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competitive eating.

no offense to hundley
In Hundley's defense at least competitive eating requires some physical prowess, so it fits the definition of sport a little better than poker. But who cares, they're both in now, so we'll see how they'll both do.
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i am insulted that competitive eating made this list but not poker
What would you remove to allow poker entry into this tournament? (I think I'm going to replace Squash).

I personally believe that poker isn't a sport, but since some people do feel the other way I wouldn't mind adding it to the competition.

EDIT: Updated List by removing squash, replacing it with Poker, and moving some matches around to given the second division some more variety and more challenge to Baseball. Tell me what you think.
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You know what, I'll take out two sports up there and add Competitive Eating and Billiards. I know how much it will mean to Hundley to have his favorite sport representing.  :)

Say goodbye to paintball and fencing. I doubt they had a chance to win anyway.
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There are a whole ton of sports throughout the world, and many people have their own personal favorite(s). How does GW as a whole feel about these sports and which one is the most popular here? To answer that question and to promote activity and more discussion in this forum I bring you "GW's Favorite Sport Battle Tournament"!

One by one various sports will be pitted against each other in 24-hour poll battles, with the most popular sport being the victor and surviving in the single-elimination tournament. 32 sports in all will compete, but there will only be one eventual victor. GWers will vote based on their own personal criteria - which sport is more fun to play, which one is better to watch, which one takes more strategy/skill, etc. No matter what reasoning is used in voting, the more popular entry on the poll will live to fight another day.

I bet you're curious as to the identity and matchups of these 32 sports, so here they are:






To make the tournament go by faster 2 matches will take place each day. This will mean that the whole tournament should take 16 days to complete.

The first two matches will either take place today or tomorrow. Discuss predictions, matchups, complain about my choices, etc. May the best sport win!
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This topic has spurred me on to create a GW's favorite sport poll battles tournament. (Hopefully it will bring some more attention to this forum and bring about some discussion about the various sports we have around the world.)
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Other exciting news: (from http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/)
Daedalus PSP R12 Released

I've just finished uploading the latest build of Daedalus PSP:
Daedalus PSP R12 for v1.00 Firmware
Daedalus PSP R12 for v1.50+ Firmware
Daedalus PSP R12 Source

As usual it will take 20-30 minutes for the files to propagate across the Sourceforge mirrors, so please be patient :)

Here is the list of changes:

    * [!] Fixed issue preventing Goldeneye from being loaded.
    * [!] Fixed dynarec for Goldeneye.
    * [!] Fixed dynarec for Super Smash Bros.
    * [!] Fix various texturing issues with 4bpp and small or non power-of-2 textures.
    * [!] Fix TexRect instructions with negative s/t components.
    * [!] Fixed the HUD in Mario 64 (broken in R11.)
    * [!] Fixed lights in F3DEX2 microcodes.
    *      Correctly implement instruction fetch exceptions, improving compatibility.
    *      Improved floating point compatibility.
    *      Correctly handle mask_s/mask_t tile values.
    *      Implemented a few custom blend modes.
    *      Screenshots just cover visible viewport.

If you've been following the updates on this blog over the past month the most obvious change is that Super Smash Bros. is now running well with dynarec enabled, and many graphical glitches have now been resolved. The compatibility fixes were specifically aimed at Super Smash Bros. but may well fix issues with other roms too. Overall SSB is looking and playing much better than it was in R11, but even at 30-40fps it's still not running at fullspeed yet. There are a few graphical issues that still need resolving, but all in all it's starting to feel very playable with frameskip set to 1 or 2.

Goldeneye is also running in R12. Although the intro sequence is running very quickly and with few noticable graphical issues, a lot more work is needed to it running at a playable framerate in-game. I think it's a good start though, and something to get excited about for the future :)

Otherwise R12 just has a fewm minor compatibility and graphical fixes - there are no optimisations for this build.

As always, leave your feedback on the comments pages. I read all your comments and I'll do my best to reply to any questions you raise. I'm particularly interested to hear if any roms which were broken in previous releases are now running in R12.



I personally haven't used Daedalus yet, but it's looking better and better with every release. I may just have to try this out with SSB.

This is an awesome day for PSP Hombrew/Piracy. June 26, 2007 - the day the PSP was unlocked to it's full potential for all. :bravo:
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Amazing! This is excellent news as now everyone with a PSP will be able to downgrade in the near future. Lumines is also a must-buy game, and it's relatively cheap at the moment, so it's a win-win situation.

Looks like Lumines has jumped up 14,600% in Amazon sales. Word sure gets around quickly.  :woop:
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Also, can somebody PM me the link to where they get their playstation iso's?
Argh, I'm tired so I typed this really fast....
I'd like a PM to some ISO's as well, please.
I PMed the both of you.
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This guide right?

Oh, and if the firmware is 2.81 or 3.0/3.03, then the only way to downgrade is to find an unpatched version of GTA: Liberty City Stories right?

Yup, that guide's instructions are pretty well laid out and easy to follow.

And correct, if you've got a PSP that is 2.81-3.03 you'll need an unpatched version of GTA:LCS in order to be able to downgrade to 1.50
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Well Sony is making some kind of slim psp version, but that might be unflashable.

There's also talk about them including SMS and Phone capabilities in it. But yeah, chances are these new psps will come with the latest firmware to impede homebrew users. I don't think they'll be coming out any time soon, so you might as well snag up the original PSP.
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DosBox for the PSP! It's an early version and some games may not working properly with it at the moment, or run slowly, but Warcraft 1, Prince of Persia 2 and Theme Park are supposedly working decently.

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Bumping this topic back up because of recent interest expressed in PSP Emulation.
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Maybe I just imagined this, I can't remember, but I thought the Wii warns you when your Remote's batteries are low?  I thought this happened to me while playing Twilight Princess, but I honestly don't remember.
Oh really? I never knew. If that's the case then I guess I'll have to take back my hate against wireless controllers.
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I personally hate wireless because you never know when your batteries are going to die on you. How much would it suck if they died right in the middle of a battle?
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I'm wondering, is there anybody else out there besides me who does NOT want to know who all the playable characters are for SSBB? I just love not knowing who I could potentially unlock. To me, it's part of the initial experience, and I wouldn't want it spoiled.
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I don't know why people are orgasming over a composer list. I love music as much as the next person, but I don't really care for music in SSB. There could be no music whatsoever and I'd still enjoy the game, because the music is not as important here as it would be in a game involving storytelling and emotion.
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Yeah, I was about to say this.  You can always have your unit replaced, whether by the dealer or the manufacturer.  Since there's no physical damage, there's no one to say it isn't a defective unit.

As well, if they should question you, you could always lie and say that it bricked when you were wirelessly updating using the official Sony update. (Since it flashes your psp, and you're doing it remotely, there's a chance that you can brick like that.)
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In order to switch discs when playing multidisc PSX games, for most games you can save before the disc change, exit the game, load up the disc 2 iso, and you can continue your game by loading your savefile from disc 1. You have to make sure that both cds have the same Save Game Name and Save ID, otherwise the second iso won't be able to see the save file from the first one.

If you're playing a game that doesn't let you save before a disc change (like MGS) you can always load up your game on your computer using the PSXe emulator, get to the first save point there and save. Then transfer back to your psp. I think that there's another way to bypass this, but I'm not entirely sure how it's done.
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Congrats Jester and welcome to the world of pirates homebrew!
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Bricking is fairly easy to avoid though. As long as you read the readme and follow all of its steps meticulously you should be fine. Don't do anything stupid like shut off the PSP while flashing, and keep it plugged into the charger at all times. Lastly, you'll need to be patient and let the downgrader finish its work before do anything further with your PSP.