I'm finally 18! Now the state can legally kill me! 

There's also another version where you end up drawing a man dropping a bar of soap. I found that one much better because of its shock value vs a dog face.I have fond memories of this one.
Greg Puciatothat man will not have vocal cords in a few years
he could always portend you where a cow.he? you sure?I hope you where mooved by my input.
I understand what you are trying to say, and I forget that sometimes people are here to help... I guess the best advice is really to take someone's own opinion with a grain of salt; ultimately, in the end, it is the decision of the creator to decide what gets done and what is left out on the final product.Well yeah, that's the goal. Ultimately you should make what you enjoy, but sometimes it's best to listen to others because they probably have a better idea of what works. This is especially true when you're attempting to appeal to a large audience, as Vanit is trying to do.
You guys are all losers... Vanit! Do what makes you feel happy and ignore them haters. All they are, are jealous of your skills! It's the same reason why I left this dump behind --- and I couldn't be happier!Way to not understand the concept of constructive criticism. The screenshot topic isn't just a place to let everyone stroke your dick, it's a place to get suggestions on how to improve.
My advice is to do what you love to do, enjoy the moment (because once you finish, you will surely miss FF7 2D), release the game, and watch the kudos roll in! I think if you finish this game, it will be one of the most downloadable titles to date (assuming that you do everything right)!
Also, I think you should add some of your own things to the game, such as new dungeons or towns! Mini-games are great too! Just a few things, because even "I" (and I hate FF7) would love to play this again.
So, ignore these...imbeciles, and just focus on making a really good game! I'll be watching you from beyond the wall!