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That makes much more sense to me - why would you waste 32 bits on something that effectively only needs one?
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I thought you could control individual bits - I didn't know you had to do it a byte at a time. Thanks johnny. Now that I know that my Hex Compare program will work just fine except that it only displays characters as ASCII instead of Unicode. It's not that big of a deal considering that most of the characters I'm looking for are among the first 128 but it would be nice to use unicode just in case there are special characters with accents and junk... I may end up writing a different program for parsing text out of the bytes.
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I already know how to convert between different bases. The issue is that it shows the data to me in chunks of 8 bits: two hexadecimal digits - but the data isn't necessarily stored in a way where every 8 bits is a new single and seperate piece of information. For instance if there is a T/F bit squeezed between two Unicode characters than when I try to look at the difference between the information in hexadecimal it would show that the sequene of characters after the one true/false bit may not match the character in another file if the T/F bits are different when in fact the characters match, it's simply the one bit that doesn't. By showing me the difference in binary I'll be able to see exactly where the difference occours so if I notice one bit that is different and 16 bits after it are the same I can guess that those 16 bits might represent a character or a short integer.

Take this as an example. Lets say I have a protocol that does something like this: the first sequence of bits is a sequence of ASCII characters representing the date the data was created. The next one bit is a true/false bit indicating if the data is encoded or not and needs to be decoded. The next sequence of characters up until the escape character is ASCII version information. The binary would look like this:

Data :
12/1/07 False Version 9.0.0



If I change that one bit flag than watch what happens:



It's not immediately apparent in the Hexadecimal that there is only one bit that is different - there's no way to tell without looking at the binary or thinking too hard about it that an entire byte is not different. There becomes an even greater challenge when I try to align the two files if one file has an extra bit in there that the other doesn't - if I'm using a tool that views it in hexadecimal I can't just shift everything one bit to the right I have to shift it one entire byte to the right which means that in this particular protocol I couldn't see the ASCII characters that represent the version if I shift it (it would look like garbage if I converted the hexidecimal above to characters: +2?'?????????).
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Does anyone know of any software that compares binary files and graphically shows the differences in binary? I found a decent one called Hex Compare but it only shows the binary in Hexadecimal and ASCII and it confuses the shit out of me. It would be a lot easier if I could look at the differences in binary instead but I can't seem to find anything.

If that didn't make any sense, instead of viewing the files in hexadecimal:
03 0A 2F 3B

I need to see it in binary

dead man posting
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Okay, that took to long. Now I'm leaving. To people that do this with me (like electricsheep): if you want someone to discuss stuff with don't hesitate to send me an email.
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Just like most things that are said in the Native American community, this means absolutely nothing and will go nowhere. I'm sure the people who said it thought they were doing something important or significant or whatever but you guys are right, everyones just going to ignore it. And whats more the people who said this are also going to ignore it. When US troops drive through "their land" or the government comes to find out why Jimmy Blackfoot didn't pay his taxes the  natives are going to spout some bs that sounds important and then do absolutely nothing - or, actually, even more likely: they'll try to "rally" the Native Community to do something about it (like, idk, post shit on their blog about it?) but will fail horribly because most of the Native Community is poor, disorganized embarresed of/confused about their own herritage and hold exactly zero political influence.

And no, this would not be cool, it would mean Native people who have absoutely no idea how to organize a country doing stupid shit and fucking up things accross their borders and it would also mean a lot of horrible shit that we would all have to deal with before they were even able to establish this fantasy country like fuck with our economy because suddenly trillions of dollars worth of real estate has been fucked with and businesses aren't being regulated, taxed, or forced to pay a minimum wage to their employees and provide a decent standard of living - assuming that there wouldn't have to be some sort of armed struggle for any of this shit to actually happen (which there would and guess what, the Natives would lose).
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EDIT: Oh crap. I saw the G&D comp and I have to stay at least until that's finished. Esh, you made a liar out of me.
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Just kidding I'm leaving.

GW has served it's purpose, time to move on.

Peace out.
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This is entertaining. Maybe it does mean a whole lot of shit for some community but I'm not that community so I don't mind laughing at it.

"Queens Bench Associate Chief Justice Jeffrey Oliphant"
That is gold
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You made some pretty cool stuff, mac. It's too bad you got a lot of shit from all the assholes of GW but, sadly, people tend to be assholes on the internet and GW is deffinately not the most mature group of people.
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Rainbow wars is also free and very similar - it's pretty much a Game Maker version of Geometry Wars.

I also recommend Escape Velocity and all of it's succesors - especially EV Nova. The trial is free. It's distributed by Ambrosia Software - same guys who distribute DEFCON, Uplink and Darwin.
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I don't know... I don't want to have to keep ending processes; I'de rather just reformat again but I'm hesitant to do that until I know what made the last reformat fail so I don't make the same mistake.
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AVG says there's nothing for the past few times I've run it. I'm running Ad-Aware for the third time right now and so far it's found 4. I've run Spybot many times and it usually finds new things. There's one infected registry file that I can't delete; spybot find it and says it can't access it because it's running. It suggested I restart and have it run at start-up. I tried that a couple of times and it has the same problem - can't delete it. As I said, I'm still finding infected files every other time I run checks and this is after I reformatted.

1) Didn't get wiped off the hard-drive. You guys tell me this is impossible and you're probably right.
2) It got onto my external hard drive before I reformatted and jumped back onto this computer after I reformatted. This is possible but when I ran a scan of the harddrive with AVG is says there's nothing wrong with it (but that may be wrong considering there are things the spybot and ad-aware have picked up that AVG hasn't).
3) The two virus problems are totally unrelated and I just happened to get reinfected when I connected back up to the internet.

Right now the noticable damage the virus(es) is doing is negligable; every now and then a blank Internet Explorer window pops up while I'm on the internet - this may be the virus trying to download crap, I'm not sure. But it's not too bad...

I want to get rid of this. I would just reformat if I thought it would help, but now I'm not sure. Am I just not protecting myself enough from the start, or what? I have no firewalls save the one that comes with Microsoft... I'm not downloading/running anything I'm not sure I can trust or ativating any ActiveX conrols.
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Close enough: Gemfire II
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A couple of highschoolers spent every summer from the ages of 11 through 18 filming a fan remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark, shot for shot. One or two scenes are missing but in large part it's all there; snakes, car chases, explosions and all that. This was started in early 80's and it was filmed on beta-max(!) so granted it's a bit grainy at times and the sound is pretty horrid but it's very impressive considering the technology back then and the fact it's all kids.

I just got back from a screening of this at a local film festival and it was very awesome. If you guys get a chance to see this you should take the opportunity; it seems like they sort of randomly hit up local film festivals accross the states.

There was a talk back after the show and hearing about everything they did made it even cooler. The guy who played Indiana talked about how he and his friends got in trouble with their mothers at around 12 or 13 for setting a friend on fire for the scene where the nazi's find Indy at Marion's bar and set it on fire. 16 years after they finished it, Steven Spielberg heard about it and invited them to his place to chat about it. They also got invited to Skywalker Ranch by George Lucas!

Very cool stuff. Here's a link to their site: http://www.theraider.net/films/raiders_adaptation/index.php

Unfortunately I only see stuff for Olympia and NY but I bet there will be more screenings in the future. For those people in washington or nothern oregon with nothing to do tonight I suggest you get your ass to olympia, there's another screening at 9:30. Seriously, even if you live in Spokane it's worth the drive out here.

I don't know about you guys but I love shit like this because I know I had the same dream of remaking movies with a bunch of friends - it's so cool that they actually did it... seeing what they did really inspires me to work more on my own little projects.

Have you guys heard of similiar awesome fan projects like this, film or otherwise?
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6000th post!

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Thanks, Killface. So far I've run AVG and it seems to be doing something... I'll try installing all three and then see where I'm at in a few days.
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Will shit, it's either still there or I got it again. Just a couple of minutes ago 'avast' told me that I have infected files. Is this likely that this is the same virus? My external hard drive was connected when I realized I had a virus. The first thing I did was copy an important folder to the external (containing only .java, .class, jpgs, pngs and .html - no .exes or anything, if that matters) then disconnected it from the computer until after I had reformatted. Is it possible that it jumped to my external hard drive or that the reformat didn't really wipe it out? When I first downloaded avast I ran a sweep of all of my hard drives including my external and it came up clean so I find it hard to believe that the same program which is now telling me my computer has viruses would have told me it didn't earlier unless this virus is actually new.

Any ideas or suggestions? I would just reformat; it's really no problem. But I don't want this happening again and again and again. Maybe I need to secure myself from internet shit some more?
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I'm with Sredni on JEdit

Noteworthy Composer is a good, free MIDI maker.
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First, thanks for all the help so far, guys.

I've decided to wipe my drive and reinstall - I don't think it's necessary to take any risks (in case an anti-virus doesn't get the whole thing or skips some of the viruses (there are, like, 7 of them)) especially since I don't care about the contents of my hard drive. Hopefully my CD-Key will work again - I suppose I'm about to find out...

EDIT - Well apparently it worked. I'm now posting from a virus-free computer...