This is a great idea for a topic. I am still looking for some drawing but I have some real awesome Bugs Bunny fan fiction I made up for kindergarten.
Bugs Bunney ment the Tazmanian Devil. The Tazmanian Devil wanted to eat Bugs Bunny but he couldn't because bugs bunny was to fast. Then bugs decided to get the tazmain devils girl friend. Then taz decided to go with his girlfriend on a airplane. They went to Hawii then taz decided to go back where he was and then he went to alaska. He went to a restraunt. After supper he had dessert it was cake then he found a hotel and went to sleep Do you know how tazmanian devil snore? Really loud. He got up real early to have breakfast. Then he found bugs bunny and said sorry for chasing you. Then he went to disney world he got on an airplane and looked around. Then he went to Mcdonalds to eat. he went to a hotel and watch t.v. after supper he had dessert and that was cherry pudding. then he decided to go to bed. then he woke up and went to a drive in to watch a movie. he had a fun day. He ate popcorn and candy. He went home and played video games.
The End!