I agree, Terror Skull's whole dialogue is what I based my chapter on (only because the save that starts my chapter starts in the middle of the TS scene). LOL. Also, I'm still trying to see where "Baroque" is referred to as male. Not that I doubt you, but I am unable to locate it, since I thought Baroque was introduced in Nessiah's chapter, and is drawn with breasts in Nessiah's still art thingy. :p
Also, about Baroque and Forente. I always assumed "Baroque" was a code name and "Forente" was her real name. My impression is that Mother Embla thought or tricked Sharlene into thinking that she was "Forente", but the REAL Forente shows up later. Because Nessiah said in the notes she wanted to steer away from the "Sharlene, u r Agony Scions lulz" deal.
Personally, I tried doing the opposite of what Kaempfer did, by trying to tie the story down into three seperate groups: The main group, Ae-Ledt's servants, and the Agony Scions.
Finally, Mirthless, I am quite curious as to what you did about Wrath's "human or Scion?" situation. Also, what did you do about the Agony Father and Ae Ledt being the same person? I dunno, this game makes my head spin.