I really hate this stupid excuse of "it ripped" off, lets play a game ....what
game/song/story/book/person/script/movie/play/concert/anything ever created...hasn't "ripped off" something else, there is no such thing as an original concept anymore alright? You can link anything back to anything.
every concept is stolen/borrowed/inspired from another, whatever you want to label it as, its not 100% original, maybe the way it is presented, perhaps. I mean hello! Xenogears has MECHAS in it!!! It riped off Gundamn right? it has a guy that looks like BLANKA, Ripped off street fighter, wait he's green! a green overly strong person!? HULK, you bastards you ripped off the HULK.
wait a minute...the main character falls in LOVE!? ripped off Romeo and god damn fucking Juliet!
I'm in awe at your ability to cite the sources of the authors inspirations, but its not a FAULT.
HOWEVER; you say it directly stole from soylent green, as in un edited? what is soylent green...a movie right? are you saying xenogears took dialog from that movie unedited and placed it in the game? Or are you saying they use the same concept of "Hey, its made of humans!" because like I said there is no such thing as an original concept in this world any more. Everything can be linked back to something.
The only fault xenogears has is that the fans take the game way to seriously, its a game, it has no super DEPTH to it, infact the game seems to take itself to seriously.