To be honest, I've thought of reasonable uses for most of these, definitely not a most useless list for the most part.
this is a dumb post, people complained because they paid over 60 dollars for a game with more cinematics than gameplay and although you'd expect those cinematics not to be boring they almost all were. the best cinematic was when you flipped through a tv at the beginning.
at least shitty mindless drivel knows it's mindless and doesn't actively insult your intelligence.
also is that one armed dude from street fighter III in this? he was the best man
Man, if that's a transexual to you, you must know some damn good looking transexuals.
i have a 16 teradong accelerator capabale of 8 billion floating-dong operations per second and hyperdong transport
everything still lags for me but the dongs sure don't ;)
it's not s good time to get into DC at the moment since every series seems to be in the middle of some big story, and final crisis and shit. It's all too continuity heavy rihgt now. I mean going back a year or so you could check out the Sinestero corps war in Green Lantern, and try and check out 52. They're the two best things DC've done lately. but everything out at the moment is kinda based on what happened in other stories.
When you say getting into comics, do you mean like reading some trade paperbacks and shit or going to the comic store every week to buy new issues?
easy difficulty with loading quite a few times is right there in his description, dude.
and actually people might disagree with this but I found the normal difficulty here to be pretty easy, or was that just me (not as in NO ALERTS easy, but as in surviving/beating)? like I rarely, if ever, felt like OOOOOH SHIT, except when I really fucked up and here comes two geckos oh wait RAIL GUN.
like I went into that raging raven fight with only one ration and forgot that regain restores health and I still won (albeit barely), that's a little crazy.
also I just realized that entire act had no actual stealth!
triple post, just beat the game. there was no big plot twist at the end! I thought someone said OTACON IS A PATRIOT, but uh that wasn't the case.
oh well, what a stupid game. I am glad I did not pay money for it (friend's copy) and I have no urge to play through it again. christ, the BEAUTIES all being the same rape victim side story, jesus. if I killed them, does Drebin say YOU SAVED THEM SNAKE, or what. because I'm seriously confused how tranqing someone in the head is psychotherapy on the level these women needed.
Runeword combinations.
Skill tree bonuses.
more to it then that bub.
I don't really get how a game being dated = you can no longer min/max in it or something. You seem to not like old games which is kind of sad, who cares if the graphics suck or whatever. The games you play now already look like shit I guarantee it a month down the road. Guild Wars especially is already dated and looks pretty bad (and also has no min/maxing aspects at all, so bad example.). I don't see how I or anyone else (read: millions of people) who do this are ruining it for ourselves since we obviously still play the game after all these years for hours and hours and enjoy it? It is still an aspect of the game you are missing out on, even just the basic parts of it.
on the subject of D3 they've said they don't have a final # of classes so the FAQ is wrong, but tbh I expect 5. Barb, Doctor, a sorc like class, a long range like class, and a rogue like class imho.
it isn't even obsessive hardcore man, its not like uber french know the exact drop rates of every single item in the game to the exact decimal or something. It's building a character to be the best it can be. In the end it becomes less about the monsters you are slaying, and the character you are making (heh...that rhymed..). Getting a maxed out Bone Necro, a Glass Cannonzon etc is very fulfilling to us because you've reached the peak of your characters potential. It isn't HARDCORE at all, pretty much if you know any builds in this game and try to build one you are taking part in this, or working towards it."I am going to build a blizz sorc" is all it takes to get started, then you have to get stuff to build a blizz sorc. It isn't like other dc's were its just about OH WELL GET TO BOTTOM OF DUNGEON or OH WELL SLAY 1000000 ENEMIES FOR NO REASON AT ALL, it's about the character building, whether that's you building as best a blizz sorc as you can without grinding too much, or doing the Hellforge quest over 600 times to get amazing runes thru the Cube. That's pretty much the best part of Diablo is the character depth and customization aspects (tons of options, etc), even if you only know the basics or if you know the insane stats. Titan Quest did a pretty okay job at this, but the rest of the game had so many down falls in it, which is what makes D2 special, the rest of the game doesn't suck. Add in mods (like Eastern Sun) etc to the mix and you can have a near unlimited amount of character building to last you a life time. All i was saying is that by "just playing with friends" or whatever for fun, you are missing out on this. You guys could build your characters to be a team build and flow with each other, but I bet you aren't! I guess its instead of just replacing items on your guy because they have better stats, you actually have an end game plan and build, and work towards that, instead of just hitting the end game and being all "yes this wep is a whole +4 better than my wep" and replacing it without a thought.
its just I can't sit down and decide to play an hour of MGS4 like I can with any other game, because its fucking impossible. it really is more like OKAY TIME TO CONTINUE THE MOVIE and I'm just not in the mood half the time. I don't know why he made this decision to just be 90% cutscenes but it isn't conducive even remotely to pick up and play.