money to go off again. Unfortunately for me, I'm seemingly completely unemployable and despite applying for countless jobs had no luck whatsoever. So the job centre's padded me out a little bit, and then my grandad, who I'd been caring for, died and left me a whole bunch of money, which I felt kind of weird using for something like a big trip, but then my parents split and it went a little bit shitty at my end so I thought what the hell, and the trip was on again. So I feel a bit of a tit because I haven't been able to find work for the last few months yet I'm still able to go backpacking.

To those of you in the know, regarding my dead computer - and I have no idea about computers really, it appears it's probably a hard drive failure. If this is the case, what's the likelihood of recovering files?
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So, I'm in the middle of editing a short movie I've been working on for the past month (moreorless a proper one, not like this shit) and my fucking computer has fucking died completely. Won't turn on. I'm hoping I haven't lost everything on there, aside from the film (the raw footage is still on DV tape) y'know, you don't want to lose your shit, but if I lost that it would be the worst since it took a lot of effort. Even if my computer and the goodness contained within is salvageable, I'm going backpacking for 4 and a half months on tuesday, so there's no way I'm going to finish my movie until fucking december. So i should be excited but instead I'm just pissed off.

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no idea why there's always been this joke about ikea furniture being so hard to put together

it's about the easiest thing in the world to do unless you are the hugest moron that can't follow PICTURES (the instructions don't even have dang words!), i just put a table and an office chair together by myself in about an hour and a half, it's a piece of piss

moral:  before dating someone have them assemble a piece of ikea furniture because if they can't they are too dumb to look at pictures right

the difficulty occurs when they don't put in enough brackets or screws or something, so there you are on your hands and knees next to half a desk having arrived home after a 6 hour round trip (browsing time not included) to the nearest ikea screaming "I'M MISSING ONE OF THESE LITTLE SILVER FUCKERS!!!!!!!!"

the bastards
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