Falconshield if thats really you, you are pretty hairy. :|
Don't worry you'll grow hair too once you reach puberty.
Falconshield if thats really you, you are pretty hairy. :|
I love it how the post following falconshield's post has nothing to do with his post. It's like the_bub_from_the_pit just completely ignored him.
So falconshield are you into doing weird shit?
whats the difference between this and, say, grooveshark
Gotta be all the dicks in my avatar that got you confused.
Slaughter of the soul was one of the albums that got me into guitaring <3
Where do you live, bacon? We should hang out and make snowangels naked while recording angry music together.
i use headphones. some seinheiser copies.
I have MK2 alesis monitors
No he really needs to tidy his room man it's grim!