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Jesus these are... certainly something

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- Hideo Kojima


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Sometimes when i watch movies i like to pretend that the actor is still the same character from the last film i saw them in, i then comment that it makes no sense whatsoever.

Like Gerard Butler going from 300 as King Leonidas, surprisingly doesn't die and is next seen living on an island with his daughter in Nim's Island, And then he abandons his daughter and goes to london and becomes a thug and member of the Wild Bunch in rocknrolla

With actors who are typecast in the one role like Marky Mark it gets kinda funny.

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If obama is a playable character in Peacewalker then...
 Man i dont even know. It would be hilariously awesome though

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yeah, i haven't managed to do it Stealthfully the whole way yet.
I'll get like 8 down and then get spotted when im trying to go hide to wait for them to go back and stand near the tank. And then im spotted i'll switch to a rifle and gun them all down.

The guards notice when they've been hit by a tranq round and they kinda go on a caution. So you have to keep your distance.
ALSO if the tank barrel aims at you normally the dude will spot you and send his men to investigate. I think anyway it might've been coincidence.

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Later, Juris. GW used to be really good back in 2002.
GW was never good.

goodtimes though

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Ok a much easier (or harder) way to get he tank commander to come out.
Is to take out ALL of the soldiers.
What i did is tranq'd them all around the same time, so go from the back one to the front on one side and then the other side, QUICK as you can because it seems they can see unconscious guys through the tank.
And if one guy gets woken up you are all screwed.
Once they are all down, Run over and Futon them away. Then piss off and hide before the next 4 arrive.
You can also kill them all but that'll raise the alarm.
Once 12-16 guys (I lost track) have been taken out the tank commander pops up to man the top machinegun.

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I wish there was a Metal Gear Solid where Snake had a magic carpet he could use to fly around. Maybe if Sonic was in it, they could call it Metal Gear Sonic, or they could have a Metal Gear Solid and Sonic at the Olympics. I don't know if this is the right topic to post this in.
Cant you play the smash brothers with snake in it?
Didn't that have Sonic in it?
And if not.

Why not make like a stealth Shmup, Where snake is on a Magical Carpet flying around fighting metal gears that sonic (Who is possessed by the ghost of Liquid but not really, its just nanobots controlled by Big Boss to make him think that he is possessed by the ghost of liquid. OH did i mention big boss is also dead at this point. No? Well he is. But really thats just nanomachines pretending he's dead)
ermm, metal gears that Sonic is sending after him because he is in control of a metal gear that makes smaller metal gears that makes smaller metal gears. And he's doing it all because like the last few metal gear solids the storyline is not ment to make sense.
Sonic is keeping this massive metal gear at a nearby Olympic field. And to get the unlock codes snake has to win the gold in hurdles, javelin and pole volt. Because they designed the keycard to only react to those medals. But turns out ITS THE KEYCARD TO ACTIVATE THE END CEREMONY. And big bosses plan to ruin the oylmpics for london. because they made liquid ever so british.

In other news, Does anyone know if you can take out that tank completely by stealth?
i've been told the driver pops out and you can stun him. But im not sure when/how.
i've managed to put all the footsoldiers to sleep but cant attack the tank without raising an alert.

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Wait, What?
Didn't this thread used to be in Crapshack... or post 9/11 world or what ever the devil it was.

And alcohol is on my mind. Alcohol and charcoals.

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There is a Topic here Titled Rezzy evil 5 so, i was going to make a new one but......


Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition
From what i can tell, same game, with a chris flashback. Maybe with the multiplayer DLC they charge extra for unlocked already. I enjoyed Resident evil 5 as a game, kinda fun. Specially with a friend. but to pay for it again. Bastards.

A Random Article i googled.

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Hey Ax_dude when you say edit the version.txt, to what version do I put in and do I have to do anything else? They took out first person aiming as well? OMG...How am I going to headshot people...

Basically If you are Running 5.50 GEN-B (Not sure about Gen-A) you change anything that says [5.50 ][/5.50] to [5.51 ][/5.51]
If you know how to geto the version thing then DANDY FANTASTIC!!!.
if not then hold "R" while turning it on and you get a menu
Goto "Advanced" and "Toggle USB (flash0)"
Plug in a usb cable,
On you computer navigate to <PSP Drive letter>:\Vsh\etc\
In there should be Version.txt
You ALSO need to make sure under *pause while i turn on my psp*
Under "Configuration" you must make use "Use version.txt" is "Currently: Enabled"
Under "Advanced" -> "Advanced Configuration" make sure "GAME plugins" is "Currently: Disabled"

The Rocket launcher and Sniper rifle are both scoped i dont think they really count as first person.
I mean they are, but you cant really just zoom in with the pistol and such. Its Different, Just leave it out.
I had no problems getting headshots, But now it seems the dudes have Armoured helmets which makes 1 hit killing them a tad of a Bitch, Or Tranqing them because by the time one guy falls, The other guy notices, walks over, wakes him up and then Falls asleep himself. Only to be woken seconds later by the other dude.
I need to find more people with psps that can play this, i fear its multiplayer ability is slightly lost on me.

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No way! A demo already? Wow thanks for this man!

EDIT: Aw, crap I can't run it! I have to wait till CFW 6.00 is released. :fogetlaugh:

No You dont. 5.51 is the minimum official firmware that you need
Im running 5.50 GEN-B and it works.
But you have to Edit the Version.txt to make it think its higher than 5.51.

If people express interest i'll Link to a guide or something.
Who knows there might be a hacked demo out by now.

There are afew things they've cut out that seem abit weird.
Like crawling, Aiming in first person, Moving when you're holding a guard hostage.
4 person co-op seems fucking AWESOME, but i haven't gotten around to it, no wireless points around.
But considering i managed to run through the demo just shooting the fuck out of everything/one i imagine it'd be much easier with multiple people.
Its still early days though, And those features might still be in there but i dont read japanese to undo it.

taking away two of the things that made MGS what it was good job konami give yourselves a pat on the back
you are kidding right?
Crawling and aiming in first person.
Made the series.... right.

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Wow Memories.

Im actually sure i have a cd somewhere with images from GW.
But... after 20 odd moves since i was a really active member i dont know where it is.

I spose... Sig.

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do you mean it was unbelievable? pretty sure in the games they never showed anyone shooting up either. the game was ma15, i think the difference is two shits and a fuck, which i don't give for a lack of swearing.

have you played the game? it's a really good adaptation. the game was stupid and i think the movie was less stupid.
I wrote a rant, took 5 and then deleted it. I found the movie to be predictable, the acting to be stiff, and the storyline just, I left the cinema feeling stupid.

Anyway back on topic of metal GEAR
Peacewalker looks pretty.
But i kinda wanna know whats up with the multiple Big Bosses.

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This is the best video game movie, yes.
I actually liked Super Mario Brothers Better.
I thought Max Payne was just stupid. The story didn't even make any sense. And i hate films that go for a PG-13 rating when it OBVIOUSLY should not be that. How do you convey drug abuse in a PG movie? By having them drink it instead.

I have no problems with Metal Gear Rising. Infact I have began to not give a shit about the Metal Gear Solid franchise because.
I mean they are fun.
But Im over it.
So much fucking talking and linear gameplay when all i want to do is choke fuckers out and hide in boxes. I mean all the hype for Metal gear solid 3 had me thinking you would be required to evade capture in massive sandboxy areas of jungle. And for the food and medical systems to be more than just a little gimmick tacked in there.
Then metal gear solid 4 had me thinking i would be stalking through MASSIVE sandboxy Iraq bombed cities in the middle of a warzone. Being able to play both sides of the field.

I am interested in the PSP Metal Gear though.
I really liked Metal Gear Ac!d and would like a realtime version of the game. I think it'd be fun. Portable ops was OK.

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I dont put much Faith in the Joined date.
Mine reads Jan 1st 2002.
Jan 1st.......
I would have been much too hungover to even contemplate surfing the internet.
I think i came over to this one when another site closed down, Same one as RPGODDESS.
wow. theres a name i've not heard in years.
Guys Go back to your old usernames, Seriously.
Im lurking, I notice this nostalgia thread and open it without thinking or checking the dates and almost post the exact same thing i posted over a year ago.
Good times.

if all you dudes who just LURK started posting occasionally, GW would maybe look 43% less dead
Guys Go back to your old usernames, Seriously.

I remember I used to annoy DS with my random capitalising of words. And it wasn't even intentional, dunno why i did it. Didn't even notice it
That was fun.
And donating money to GW i got Bart's address and sent him Australian Currency.  Im kinda curious if he actually got it exchanged or not.

I still get the game creating Itch every now and then, And start working on things, But really its taken a massive backstage to anything and everything else I do. I rarely keep in touch with anyone from GW these days, Pulits occasionally when im online at the same time, Oblivion abit but i know him more through IRC than anything else. Serenity I chat with a bit.

And what happened to Crap Shack/ Post 9/11?

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So is this an exact port of the original that came before Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games, or is it sort of a condensed version of the entire series? In addition to that, were Jagged Alliance and Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games even different games at all?

If it is anything like the original it is bound to come out great. I never really liked Jagged Alliance 2 as it was sort of Diablo meets Command & Conquer and revolved around taking over sectors and managing resources rather than training mercs and putting them through missions.

This is looking super duper sweet though.

I would say Deadly games is like Xcom terror from the deep.
It uses the same engine, Same system, Afew little polishes here and there.
But Deadly games lacked the main screen of the first and i think it also had a map editor.
It was basically extra missions some new guns and new mercs.

Im a bit upset and a bit glad they haven't upgrade the games graphics.
On the one hand i think it would've been interesting if all the mercs were individually sprited. But on the other, That they are sticking so close to the original makes me warm and fuzzy inside. i hope it sells well and that xcom is next.

I liked jagged alliance 2 but only after a slew of Updates and mods changed pretty much everything about it.

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This is one of the best old games! I can't believe nothing has cloned it or ripped it off. I mean, I'd LOVE a rip off if it was done right, because it's such a novel concept and the original (and sequel) were executed so well, right down to the fake laptop and internet browser.

Am I wrong? Is there a modern Jagged Alliance clone?

There is no modern Jagged Alliance clone.
It seems to loose anything it had when they translate it to 3d, Or take away the squared movement.

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Would be cool if they remade the original MG for NES, and tied it all in with the current series.
Would be cool if they remade the original MG for MSX, and tied it all in with the current series.

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Its been running on my computer for at least 20 hours.
I just like the background noise of a storm.
