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Run around naked - Many indigenous cultures did have some forms of clothing.  And for those that didn't, they didn't see anything wrong with not being clothed.

Make tools out of not metal - And your point?  Cultures of the past that made tools out of "not metal" seemed to do just fine with what they used them for.

Uh, many indigenous cultures cooked their food, too. Because they realised they didn't die so much if they ate that animal they were evolutionarily predisposed to killing cooked and not raw and full of germs, yum

Also we have built spaceships I am pretty sure we are beyond the "we are just animals like everything else" stage, yeah?

p.s. my cat doesn't like raw meat but LOVES cooked meat, despite her being a stray we found as a kitten! Even animals think you are dumb
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The best part of this topic is where MISTER BIG T insinuates that the quality of another person's RPG might not be that great.
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If only the "post reply" button was as elusive as the "submit" button
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What is the bug? Post some screenshots of that game to get us EXCITED!
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Here is the sad, hard truth: Everyone is a designer.

Wrong. Everyone might think they're a designer, but thinking and being are two different things (sorry Descartes).

Designing a game and designing a good game are different things. Coming from a place where designers are seemingly a dime a dozen has made a lot of us devalue what designers do, which is facilitate an enormously important aspect of the game. Coding is, of course, extremely important as well: without the code, there is no game. But coding is less about personal flare and more about learned skill. A good game designer is much more rare.

Also, EDC, hiring a skilled architect is a fundamental aspect of building a house or building. Perhaps the percentage of actual manual labor is dramatically different, but how many construction workers are there for every skilled architect? Look at the differences in pay. Your metaphors are always awful and self-defeating, EDC. Maybe don't use them in your arguments?

Programmers don't (outside of the indie field where multiple things are done by the same person) design the battle system. They program it. If you don't know the difference you are dumb. Artists don't write pages and pages of descriptions. There are artists who are writers, but most don't explain every piece of art with a story. They let the drawing do the talking, yeah? They also aren't scenario designers. Watch the credits of any RPG and you will see a long list of people who's only role it is to create the maps and fill them with interesting details. Those aren't the artists. Hell, 3D artists usually work off of 2D concepts drawn by other people. Why would they suddenly jump in and design all the maps and locations, as well?

To sum up: Never listen to EDC. He usually spouts nonsense. Listen to Velfarre, though, she knows what she is talking about. Of course, EDC did raise one good point: As a writer or a designer, you're much more likely to find a team if you attach yourself to someone else's vision. As the writer, you can take their idea and make it your own (in a "we're a team now!" sort of way and not in a "I stole your idea, bye" sort of way). Design should almost always be shared in indie games, since it is extremely important that every member of the team is making a game they will want to play at the end.
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Also there is no real list of features people find fun, I don't think. They might list them, but a lot of games that just put things in to put things in end up being crappy. I think a game has to feel "organic". All the features that exist should feel like they belong to one another and relate in some way.

Earthbound was mentioned above and I think one of the reasons I liked it so much is that all the whackiness felt totally right. Think about it this way: If, instead of new age retro hippies et al you were fighting really serious goblin enemies in a world of goblins n' trolls instead of rock music and silly characters, would the trippy colour pattern backgrounds make sense? Would the arcade-style number counters make sense? Would the sounds and battle dialogue and weapons and EVERYTHING feel right at all? No, probably not. If you change the setting, then almost all of its associated elements need an overhaul to. If you don't shirk away from making sure all the pieces fit together, people will appreciate your game. It will have a consistent feel to it and they'll want to see what the next unlock (or whatever) is because they know it'll line up with what they expect but will still be new and fresh, which is what players want in a game they like (not more of the same but more of the similar)
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These are all pretty amazing, but https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii8.jpg is my favourite. It's interesting and beautiful on a lot of levels and probably doesn't exist any more.
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We have a lot of fireworks and we grill if we can, but this year too many people had contrary plans for us to get our shit together. I worked on Canada Day. I also heard a lot of fireworks yesterday (the 3rd) because people can't do it until the weekend I guess. Not so many tonight (the 4th), because we SPIT ON AMERICA
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If you want people to be interested you should write a vastly simplified human-readable explanation of the basic concepts.

All right, here's an overview of what the numbers mean in a way that the rest of you can understand.

-Strength makes you do more physical damage.
-Dexterity makes you move sooner.
--It also makes you hit more often.
--It ALSO makes you dodge more often.


Uh, you pretty much just listed the way every game in the history of time has handled stats, including the default RM* setup. I mean, great jorb with the math or whatever but that isn't what he meant by a human-readable explanation.

Why did you pick certain numbers to be so exact? Why is the balancing setup the way it is? These are things people (sort of) care about.
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One time like ten years ago I was chatting with my friend via MSN and said some pretty mean shit about a girl who had just dumped me, and when I went to his house I found it logged on his computer for later high-school drama causing purposes! I deleted it and the next time I was over he had RESTORED IT FROM THE RECYCLE BIN because he really wanted to use it against me later (of the 100+ conversations we had he literally had saved only this one) so I ctrl+deleted it, I hope he didn't have an off-site backup!

His computer was so slow that as it ctrl+deleted he was walking back from the bathroom and I swear to Christ it was like a high-tension spy scene in the worst spy movie ever made
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I don't remember ed being so handsome
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American Apparel is notorious for using LA-based factories to produce all of its clothes so this doesn't even make sense, thanks rioters for sending a clear message!

Just so everyone is clear: the protesters (for the most part) weren't involved in smashing stuff, that was a separate group of people who also showed up so they could hide behind the anonymity and blend into the crowds of the, uh, peaceful protesters. Most of the trouble was caused by police telling people not to do things and then the people doing those things to antagonize the police (not a great idea when they have riot shields and riot batons).

Pretty much what we have here in the G20 is a confluence of assholes from all over the place and from all economic backgrounds doing various dickheads things because most people are jerkoffs

edit: I live in the city and while I am smart enough to figure out what they're protesting I honestly have no idea what the protesters are actually protesting (like, specifically) because 100% of the media coverage I have seen has been about a) cops arresting people or b) rioters doing shit. Thanks again mass media

edit2: I also don't care enough to do any sort of research due to a rare brain condition
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I remember trying to play Soldat with someone when I was a total noob (ATARI, I think? Could be wrong!) and he kept killing me from across the screen because I guess it made him feel good to alienate a new player who had no idea what he was doing by killing him over and over so I started jumping into a pit (to my own death) so he couldn't kill me and he rage quit

edit: I don't know if it was ATARI (like I said I could be way wrong) but whoever did that is a total dickhead by the way
edit2: seriously what a dickhead
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couldn't they have all just gotten on skype?

fucking THIS.

They could have used that billion dollars to just buy some island in the Atlantic and build a 10-star hotel (it only goes up to 5!) for all future G8/G20 meetings. But no, let's shut down Toronto! WE'RE BRILLIANT WORLD LEADERS! It's like they are going out of their way to piss people off. I am not even anti-G20, but this shit is ridiculous.

I work at the Eaton Centre (which is in Toronto and is a major landmark, although technically not too close to the summit itself, perhaps half an hour away), and I'll be at work on Friday and Sunday. I wonder what's going to happen! IT'S EXCITING!

edit: To be fair to the police people are pretty fucking dumb and any place you have a bunch of angry idiots you have a recipe for disaster
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more people comment on my pics. tell me how awesome i am.

cool sideways brimmed tuque bro
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those roofs make no sense

edit: to elaborate, they look hollow, like two cards have been leaned against one another in a house of cards.
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It seems to running waaaaaay faster for me!

Although my avatar is gone due to a certain forum feature for premium members being DELETED   :fogetcry:
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