salt world the MS-DOS adventure game
I wanted to give her a speech on how she shouldn't raise a child in this world to think in such a way. But I have to shut my mouth to save face.*mao bursts forth wagging his finger*
In the name of the ROM, I will punish you!!fist pumping real hard r/n
What is your favorite video game music track?no one answered this so i will
But I do find being called or hinted at as a homophobe extremely offensive. I know Dada said he doesn't actually believe I am one, but still thought I would say that because I've been called one in another similar conversation too. Not a lot on the internet offends me! But for some reason that does. Same with if someone called me a racist because both are blatantly
Q what is favourite colour?紅
Wrong do what, exactly? To tell Afura I don't care about him literally trying to tell a queer person how he should respond to a homophobic slur?i don't think it's been stressed enough how wrong and awful a thing this is to do