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she is the most annoying character...but at least that guys powers finaly came in handy for something.
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the_nackster; I love the saturation...it is very nice!
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Dude you are pretty dumb the purpose of a prison system is supposed to contain criminals that are a danger to society. THATS ALL! It is not our responsibility to make them pay or suffer for what they've done, only time and understanding of their actions can do that.

You are a fucking moron if you think lowering yourself to their level and allowing your government to act like animals to deal with animals is the RIGHT THING TO DO. It simply isn't! Nope, not their responsibility, not anyone's responsibility it isn't nope shut up nope not-eh eh ehehehehe shut up.

Now I believe that in some cases solitary confinement (in the sense of leaving a criminal who can't operate around others without getting violent, in a reinforced cell all by his lonesome until he can learn to stop being a fucking moron) is necessary for the protection of other criminals and prison staff but thats about as far as it goes.

I think having them work and get an education while their in the prison environment could really help shit out but no - LET THEM DO THE DANGEROUS SHIT AND HARD LABOR BECAUSE THEY AREN'T PEOPLE ANYMORE- that is stupid as hell.

Thanks for the insults, ironic really but anyway...

1. Prison is a rehabilitation system in the united states of America. It was designed to rehabilitate. Did you just say that prison's sole purpose is to contain criminals...for periods of time and let them loose again? You yourself just said it was not meant to punish or rehabilitate...does that even make sense? It doesn't make sense at all...on any level of thought. really I'm trying understand what you said but I can't.  let me high light the contradiction in your own post.

Let me go through it again. Prison is ONLY meant to contain criminals deemed dangerous that is ALL, not to reintroduce them into society, punish, teach, NOTHING ELSE...and after that set period of time we established for that certain person (most people who go to prison...get out.) we willingly release people we did not rehabilitate or had the goal to rehabilitate back into society...?

Lets not even get into the fact that forcing someone to go somewhere they  don't want to go is punishment within itself...and bring up the "what right to we have to do it" argument that you are using.

2. Animals...when do animals make eachother instill justice or "punishment" upon eachother? o.0 Making someone work hard labor to pay for a crime...is animistic? separating someone from society who has no Chance of ever being reintroduced into society is animistic...sorry these are far to complicated concepts to be labled animalstic, stick with cruel.

Also let me clarify my ideals only apply to people who kill people other people, you seem to be rounding up all the criminals together in your little rant.

3. I agree with you...for people who commit lesser crimes like steal and shit we should actually rehabilitate them, but you contradict yourself..you said prison should ONLY(you even stressed this) for containing prisoners now you say we should educate them? I'm all for it but you are contradicting first sentence. People who murder for their own goals should be punished with the methods I listed before in my opinion.... I'm not talking about people with a mental illness I'm about about oh..people who kill for money for example  ​
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Why would they want to...imprison someone who can breathe underwater...like wtf can he do? How would you even find out he can breathe under water?
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Myra Hindley the infamous child murderer who died behind bars despite protests for her release. She suffered from dependant personality(perhaps caused by witnessing the death of her best friend at a young age?), was taken in and basically brainwashed by the dominating/charasmatic Ian Brady and basically acted out what he wanted, including horrific crimes. In prison after time and the brianwashing wore off she found religion, got educated showed absolute remorse for what she had commited. She was totally reformed and as an old woman posed no threat anymore. She wasn't allowed to go free.
She was used as an example by the government to show they were tough on crime by keeping her locked up. Why? Because the public hate her and see her as a face of evil rather than someone who was manipulated, and the government couldn't allow someone so hated to be allowed to go. An old dying woman kept locked up. She wasn't innocent, nobody will really claim she was, but she was a whole different person and one that deserved another chance.

Choosing the exception to apply to the majority doesn't work, however just because I believe in what I said doesn't mean you do not handle these situations on a case by case basis like everything else, why would you assume its just a broad stroke across all criminals? That is illogical.

1. She had a mental illness or a poor mental state(?)
2. She was abused mentally by someone (brainwashed)

These two facts alone make ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from two men who said
"hey, lets use this poison to rack up our profits! it might kill the babies? who cares~ its worth the risk."

There is a difference between a serial killer who is mentally disturbed..and these two men who killed people for MONEY. they were not mentally ill or miss guided or manipulated/brainwashed ...they made a choice.

I never thought I would have to explain the difference, but then again it's my fault for not implying that case by case review still applies...(Jesus.)

Any deterrent has neglegable/no effect on violent crime, because of the mindset of people when commiting such crimes. But fuck it, let's isolate them all and not try to understand, and therefore be able to predict the causes for such problems.

Really, did I ever say to cancel all research into why crimes of this level are commited? find that quote for me.
This is just a bad debate tactic... taking something I said and pushing it to the extreme.

If you think that people don't commit crimes out of the goodness of their hearts instead of a solid combination of morals and "well, I'm ganna go to jail or have to pay a fine I can't afford or have this go on my permanent record and never be able to get a decent job."

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People who are eligable to committing crimes worthy of a life-time sentence or death penalty in the first place don't necessarily grasp the idea of punishment to begin with, so I doubt that matters much.

Besides, USA which has much stricter sentences and far worse prisons have far higher crime rates than most European countries that have milder sentences and better prisons.

it is no longer about punishment when you kill someone, punishment on that level is to deter OTHER people.
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I mean can you seriously envision a no government society where criminals cannot atone for what they have done?  Someone HAS to do it.

I agree, so define that atonement, can you even atone for taking something you cannot bring back?  That is where a lot of us differ.

you've taken away someone's rights so we will take away yours.

Yeah; as if life was that black and white right? nice argument.

jesus christ what the fuck do you care what a murderer is doing in jail cell as long as he's locked up for life? i couldn't care less if a child murder is sitting in his cell doing coke and fucking hookers every day as long as he's never able to commit the crime again.

Yeahhhh....hey did you know if you kill someone you get to go to jail where they give you hookers and drugs and you get free food and shelter? Awsome deterrent

I do see your point, however I believe it is our responsibility to deter and make people atone for their sins. It is sad that people base their actions on what will happen to them if they do it instead of their principles but that is the world we live in. We need deterrence.
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because solitary confinement destroys your brain. no it's fucked up nobody has the right to do that to someone.

That is where I disagree; I believe if you take someones life knowingly and premeditated you give society the right to pass  "justice" upon you for your actions. You cannot simply say you don't have the right. because where does that end?

If you don't have that right, why do we have the right to pass judgment, period?  I can say "nobody has the right to lock someone up." Sudden separation from loved ones and you're environment (home) can also cause mental illnesses like chronic depression (which is the most common illness solitary confinement causes.) Confinement itself causes a lot of mental illnesses, and physical abuse too if you want to take into account that you are forcing someone to socialize with other criminals that are far more dangerous. Who gave us that right to lock people up? explain that to me. The problem with the "who gave that right?" argument is that their is no line to where that starts and ends.
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you're a sadistic asshole.

Your debate skills are...interesting. We already do this in all of our major societies, so what's so sadistic about hard labor and mental torture? I hope you do understand what I mean by mental torture. I'm talking about social isolation, solitary confinement ..etc. Why should someone who kills other people be allowed to socialize with...other people and I certainly don't want him chilling in his jail cell otherwise what? we forced him to be a monk? if hard labor is sadistic then hell yeah I'm sadistic.

If you are talking about me saying death is to nice of a punishment, I don't see how that is sadistic at all it's just what I beleive~ I'm not into the heaven or hell thing.
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I never understood this whole idea of "you shouldn't punish people with death"... it lacks any real solid foundation in my opinion. ( the idea, not the poor application of it as seen in America.)

I think they deserve death, no questions asked but... I'm against the death penalty because I think death is way to nice of a punishment. I do believe in mental torture though, and hard labor for life(for those who are set to be in prison for life, not for prisoners who are going to be reintroduced into society at some point.)

Prison is so horribly done in the USA, as if locking someone up is going to have a high success rate for people who had nothing to live for in the first place. You need to REHABILITATE THEM, fear doesn't work on people who have nothing to live for.
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Oh my dear NB... prepare to be proved so VERY wrong.I have some bosses planned that are going to BLOW your MIND.
Each individual enemy character takes approx 8-9 events. Its all about the imagination, of which I have plenty.  :)

You totaly missed his point, but go ahead and try...not to be mean, but I think you want honesty; I watched your videos and I saw a lot of bad design erros you could get away with in pixel movement, but here in gird locked movement those errors are ganna bite back hard.

Unless you convert to pictures you will never get the true smooth visuals you need to make the abs work properly. I've been there and done what you are trying to do, I really suggest you try it in another maker or wait for action game maker(?).

With that said, go ahead and try... I'm sure it's possible to make something cool; but it will never compare to pixel based movement.
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Prison break...omg that last episode was AWSOME hahaha Malone is not one to be fucked with.
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You never told us your body type or eating habits, so I cannot tell what type of person you are.

Are you skinny because you don't eat right or because you're like me and just don't gain weight?

Assuming you are just like me, then you are going to need to take in a lot of calories if you plan on working out..a lot. guys like us can burn 3 times more calories a day compared to other body types. So you add work outs to that..geese you need to increase meals by a lot.

Second, dumping protein in your body in large amounts everyday is a waste. Your body will just dump out what it doesn't need, our body type doesn't like to store. You need to give your body what it needs, excess just...literally gets pooped out. So if your work out doesn't demand it, then don't over do it on the protein.

However; take protein everyday, best time for our body type is after the workout RIGHT AWAY. (for anybody type for that matter)  Why? because like I said before, our body doesn't like to store, so giving the body protein right after a work out when it's making repairs to the muscles ensures a greater percentage of the protein is being used rather than dumped.

Second best times are before you go to sleep, and when you wake up.

The workout itself? Push you're self every work out, your muscles won't grow if you do what you can already do. You need them to understand that you want to do something that you can't already do. That's why people have power days where they go above their normals limits and try higher weights just to  really push their muscles. so don't go easy. And try to go the same days, the body needs consistency.

and also, lol at 20-30 pounds of muscle in a year...good luck getting 15.  Esp if you have a real life to attend to. Only people who really know what their doing and have time to dedicate to workouts can gain 20/25 pounds a year.

However you can get 20 pounds easy in a year, it just won't be pure muscle.

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Yeah I was gone for a while and I've been kind of getting back into my normal life and posting more on GW. Why did I disappear in the first place? (if you even noticed!)

Well, my grandmother died ...I flew into Haiti along with my 100+ relatives for the funeral, I loved my grandmother  so much that it sent me into a very depressed state for a couple of months. I didn't even talk to girls or make friends when school started nor did I have the will to go to work.

I really regretted a lot of things...I never got to introduce my grandmother to a girl I really liked, she never got to see me succeed, hell she never even got to see my art work. She never got to see me become an independent man. I mean... I felt horrible.

Only recently did I start thinking long and hard about my life and how I really want to work hard and be on my own so I can give back to my family. So here I am back in action with a smile on my face. I just really wish it I didn't need my grandmother to die to get my focused on life again.

Oh yeah, droppin' rm2k3; gay. Focusing on Graphic Design.

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i think this is kind of gross actually.

and i think this is literally the dumbest topic to ever be posted on GW. like way worse then girls vs. shoes. this guy is just going to COVER HIS ENTIRE BACK with a bunch of fucking satanic symbols and he has no idea what they mean, spending over a thousand dollars in the process.

welp i sure hope you post pictures when it's done


I recognize some of the symbols as zodiac stuff. They're not satanic or anything.

And that's my point, I wanna know what they mean BEFORE I do the tattoo. And if I don't like what they mean, I'll use similar symbols from the same origin, following the same pattern, but with a different meaning.

As for the practical stuff, of course I think tattoos should be taken really seriously, so if I decide to permanently scar a huge chunk of my body like that, pain and price are the least of my worries.

He is more in love with the pattern and design than the symbols and meaning;  if you just took time to read his post. He wanted to know what they meant and if it was something he liked or could relate too, he would just copy it, if it wasn't he wants to revise its meaning but using the same patter and design.
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What? wrym you are not in the wrong, you have no obligations to anyone, SHE is in the wrong. However....I wouldn't say you are a nice guy, but you never claimed to be in the first place.

Another point, this wouldn't be bad at all if you didn't know the girl, but you do... so this is why it's a problem because now you are going to have to enter this "web of lies" to keep something a secret, and that makes you a bad person. I would never fuck a girl if I knew the guy to be a cool dude or if he was my friend.

but don't beat yourself up over it, be man about it...if it's bothering you sit down and talk to her about what you guys want to do about it. BUT LET ME WARN YOU...sitting down and letting a girl think about it probably means no future pussy access :\
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I'm not sensitive, I meet a lot of people and most people, when they want to say something bad about you, do it behind your back.

on the internet cowards take comfort from the fact that they are behind a computer and will never have to face the person in real life, because god knows they are to pussy to say the things they say online to someones face.

That fact alone makes me lol at most insults made on the internet.
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source? because this sounds bullshit to me. Besides, both of them are produced by warner so what are you talking about?

well I don't want to have any anime in my batman thanks

http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=22326, you can find a bunch of similar articles if you just research. The Validity of them is flakey of course because there has been no official statement from the guys in charge.

Sorry to here that a style dictates everything for you rather than how well something is executed :3

Batman and anime dont mix, at all.

it mixed very well in my opinion.
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I saw it, so let me spoil you a bit.

6 different stories, none with the joker in it. They don't use the joker in new batman "things" because of the new movie comming out.  THis is why shows like justice league unlimited got cancelled the movies took all the rights and basicly took all the material they could use for the show(all the super heros bad buys...storys etc.)

Each story has a different anime style. (all cool in my opinion) And no story really revovles around the bad guys, its more about batman and him dealing with his problems. The shield thing isn't as silly as you think, I don't want to spoil it for you but its not something he keeps for a certan reason.

...its really late,  but to say the least each story just gives you insight about who batman is and what he stands for.

OH and the voice acting is perfect in my opinion ad the same with the animation. The first story will throw you off like crazy, you'll be like "WTF? batman doesn't look like that!"
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That was...really well done, I have to say.