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the most entrancing thing about that mario 64 video to me is that they felt the need to turn the little coin circle health bar thing into a more official looking numeric "HP" (c2:30)
i don't know if this is to distance it from the regular, less-precision-based mario 64 or as some kind of tribute to the grungy, abstract masochistic amiga platformers that it looks like they stole their gradient font from.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM1RgFwUIP0 too late for halloween but thought the opening 30 seconds of this are really good "cursed videogame cartridge feeling" before reading the comments and finding out the emulator sound card just messed up!! seeing the different videogame levels float below you in the abyss is kind of creepy.
https://youtu.be/Gytx-FT-hVk?t=32 similarly unsettling virtual boy title sequence recorded in stereoscopic 3d!!
https://youtu.be/JfRf9eSvMrk?t=245 the waterworld game for virtual boy apparently took all its mood inspiration from "donkey kong sunset level" and has weirdly fluid animations, i like the score screen
actually one of the more vaguely stressful / exhausting obsessive ritual dream ish music videos i've seen

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i think the weirdest thing on that cover is the font for the title? i wonder if they were hoping to trick kids into expecting some kind of sim city / wall street kid type business simulator about dropping leather jacket dinos all around a desert.
also just to say i read an issue of hellsing yesterday just from reading this thread and realising it's something where the shape of the thing is already in my head due to years of forum activity alongside sephiroth avvies but i had no idea what it all meant despite it feeling weirdly familiar.. but reading the comic solved nothing because i guess it was just the same three signifiers i already knew about repeated over and over with really cheap/haphazard narrative stuff just awkwardly used to thread together full-page picture of victorian jacket guy smiling coldly as he jumps in front of full moon. i did think it was pretty funny that it kept talking about how the vampire hunting organisation was "protestant" as if this was some extremely charged / significant / mysterious term, i sort of want to keep reading just to see what kind of berserk jrpg catholicism ends up being represented.
it's like the whole thing was based on the first three pages of a 14yo's drawing notepad and they had a day to frantically stretch it into an ongoing narrative / series
this was probably posted here already but maybe worth checking out just to see how offputting it is when a walk speed is just slightly faster than you expect / want it to be
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honestly about the only hope i have left for videogames is in the idea of obsessive puke simulation software gradually becoming as basic and expected a functionality as... fpswalker scripts and the flashlights that everyone making a garbage unity horror game seems able to put together.. as in the entire rest of the game might be boring generic first person walking games, but there's this ludicriously elaborate puke physics system meshed into the middle of it all, and there are hundreds of games exactly like this, and nobody plays any of them. this is my dream, i think.
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i had a dream recently where a man in a grey suit with a horribly scarred face consisting of misshapen strips of old leather screamed nonsense gibberish as he lurched around a tiny facsimile house that was placed in the middle of an illuminated tv stage... as the dream went on it was revealed the man was a beloved local childrens entertainer with a local access show who was burnt in a house fire but who still continued his role in spite of everything, to widespread approval, and that the image i had was actually positive and inspiring rather than unsettling. i think the source of the dream was like eric andre crossed with the beloved dracula host from gremlins 2. anyway i think there is a lot of potential in "cross fertilising media" and i wish you godspeed.
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a lot of the videos that come with unity extensions look like some kind of terse futuristic pornography. like instead of sonic or whatever everyone who grew up playing QWOP and katamari damacy gets into this instead
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oh i already replied! also yeah you use RMB to move the camera around. dw7 was a great influence although hopefully this one's more fluid
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:^) whats up!!!!!!!
also yeah you can get it at the website link or else at https://thecatamites.itch.io/magic-wand ! but there are other channels as well cough cough cough
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bleh i guess it's been a while but i figured i would show what i've been working on! it's called Magic Wand

it was sort of made with intention of getting at a certain mood i like in old rpgs, all the dinky little people in frilly hats walking around a cave saying things like "verily", like a kind of dreamy fustiness. i do not know how valuable an ambition this is but it was mine.. the game is released now anyway.
it's another commercial one but if anyone wants to try it just lemme know and i can send on a key. it works best with mouse rather than trackpad!! there are mac and linux versions as well.
vlah.. vlah!! hope all is... well!!
- stephen
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aside from the jokes it's really well paced and i think it also does a lot with not just the videogame thing of nebulous or shifting boundaries, like setting up a static frame of reference only to immediately blow right past it for the sake of an elaborate joke or digression, but also the way that sudden digressions can become folded back into the narrative as a whole in a weirdly flat and unemphasised way. go to desert -> sudden event battle against the floating head of tv's ghost dad -> "i hope his mournful spirit can find peace some day....." -> the quest continues again. like a skipped beat where the emphasis gets pushed back onto the main line of the game. everything that happens is immediately cannibalised by the narrative for usable parts and then pushed back into the short-term videogame memory fugue pit along with wheelchair cloud and chocobo minigames. i think it avoids coming across as jokegame in usual sense because the joke isn't really that all this goofy stuff's happening suddenly so much as that, no matter what happens, the game as a whole can still stretch to accomodate it within that rpg format and still end up with something that feels coherent and natural on some level. 
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i really love particle simulators and searched for them for years after stumbling across the first one somewhere. it always seemed so perfect to me that prototypical videogame elements like "vine" and "acid" were included along with the more canonical ones. also that you could drop little guys around inside the level but basically just for roleplaying purposes / messy death traps rather than fulfilling any specific aims.
did you all know vasily zotov is still making games? i found out today: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVgeihkvfpJ8Hp6mfjCzRLg i am glad. his last one i remember was an allegorical battle against the us immigration system but these seem more positive maybe. i wish him well and still think the ultramodular disconnected playpen approach to narrative scenarios is really cool and exciting.
(also:::: hello :x)
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so it's doctor zhivago set in an unintelligible sci-fi mess. it's destructive sci-fi waste set in the ketchup and mustard  galaxy of the dumpster mythos. like a dumpster full of large brown and black plastic trash bags filled with ketchup, mustard, mayo, shredded lettuce and waste paper and some bags splitting open and oozing out and you're in there slopping around in squalor and you're soaked in waste
i think i read the original post you made with this idea and it's been circulating in the things i wanted to make for years... when i was learning unity the first quick trashy jam game i wanted to spit out was gonna be Mustard King In Fast Food Zone
perennially disappointed by lack of glitches revolving around the goldeneye vent which always felt like the most mysterious interstitial zone. climb around through the narrow pathways all day and throw mines at the toilet guy without ever dropping down. live in a vent.
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POLICE BUST has to be my favourite... tiny explorer / detective / khaki egg guy squatting to collect huge balls in middle of bland, sterile gradient maze while being pursued(?) by man in blue(???). is this the mythical "police"? is it true that to meet their gaze directly is to perish? is collecting balls against the law? this corrupt world....
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New game release
MOUSE CORP http://thecatamites.itch.io/mouse-corp
Windows, Macintosh, Linux
3d exploration/simulation with mice? Music by Tom Whalen/ NEW VADERS of Goblet Grotto OST.
"Pay what thou wilt is the whole of the law"

- Stephen...
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ah the blondie one has no audio in any case but i'm surprised the others don't work! so much for using html5 as panacea
haha i totally forgot the password to my account and couldn't find it from email. i actually literally gave up, prob thinking about never posting again, i'm like some kind of helpless internet grandpa. if my homie calls... these were good!! im seeing a paradigm shit but dunno if u/i/we/?? are up to talk in-depth about experience/construct dese days, it's totally up to u wild child...
how is life over there?? we gotta TALK sometime DAMN. or something. i think i declared recently that i'm not going to make jokes ever again And That's A PROMISE *convincing charismatic Tom Cruise leaning in manly comment* but yeah im still not doing good on my promise. i take it easy, siga siga, nice slow smooth... one of these days... please don't remind me of my failures / i still remember them... so yeah i guess i tone down the dumb humor part and get more real instead etc
yeah!! i only remembered when i saw this that i got the john fahey one off one of your mixtapes haha
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Hey all,
Made a bunch of short games for the makega.me forum gamejam thing. It was based on making games around songs, so I made a bunch of games for different songs and compiled them together.
They are HTML5 games playable thru web browser and very short.
- Stephen
edit: actually, screens:

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I dunno if you're just writing about saltworld games or not but apart tigsource and stuff i think makega.me, the adventure game studio forums, rpg maker dot net, especially glorious trainwrecks, all have a lot of good stuff that i dont see mentioned a lot. also just straight distribution sites like gamejolt and itch.io.
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I am in country of Slovenia living on savings after moving and leaving insurance job. I am in Romantic Relationships for first time in life. I am working on possible commercial project & hope to be able to make enough from this stuff to hold off on going back to office work for at least a little while. I am well. I saw a lizard today + felt happy about my life decisions to this point, mostly.
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I don't know how rare / olde these are but I think this would be a pretty good Time Capsule mix of indicative / generic stuff mixed with weird outliers.
- Devil Hunter and Final Fantasy Endless Nova since I remember these as being kind of decent examples of popular generic rpg maker games circa 2007?
- Demo for "Homeland" I remember liking and esp worth dredging up since there's a whole bunch of goofy customgfx RM games now, and it would be nice to emphasise how this stuff has always been going on in some form. Also I think any compilation of rpg maker scene would be remiss without promising vapourware.
- Ghosts Of Aliens which I don't think is backed up anywhere consistently? and Wilfred The Hero.
- Every Dooms game
- Onyx / Onyx 2 / some other games by this guy (Yeaster?) since the graphics were ripped from so many different sources (promotional tv show images, comicbooks, default rpg maker facesets) that they're kind of fascinating for that alone
- That total conversion project of FF7 into RM
- Ragnar's demos that he posted here a while back are still best thing done in engine
- Marvel Brothel / Polymorphous Perversity 2-pack
- Beloved Rapture demo why not or equivalent baroque chipset fantasia
- The Way even though I never played it just for all those strange 3d landscape overlays.
- C'est Lavie by admiralstyles and whatever other game was done by this guy (Love & War Act 1?) were weirdly touching pieces of adolescent yearning fossilised into generic RTP artifacts iirc
- I read the 2007 misao topic and apparantly a game was released called "Clown Opacity" and i feel it should be included to capture the fact that in any list of rpg maker games there will always be something with a name like Clown Opacity.
- Don Miguel Adventure
- Pirates by Carius just cuz while it was so edited to not resemble an rpg maker game at all it was still kind of fun. you played as the duck pirates from Wario.
- I remember Mog released a demo for his game once and I liked it since it was very earnest... hope this helps....
- That one postapocalypse Fallengriever game with some line like "give it to me boyo, this irish lass needs your cock inside me now" (maybe wasn't by him?)
I'm sorry for this miscellaneous mix. If it had to be shortened I think the games to be archived should be Don Miguel, Ragnar miniprojects, Dooms, and Love & War as a best/most indicative epitaph.