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Rm2k - Been playing a lot of Mario Galaxy lately and thought I'd doodle this up. Some minor graphical errors with the size of the character, and jumping (gravity) is not set up yet but otherwise it works. I have a pretty good idea how to include the front and back as well. The scene is quite busy, I know.

- Mike

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maybe it would look better with 3-D glasses?

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It's just a map I'm detailing for a mini-rpg on NationStates. I am using a custom-built tileset from 'Raptor: Call of the Shadows'

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pretty cool alright. But will it support 32 x 32 tiles?

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Also yeah I think the point is that if you don't want to do RPG battles maybe you should just consider making an adventure game of some sort.  You can still do all the same stuff RPGs do without the bits you don't like.
Yeah, I see. It's sounding more like an arcade adventure than something in-depth.

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I am currently using Rpg Maker VX to draw a world map for something completely unrelated but the trial will expire in 6 days. Can anyone tell me where to find a generic map editor, that has the same drawing abilities as the Rpg Maker series? Needs to support 32x32 pixel tiles, Box draw, Layers and Auto-tiles - Especially auto-tiles!

- Mike

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Quote from: Vellfire
To me it sounds like it makes battles a waste of time.
Actually it came up because I find battles in general to be a waste of time. They're often a bunch of flashy graphics (or just plain animations) but in the end it's you win or die. With my system, there would still be a battle but without all the loading, effects and then returning back to the map. - If I'm going to win, just do it already and let me get on with my quest.

If I'm understanding what you are saying correctly, Backstage was an RM2k game with a battle system like that. It got pretty annoying because it really didn't tell you how much damage you had and then shit would walk up to you and you'd get killed without being able to do anything about it. So basically I hacked the shit out of it and put in way more healing stations.
I hadn't thought of that. I was thinking that you would simply keep track on how much of your life bar went down, and gauge the monsters in the area like that. A thought came up once of giving the monsters a kind of difficulty meter above their heads that changed based on the current state of the player. I will look for that game and see what's up.

Mike, one question- if you do it the way you suggest, how is the hero going to get stronger? If it's not by battling there will have to be some other way,  or the hero will never be stronger than the monster.
He get's stronger by, well... having more characters in his team actually, like cannon fodder :P. Each member contributes an amount of health and attack strength, along with spells. If that character leaves the party then they take their stats and abilities with them. Because there is no battle scene, I wouldn't have to worry about having more than 4 party members. And you could also buy weapons and armor, with varying types depending on your team makeup.

But all that is still being worked on. I am here to develop the basic idea of running around.

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I am designing a game where instead of battles, you simply walk through the monster event. If your strong enough to win, it will die, otherwise you have to return and pass through again. If you lose, you lose a 'life' though you will not Game Over untill all life hearts (for argument sake) are gone.


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A number of houses/living space equal or greater than the number of NPCs in the area
More blood effects - I just did critical damage with a sword, there ought to be blood spraying everywhere!

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Unreal Tournament raises the bot's difficulty as you kick their asses

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Dreams I remember:

I met the Thai Pop singers "Chinadolls" and we walked around in a small yet detailed area of the city. It was lightly snowing.

I was sliding down some mountain hills in my snowsuit, then took a chairlift to an industrial complex which had bad guys. I hid under some vehicles. Later I was a secret agent at a futuristic corporate tower office party that had mutant and cyborg guards, and an aircraft landing pad where I parked my sweet ride.

I'm at a beach with a boardwalk of little shops, an amusement park type train running through the forest nearby, and an Egyptian altar rising out of the water like in some puzzle game.

I made a totally awesome 1vs1 deathmatch map, which I played as myself to test it out. It even had matrix-like jumping physics. I tried to save it, even after finding out I was dreaming, but the general look of it is still in my head.

I was at an old The Brick (company) building that was converted to 4 floors of shops with the entire front wall as windows. At this store they sold real life copies of virtual items for Second Life. I had just spent many hours playing Mass Effect so everyone looked and sounded real. The guy I asked for help was my boss from London Drugs, complete with thick English accent and Indian skin. He explained to me that I 'click' (touch) and object to bring up a virtual banking display above it, in which I could then use my SL credits to buy this item for my online character. I found a flaming gay guy selling clothes near the stairs and asked what city we were in. He could not answer and the dream faded. I was positive that the store was or would become real and that I had a vision.

If I play GTA for a long time I can close my eyes and see the main character still playing on the backs of my eyelids like a projector screen.

- Mike

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Oh I thought there would be a size restriction for panoramas..

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You could replace the blue with water texture, but then your world map could only display I think 320x240 at once. Plus the water would only animate if you had 3+ panoramas changing in order. What if you replaced the hero with a pixel and made him move one pixel at a time. Then you could easily fit the whole map in there - the equivalent of a 5120 x 3840 tile world map!

Or a more realistic approach would be to create your own custom coastline, maybe 8-16 sides, to decrease the blockiness. I messed up the alignment a little but you get the idea.

- Mike

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@Mr Weird Guy
Password games are great cause then it's easier to cheat :D

Re: Lava screenshot
There was a guy in that image?

The picture says NSFW but I doubt anybody would be able to tell what your ugly graphics are supposed to represent anyways ;).

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I like the humor and mapping quality in this demo but yeah it is really really short unfortunately. :(

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www.rpgmaker.net has the "Befuddle Quest" series, which is a bunch of almost-unrelated maps bundled together.

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Run for it, Mr. Big T, someone's comin' fer your throne!
:fogetlaugh: Kids these days and their crazy imaginations :fogetlaugh:

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There is no sound
There is no music
Despite being called 'jetman' there are no jets of anykind
SPACE is the only button which begs the question, If this is "technically challenging", wtf do you consider to be easy?
Obstacles are solid-colored rectangles and after you die once, there are no more obstacles. If you are going to use others' graphics, don't insult them with shitty artwork.

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The following game will play on any computer. It is a fast-paced First Person Shooter and is suitable for all ages!
Maze Wars (NOT the old one with the eye that attacks you)

- Mike

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