This game is absolutely fantastic. I tweaked the game so my army can be huge without having to deal with morale, and epic 500 v 500 battles are just amazing.
If you've changed shampoo or conditioner, it might be causing it, either because residue remains or its clogging your pores when you rinse it.These sort of apply. I did change those.
Also, because it's winter, if you're using a facial cleanser together with the dryness of heating, and general winter air, it can dry your skin out. Your skin will respond by producing more oil which will in turn clog your pores and cause you to break out.
Could be hormones (guys do actually have a biological cycle that's just not as obvious as girls)
your profile says you are fifteen or is that a joke of some sort?I've had it since I was about 12. I hit puberty early. And like I said, it's been clear for a while now, and just suddenly came back.
if you're really fifteen then yeah, this is just the beginning.
We all watched it on the sat tv... I was fucking pumped by the end of his speech. We were all like WOO! YEAH LETS GO BLOW SHIT UP IN THE NAME OF AMERICA! Was funny how he tripped over his oath of office though.The Chief Justice was definitely at fault here for changing the order of the words around.
wait i think i read this wrong before i warned you for it.No. It doesn't really matter who was responsible for the deaths in the past, they have already happened. However, future deaths are preventable. Hamas doesn't want to accept the ceasefire because Israeli troops will remain stationed in their territory. However, by not accepting the ceasefire, it will result in more fighting, and thus, more civilian deaths. Future civilian deaths would be almost entirely Hamas' fault, past civilian deaths are not.
are you pinning blame on hamas for the civilian deaths or what