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I didn't read all the replies but I get the gist of what you're asking. If you've never read any book by Dean Koontz, you should. "Odd Thomas" is a perfect example of how to achieve what you are looking for.

Odd Thomas has a special skill of seeing the dead. He didn't ask for the skill, he doesn't want it. He doesn't expect to lead a normal life either, but he certainly doesn't want to be a hero. For all his supernatural ability he tries his hardest to keep his life as simple as possible. However he is forced into situations where he is compelled to act for good, thus subtly making him a hero.

This is my favorite book and the only book I've been compelled to recommend to everyone regardless of their tastes, as well as the only book I've read 5 times. The other books in the same series don't live up to it. The reason it is so good is all behind the character development.

I hope this helps.
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I wish I knew a program that used this type of graphic because this is a sweet contribution. Good job man!
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A really BAD painting I did. Keep in mind I hadn't painted before.

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I don't know but I remember that.
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Shadows fill the empty grave;
in the black cadavers maze.
Charcoal fogs whisper fear.
Haunting figures linger near.
Liquid smokes pan to and fro
like dancing gremlins in candles glow.
Hunched and crooked, twisted and tall;
Ghosts and mysteries embark the wall.
Dimly yellow, vaguely hue
in the jungle the wall doth skew.
Scarlet savages scorch a scene;
cloudy picture like a dream.
Hazy carnage blurs the mind,
tainted umbra; tangled vines.
Dusky mosaic of saffron and sand;
A twisted demons slithery hands.
Lost souls find peace in a chaos setting.
Silent screams of strangers venting.
The only life form in the vacuum;
a lonely candle lights the room.
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Someday, Someone Will Steal Me

You beat me like a begging drum,
not with sticks though;
not with sticks, no.

The tools you use are indigenous.
Not of the native lands,
nor of the carver's hands.

I am your final word,
but also a testing field;
your life-long battlefield.

You've never seen me, but
at times I've been embraced;
other times disgraced.

I'll never speak your name,
but I whisper softly.
You whisper to me.

I am blind but insightful.
I am mute but roaring.
I am deaf but listening.

You could describe me a billion ways
and never speak the same,
and if I stopped to talk,
you would never speak again.
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Vellfire YES! That is awesome!
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I think you should play Enchanted Arms (xbox 360), or at least research the battle system. It is what you are describing.
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That's all fine and dandy but how the hell is a shark supposed to dig a hole without a cheese burger?
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Perfect, thanks for the help guys!
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Oh shit, I put RTS too. haha. Turn based strategy, sorry.
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Best program for this? Is it even possible in an RPG Maker? I know it's possible in Game Maker, but also quite difficult. I can't find a RTS Maker anywhere; anyone know of any?

I'm looking to make a game I used to play on paper back in junior high. Basically, two player each with multiple units with different abilities. Units would not move in groups and there would be 3 races to choose from.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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When I tested the puzzle I found the same problem, haha. Yes, it was as simple of a solution as taking out the extra turn off events. I figured if you had a problem you'd say so and I'd correct that.

As for how you want to let the player know how many notes to play, there are a couple ways of implementing it. I made a mini-quest/game out of this. There is a bard that lost his harp and is now using jugs. However, to play a jug you have to be blowing on it, making it impossible to sing at the same time. So he requires that you blow on the jugs while he sings you a song. He whistles the tune of notes that he wants which is a vocal cue to the player. The puzzle being that the player needs to be able to pick out the three tone changes. It makes it difficult, but it also tells the player how many notes are needed. The bard will replay the tune he wants as many times as the player needs.

To keep the player from activating the bards song before talking to him I simply added a page on each jar event that only plays the note but doesn't activate any switches. Once the bard asks you to play a tune for him a variable is added to the second page which works like the above tutorial (minus the extra switch offs).

There is actually a number of ways this all can be done. To me this just seems to be a relatively simple way of doing it.
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Since I'm doing a non-linear game, the first thing I decided was what kind of world I wanted. I also decided early that I wanted the game to seem realistic, while still being fantastic. That thought flow made me choose to have a game that portrayed a lot of subtle satire at real life. Bad things are easily forgiven, happy moments are laced, rulers are insane but it works, etc. Once I figured out the world I wanted, I mapped it. Then I plotted the cities/towns in locations that would make sense for a non-linear game. (I would do this a lot differently if the game was linear)

Next I created a basic history of each location and of the world itself. I tried to tie a lot of places together. Then I created some current events loosely based off the history. I gave each city its own personality while keeping with the theme of the game.

Now since the player doesn't know this world at all, and is going to be discovering it as they go, why would their character know anything about it to start? No, this is not the amnesia thing again. The character comes from another realm. All he knows is that a wizard brought him their against his will and has asked him to complete a quest, and then you are hurled randomly away to do his bidding without further explanation.

Character development has to come from dialog with NPCs and from choices he makes in quests. The player gets to choose who his is for the most part. I use a deep conversation system to develop both the world and the character. There is a strong outline made, but much of it comes as I go. I made a system that is easy to change globally.

This system would throw a lot of people for a loop. They would get sidetracked and all. I've been following a semi-strict routine for staying on track and not getting too far ahead of myself. For me this works.
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I appreciate the advice, but "generic" and "game specific" sounds  are exactly what I'm trying to get away from, haha. I'm actually finding that there is an annoyingly large amount of clicks, beeps, bops, bonks, bongs, dings, zips, and zooms online. Enough to make my ears bleed. But when I want a sound from a jug (which is actually a musical instrument), I can't find it for the life of me.
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I'm not sure if this will catch on, but I have a request myself.

I need a short sound effect: the sound of someone blowing on a jug. Or at least something close to it. I've looked around free music/sound sites but I can't seem to find anything like it.
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Trust me, if you can figure out the first two bell events, it will come simple. Since I posted this, I've nearly completely implemented my own 6 tone puzzle (thanks for the idea, haha.) The only thing I have left to do is make the music and the NPC that initiates the task.

Remember to write out the way you want to put it down first. If you're using 6 tones (recommended) and 3 "bells," design the tune first. For example:

The tones (bells) might be played in this order:

1 3 3 2 1 2

The switches will still be

1 2 3 4 5 6

You'll have this in no time. :D
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There is a really easy way to do this: switches.

Say it was 3 notes they had to play in order (for simplicity sake). Lets also say you are using bells to make the notes, also for simplicity sake.

Make three bell events and associate each with a different tone. Now, for every note that needs to be played you have to have a switch. So if the player just needs to play three notes in order, then you only need three switches. This is the example I'm going to start with.

If you were to only use a three note song, this is what the first bell would look like:

Regardless, when the event is activated it will play the first tone (I used a Note instead of play music, get it? haha, I'm lame... moving on.)
The easiest way to program this without getting confused is to think of the correct tones being played in order. Tone 1 played first, tone 2 played second, etc.

The first fork condition is checking to see which notes have already been played in the right order. Because this is the first note, you want all the switches to be OFF. If any of them are on and you are playing this note, it will turn them ALL off. In other words, if the wrong note is played then the sequence is reset. Because the same tone is always played when the event is activated, the player doesn't know this (unless you play a different tone when they screw up. I don't recommend this as it makes things too easy.)

To recap the above, the first fork conditions are essential to this sequence. If you have 10 notes played in the sequence, then you would have 10 fork conditions here. There is an exception to this which I will explain later.

Okay, so if you are playing three tones using three notes then you would copy this event and make bell 2. There will only be 3 changes made. The first  fork condition should be "tone 1 correct" - ON instead of off. The sound played would be changed. The first switch would turn on "tone 2 correct" instead of turning on tone 1 correct. Voila, you have your second bell. Copy this again and make the appropriate changes for tone 3. When "tone 3 correct" is turned on, then the player has solved the music puzzle. You'd use this switch to give them whatever reward you have planned.

You obviously already have another event that plays the tones in order to tell the player what to play. Now all you have to do is mix up the bell events so it's not a simple 1, 2, 3 for the player.

So that was a simple way of putting it. You could make it 20 tones long if you wanted, just apply the same principle.

Now if you want to make it complicated, and I know you do, then you'll want some tones to play more than once. NO PROBLEM!

Say you have 3 bells again, but you want them to play 5 tones. Lets give it this tune:

1, 3, 2, 2, 1 : tones (even though it's only 3 tones, 5 switches are needed)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 : switches

The same principle will apply, except that bell 1 and bell 2 will have a second page each. When the tones are played in order 1, 3, 2, then the third switch will be activated. This third switch will be what activates page 2 of bell 2. If the note is played again making the order 1, 3, 2, 2 then switch four is activated turning on page 2 of bell 1. If that note is played then switch 5 is activated.

There are three ways to make this more complicated:
Add more bells (harder for the player), or
repeat the tones often (more confusing to program), or
do both, making it really challenging for both of you.

Before you start, decide how many bells and tones you want to play so you can plan it out. Personally I suggest making 4 bells with about 6 tones. This will make it challenging for the player, but it shouldn't be annoyingly so.

If you want to have this type of puzzle in your game, I suggest placing it in more than one place. Instead of using bells you could use cords or whatever else. When the player finishes the puzzle it could activate another switch which renders those bells useless (a new page that only plays the tone, but doesn't do anything to switches. This page activated by the last switch.) Doing this will allow you to copy all the events for a different are and make a new puzzle with very little effort. You could use the same switches again, just change the sounds and move the events in a different order.

Wowzers, I might as well post this in the tutorial section now...
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