Seven years ago, Cartoon Network began airing an emmy-award winning masterpiece of animation known as Samurai Jack. Directed by the Genndy Tartakovsky, creator of Dexter's Laboratory, it definitely has one of the most unique art styles I've seen so far. This is one of my favorite animated TV series because of its style, action, and characters.
For some reason, production halted in 2004--it was never officially canceled, after all. It was recently featured as number 42 on the documentary
100 Greatest Cartoons (imo too low, but at least it answers lue. some of this list is shit, anyways) and a feature film that will end the series is being planned right now by Frederator films, though not yet in production.
There's a
wikipedia article for the uninformed.
Since I never had cable and therefore no access to Cartoon Network, I was introduced to Samurai Jack by my (flash) animation teacher last semester when he showed us the premier movie. I was really awestruck at the style and was immediately hooked. I've went through the first season and am going through the second right now.
My favorite episodes so far have been "Jack Learns to Jump Good","Jack and the Scotsman, Part I", and "Jack and the Blind Archers."
Anyways, I was just wondering what everyone else thinks about it. Maybe some of Tartakovsky's other works, too--I rather enjoyed Clone Wars, too.