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Alright, motherfuckers. This is in general because who cares, really? I've seen plenty of other folks post their shit here, so here's my shit, and besides, I'd like to think enough people around these parts are at least a little familiar with my stuff so I reckon it's warranted. This topic is about my third full length record of songs that I have written by myself. It is called Faces and is by Untitled Head. The majority of the record was recorded by Adam Houghton, who lends his voice to one song and his guitar playing skills to 2 others. The rest of the record was recorded and performed by myself.

Faces by Untitled Head

Original photograph by Francis Guini

1. Camera
2. Half My Life
3. Safe
4. North
5. Will It Snow?
6. Settle Down
7. Chocolate Milk
8. Ice Cream
9. Other People's Friends

Download link: http://download.yousendit.com/AB7B514F3FB3F097

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I'm seeing Ghostface and Raekwon at ATP this year. Hooray! Yes, Ghostface, Raekwon and the Wu in the general are spectacular.
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I'm a big fan of many of the bands that have been listed here. I adore Sonic Youth (who I saw over the summer), Big Black, Shellac, Rapeman, James Chance and the Contortions (though noise rock?)....list goes on really. I've seen Shellac a few times and even passed the band in a hallway as they were walking through. I smiled and nodded at Steve Albini and he gave me the dirtiest look I've ever seen. They're such an incredible live act though. The whole thing they have going on is really funny. They're music is really full of in-jokes and stuff, but the live show was so hilarious, one of the most flat out entertaining bands I've ever seen.

Also to the pile of band names I'll add Liars. Whilst their first record is kind of NYC dance-punky (though much noisier than other bands linked to that scene tend to get) and their last record is kind of garage rockey the middle two They Were Wrong So We Drowned and Drum's Not Dead are all drones, noise, feedback squall, tribal drums and sinister chanting. Awesomeo. Let's also add early Butthole Surfers because, well, they're the Butthole Surfers.
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Bardem was nominated for an Oscar a few years ago, I think he's pretty big in Spanish cinema. This was my introduction to him though. I've been looking forward to this film for a very long time, and I've been a big fan of the Coen's movies for a while. I was so angry when I found out that it wasn't playing anywhere in my city, and actually travelled to another city to go see it. It was completely worth it, No Country For Old Men is incredible. Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brodin, Woody Harrelson and Kelly Macdonald (!!) were all fantastic, but my hat really goes off to Javier Bardem, and I think his Chighur was one of the most terrifying characters I've ever met in a film. The Coens really outdid themselves as well, making Fargo (which just last week I would have said was my favourite of their films) look like a kid's movie. This was gritty, harsh, beautiful and perhaps most notable for a Coen film made unbelievable use of silence. I thought it was by far the best film to come out of 2007, of the ones that I've seen and amongst the best films to be released in the last few years. The only thing is, I'm desperate to see it again, but can't quite justify travelling to another city again for a repeat viewing.
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I forgot to mention Control. I thought this was a fantastic film.
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Well well well. I just got back from seeing Planet Terror and Death Proof at my local indie cinema. I'm from England, so we didn't get the full Grindhouse package here and it literally was the first film, then a break then the second film, like a matinee. We didn't get the fake trailers made by Eli Roth and Edgar Wright and those folk, nor did we get the fake cinema announcements. We did however see a large number of real 70s grindhouse film trailers, for films like Night of the Bloody Ape, Three On a Meathook, Deadly Weapons, Wham Bam Thankyou Spaceman and even a short film called Roadkill - The Killings of John Martin (all presumably added by the theatre itself), plus the main features were the European extended versions. Anywho, there's been a lot of talk about Grindhouse/Death Proof/Planet Terror, and I hadn't seen either films on their individual release. Tonight, I had such a great time. These 2 films were just so over the top and entertaining. It was fantastic. Everyone in the (sold out) theatre was applauding, cheering and in hysterics all the way through. It was the most fun I've ever had at a cinema. So I'll include Grindhouse as one of my favourite films of last year.

Zodiac has been mentioned, and I agree: what a terrific film. Everyone involved was at the top of their game and it was such an engrossing watch. Not as showy as Fight Club or Se7en, in fact, it's perhaps the anti-Se7en. I can't stress enough how much I enjoyed this film.

I liked Knocked Up very muchly. Ever since Freaks and Geeks I've kept tabs on Judd Apatow because, well, Freaks and Geeks is the best thing in the world ever. This movie was also very good. It was great to see many Freaks and Geeks cast members back together (even James Franco!) and in general, it was a hilarious and touching movie.

And finally (because a lot of films people have been mentioning as 2007 films are not out yet or only recently out here in the UK), The Darjeeling Limited. Lots of people found this as a disappointment, and not amongst Wes Anderson's finest moments. I disagree. This film was (like The Life Aquatic - which again met a mixed response from fans and critics) hugely enjoyable from start to finish, beautiful to look at (like Aquatic), and, as in all Anderson films, marvellously watchable, with loads of hilarious laughs, sentimental bits and an awesome soundtrack. A great all-rounder really. It also made me really want to run and jump onto a train as it is leaving the station in slow motion whilst The Kinks are playing somewhere in the background.

I can't wait to see No Country For Old Men when it comes out next week. I'll probably go check out Charlie Wilson's War tomorrow or Monday as well because Tom Hanks is usually pretty fantastic and I hear that the [Philip ][/Philip] Hoff[man] delivers yet another amazing performance. So that's that.
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Zen Arcade by Husker Du. They said it had a concept...I don't believe them, but it's a great record anyhow
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I must admit, when I found out that this was going to be less than CD quality, I was a tad annoyed. However, I don't think that it affects the record at all, and besides, if you were to digitally download an album from iTunes, the quality would be worse than 160kps, wouldn't it?

Oh, and I really like the album. It's very subtle and NICE. The strings really add something. It's unusual because the likes of Ok Computer and Kid A were big statements and this is very subtle, just 10 songs, quite short, but every song is wonderful. It's a wonderful record.
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I still haven't got it!!
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I'm annoyed. I haven't yet received my download info from them.
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nah guys this is going to be a good film. it's got michael cera, was written by seth rogen (and someone else i can't remember). these guys aren't geniuses, but they know how to be really, really funny.

especially with comedies, you can never tell the quality of the film from a trailer. they just fire in the broadest humour to get the idiot majority (you don't know who you are) to think "hahahaiahai funny shit!" and go pay up pay up.

if you've seen knocked up, or the forty year old virgin, you'll probably already know this is going to be a funny film. i like these guys.

Aye, I'm quite a fan of Judd Apatow. I didn't think the 40 Year Old Virgin was that great, but Knocked Up was very good, despite having hamfisted sentimental parts. His tour de force however was the TV series Freaks and Geeks. That was a brilliant piece of television and it's a damn shame it was cancelled after 18 episodes. I thought it was nice that the majority of the cast of Freaks and Geeks found their way into Knocked Up (Seth Rogan included). In both Freaks and Geeks and Knocked Up, Martin Starr is BRILLIANT. I may or may not see Superbad. I don't yet know.
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Skiing for sure.
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Orange00, I love that your top 4 films have "dead" in the title.
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The Mix-Up album by the Beastie Boys got really mixed reviews, but I think it's really fantastic! It's nothing new, they haven't strayed from the instrumentals present on Check Your Head and Ill Communication, but it's still a cool party record. Just like all their other albums. Off the Grid is a great song.

[music ][/music]

Radiohead are mastering their forthcoming album in New York according to ateaseweb.com and the NME. Hooray! :woop:
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An interesting thing I learned from triple j's interview with Josh Homme: it's pronounced "Hommy" (like "Tommy"), not "Homm".

Really? That just fucks up my whole world. In interviews I'm sure people have always pronounced it "Homm".
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new mars volta is always good news! i'm surprised they already have a new album ready

They always work fast. Deloused was released in summer 2003, Frances was released just over a year and a half later in February 2005 (though it was planned for December 04 and I think it leaked then too), and Amputechture was summer 2006. Plus in between every album Omar's released a solo record. He usually says that when a new Mars Volta record is released, the next is often mostly or completely written anyway.

In other news (not sure how new this is to anyone except me), Animal Collective fans will be pleased to be able to watch the video for the new song Fireworks from their upcoming Strawberry Jam album can be viewed here: http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/page/forkcast/44017-animal-collective-fireworks-video  (thankyou Pitchfork  :happy:​). It sounds of a similar vein to the other 2 new songs I've heard through live performances - perhaps less like a weird psychedelic folk/pop song with electronic flourishes, but more like a weird psychedelic electronic band with pop flourishes. Maybe. All 3 new songs certainly have more of a distinct groove to older Animal Collective, I think. Their sense of melody is still there though. I like it lots. And the single (not Fireworks...a song called Peacebone which is one of the new songs I've heard before) is released on August 13th, which is the day after my birthday, just in case anyone was wondering what they could get me for a late birthday present (I'm joking I actually want one of these shirts: http://www.gamingw.net/pubaccess/28248/currentpinecone.png).

And that's my hijacking of the news for today.
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Hello. The other day I created myself a myspace page because I wanted more people to have the chance of hearing Bean Soup. So that's at www.myspace.com/untitledhead if anyone who's interested wants to know what the album sounds like there are 2 songs from it on there. There is also a song from the first album called Mixtape Happening which is really shitty. One final thing, there is a brand new song from an EP that is very very nearly finished and should be available in a week and a half or so. So yeah. :D New song, plus 3 older songs at www.myspace.com/untitledhead

Also, everyone should check out Baron Savy's new songs by following a link from my page, because...well...they're awesome.
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Marketing guy:


"You heard it right ladies and gentleman, one of our foremost artists Untitled Head will be releasing his second LP very soon. The as yet untitled followup to last year's Mixtape Happening [or was that Mistake Happening? - Gazzwa] does not yet have a release date but it's coming very soon. Soon. Maybe in a week. You heard it here first, folks! We expect this to be a big unit shifter, so pre-order your copies now!"

Sorry about him, it's part of the contract, y'know?
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I recommend the 4 Track EP by Helical but not Mixtape Happening by Untitled Head.
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