what the fuck
RIP, dude
RIP, dude
Watched A Face in the Crowd again after hearing that Andy Griffith died.
It's one of those really incredible black and white movies that is probably too slow for young people, but it's worth watching if you like Andy Griffith and were like me and more or less just watched his television work and thought that his performance was near the ceiling of his acting capabilities. It's not. It's almost frustrating to think back on how he slipped into his sedentary acting career, because this guy had an unique energy and range that he just didn't display often enough. Seeing this makes me think he could have literally done whatever he wanted as an actor, which isn't something I can really earnestly say about a lot of people. I don't really think I could name five performances in film that were more effective than this. Scares the fuck out of me.
Basically watch this movie if you want to see Andy Griffith as the Terminator, and only Patricia Neal and Walter Matthau in prop glasses can save us.
The Protomen
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