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Wow. I'm so sorry to hear that, I seriously hope you'll be okay. As much as I may have disagreed with you in the past and never even talked to you, you always have been my favorite member on here. I know you're not one to believe in such a thing, but I'll be praying for you. It's better than doing nothing, I guess. I really do hope it's nothing serious, though! :(
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Welcome back. If GW was dying before I guess it's coming back to life.

Or maybe it's dead and we're just all in hell. Hmm.
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Thanks to everyone who had something to say about my map (Sky Town). I'm glad it was well received. I actually made it as a pure gameplay map because the game didn't have any gameplay.

@sleeping_wind: Actually, this map was indirectly based on Yellow. My map was based on my game, Super RTP Adventure, which is heavily inspired by Yellow! Seriously, that's my favorite game ever. I'm glad to find somebody else who's played it.
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Cause I'm still ticked:
Most Favourite Maps:
Dragol's "1920's"
Sanosuke "Dice and cards"
Hedge's "RPG Maker Battle System Museum"

Least Favourite Maps:
Psyburn's gay ass map
Strangeluv's for being a waste of time
Cardinal Ximinez trying to make the worst map in the game but ended up outdone by Psyburn.


Oh please. Don't be an ass. Your map was a pretty blatant plug, whether you see it or not. There's nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn't even bother trying to deny it. And then, to top it off, copying Strangeluv's list and saying that your map was one of your favorites and that Strangeluv's was one of your least just because he called you out is extremely immature. You're better than that.

ANYWAY. On to business.

Favorite Maps
Dudesoft's "Mustaches Forbidden Zone" - I actually laughed out loud a few times during this one. Great humor in it!
Strangeluv's "Bridging the Gap" - I also laughed out loud during this one. Good job.
hedge[1]'s "The Museum of the History of the Battle System of RPG Maker" - This was a pretty funny map and I enjoyed watching the different interpretations of the battle systems. The music was kinda jacked up though.

Least Favorite Maps
Psyburn's "Kef Presents: The Temple of Tarantino" - Holy hell, do you purposefully shit out the worst thing you can possibly conceive and send it in? This was terrible.
King of Games's "Gentleman's Challenge!" - The walking speed was pretty terrible, and it lead to a pretty bugged up and uninteresting battle. You can do better.
Cardinal Ximenez's "Most Egregious Abuse of RM2k3" - This may have been interesting if it weren't for the jacked up walking. Your other map was pretty great though.

And holy shit the ending. All in all though I really enjoyed this one. Great job everybody!
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Well, this is great. I'm glad we can all get along in the end!

But on a serious note I'm glad you're not leaving because you're pretty cool and I really enjoy your articles. They're the first articles in my FOUR LONG YEARS of being here that I've actually looked forward to.
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You can't expect a teenage girl to even make a mediocre lover. They are scum. Just don't let it hit you too hard, there are plenty of non-teenage girls out there. Even then, if your friends would do that crap to you, it's time to make some new friends. It's never too late to start over. Don't give them the finger, but don't stay around them either. You don't need them.
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Welcome to GW. It's nice to see somebody new with a hint of intelligence.
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You know he was joking by his last two posts, and he's been on your side since you posted in this topic, right?
I know he's joking now, I was a little bothered and wasn't thinking straight first, but the fact still stands that every time I make a post, the response is always sarcastic or angry. I don't know, it's just starting to wear me out. but yeah, I see what he's saying. thanks.
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what are you, dense?  Are you retarded or something?  Who do you think I am?  I'M THE GODDAMN ANGRY BLACK MAN!
I'm just voicing my opinion; I never called anyone an idiot, I never even attacked anyone, but every time I post my opinion anywhere I get attacked. this is starting to get ridiculous. not referring to you specifically, but just about every post I make is responded to with either sarcasm or anger. sure I used to be an immature asshole not too long ago, but now I'm posting less often and I'm honestly trying to just be a normal member of the community, but people are still holding grudges against me. grow up, everybody.
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I will voice my opinion where I feel like it is fitting. thanks.
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Hmm... Considering the Crusades and such. I am sorry. I really, really am. I am sorry for all of the crap that Christians have done over the years, all of the wars we have started, all of the people who have died because of us. Unfortunately, all Christians are human, and we are in no way perfect.  We are selfish, and give in to our own desires. But that is not Christ, that is us. I am sorry...

Like NinjaPirate said, it is not a contest, It is simply about loving Jesus. But God tells us to have faith in Him, but He wants us to ACT in faith, not WAIT in faith (unless it is a situation where waiting is the only option... not like this one).

As for the family one, yes God is first. Even over family. But that in no way says abandon your family, hate them, or let them die.

why are you apologizing for the shortcomings of humanity? every religion and every belief has its radicals, and no matter what the situation, radicals are always horrible. you can't judge a religion by its people, but rather by its teachings from its holy book or documents. you get fools who come to ridiculous conclusions (i.e. GOD HATES FAGS) based on reading single verses, taking them out of context (which drastically changes the meaning), and twisting them into completely different teachings. people can say WE ARE CRUSADING IN THE NAME OF GOD all they want, but it is not in the name of God if it does not line up with his teachings. man can not control God, so saying the crusades were in the name of God is ignorant.

but yeah, you're supposed to act in faith. you're not supposed to just be like HMM GOD WILL HEAL ME SCREW MEDICINE, you pray for healing, but you also go get checked out and crap. these parents were delusional and they give a bad name to humanity in general.

yeah but everyone worth talking to here probably knows this anyway.
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Parasun it's racist to call them "midgets". Maybe not racist but it's not PC.
Political correctness is bullshit so it's all okay.
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I can't get into this. It would be funny if there weren't a fucking awful buzz behind your voice.
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I have learned nothing from this topic. Would you care to tell us anything that we can't figure out by spending one second staring at the screen?
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i forgiv you
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Haha, no, I'm not a furry.
Thank God. Welcome to GW. What kind of music do you listen to, and what's your favorite band?
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(Which is also very large, which would also be a valid reason for armed guards. )
Yeah, it's not a small church at all. In fact I'm pretty sure it's the same church Ted Haggard pastored at. The main sanctuary seats 7,500.
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Well it isn't the security that seems so absurd to me, its the idea of that person being armed with a lethal weapon that is so goddamn retarded.

I mean they don't let ME carry mace or anything, let alone a damn GUN.

I think its ridiculous that this woman was allowed to carry a loaded weapon around IN A CHURCH no less, despite whether or not it saved a few people from ONE nutball with a gun I still think its stupid AND dangerous.
Okay, sure it's weird that some woman had a loaded gun in the church, and I'm pretty sure that not all of the ushers have loaded guns, but it's not that fucking insane.
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My friend was actually AT this church when it happened. Craziness.
Does he still plan to go to the church? I was kinda wondering how members of the church would react. I for one would probably go find a different, smaller church less likely to get shot up after something like this. Did he know anyone who was shot?
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This. I have never EVER heard of a church security guard. Also: aren't they not supposed to have guns? I thought their job was to make someone disruptful leave and call the cops if necessary... I didn't know they carried guns or were authorized to use them heaven forbid in a church.
Apparently it's a large church, over 1000 members or something. Or at least that's what I got from the article. Those churches usually have security guards, but the whole gun thing kinda caught me off guard too. It might have just been her but I have no idea. But really, in this case, asking the guy to leave probably wouldn't work, and in a life or death situation is doesn't matter whether or not you're authorized to have a gun as long as you're saving lives.