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video game cases. pretty much all of them. those fuckers
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Hmm... off the top of my head, you might want to try:

3x3 Eyes: Seima Kourinden
7th Saga
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder
Akazukin ChaCha
Albert Odyssey
Albert Odyssey 2
Albert Odyssey 2: Jashin no Taidou
Ancient Magic: Bazoe! Mahou Sekai
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights: Sabaku no Seirei Ou
Arcus Odyssey
Arcus Spirits
Aretha II: Ariel no Fushigi na Tabi
Bakumatsu Korinden Oni
Benkei Gaiden: Suna no Shou
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story
Brain Lord
Brandish 2
Brandish 2 Expert
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire II
BS Chrono Trigger Character Library
BS Chrono Trigger Music Library
BS Dragon Quest
BS Dragon Slayer Eiyuu Densetsu
BS Dynami Tracer!
BS Wizardry 5
BS Zelda: Kodai no Sekiban
Burai: Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu
Bushi Seiryuuden: Futari no Yuusha
Card Master: Rimusaria no Fuuin
Chou Makai Taisen: Dorabocchan
Chou-Mahou Tairiku Wozz
Chrono Trigger
Crystal Beans: From Dungeon Explorer
Cyber Knight
Cyber Knight II
Cyber Knight II: Chikyuu Teikoku no Yabou
Daikaijyuu Monogatari
Daikaijyuu Monogatari 2
Dark Half
Dark Kingdom
Dark Law
Dark Law: Meaning of Death
Down the World
Down the World: Mervil's Ambition
Dragon Ball Z Super Gokuden: Kakusei-Hen
Dragon Ball Z Super Gokuden: Totsugeki-Hen
Dragon Ball Z: Chou Saiya Densetsu
Dragon Knight 4
Dragon Quest I & II
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu
Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu II
Dragon View
Dual Orb
Dual Orb 2
Dungeon Master
Eien no Filena
Elfaria II
Emerald Dragon
Estpolis Denki
Estpolis Denki II
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV Easytype
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy USA: Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
First Queen
First Queen: Ornic Senki
Front Mission Gun Hazard
Fushigi no Dungeon 2: Fuurai no Shiren
G-O-D: Mezame yoto Yobu Koe ga Kikoe
Gaia Gensouki
Gaia Saver
Gaia Saver: Hero Saidai no Sakusen
GD Leen
Gokinjo Boukentai
Gunple: Gunman's Proof
Hanjuku Eiyuu
Haou Taikei: Ryu Knight
Heracles no Eikou IV: Kamigami-kara no Okurimono
Hercules no Eikou III
Hercules no Eikou IV
Hero Senki
Hero Senki: Project Olympus
Hi no Ouji: Yamato Takeru
Hiouden: Mamonotachi to no Chikai
Hokuto no Ken 5: Tenma Ryuuseiden Ai Zesshou
Holy Umbrella
Horai Gakuen no Bouken! The Adventure of Hourai High School
Idea no Hi
Illusion of Gaia
Illusion of Time
Inindo: Way of the Ninja
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Volume 1
Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken
The Journey Home
Jungle Wars 2
Kabuki Rocks
Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba
Kero Kero Keroppi no Bouken Nikki: Nemureru Mori no Keroriinu
Kishin Korinden Oni
Kouryu Densetsu Villgust: Kieta Shoujo
Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei
Lady Stalker
Laplace no Ma
The Last Battle
Last Bible III
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Lennus II: Fuuin no Shito
Lennus: Kodai Kikai no Kioku
Light Fantasy
Light Fantasy 2
Live A Live
Lodoss Jima Senki
Love Quest
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
Madara Saga: Youchien Senki Madara
Madou Monogatari: Hanamaru Daiyouchi Enji
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magna Braban
Magna Braban: Henreki no Yusha
Mahou Kishi Rayearth
Mahoujin GuruGuru
Mahoujin GuruGuru 2
Maka Maka
Marvelous: Mouhitotsu no Takarajima
Maten Densetsu: Senritsu no Opatsu
Metal Max 2
Metal Max Returns
Might and Magic II
Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra
Might and Magic: Book II
Monster Maker III: Hikari no Majutsushi
Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu
Mouryou Senki Madara 2
Mystic Ark
Mystic Quest Legend
Nekketsu Tairiku Burning Heroes
Neugier: Umi to Kaze no Koudou
Paladin's Quest
Popful Mail
Princess Minerva
Ranma 1/2: Akanekodan Teki Hihou
Record of Lodoss War
Rejoice: Aretha Oukoku no Kanata
Romancing Sa-Ga
Romancing Sa-Ga 2
Romancing Sa-Ga 3
RPG Tsukuru 2
RPG Tsukuru Super Dante
Rudra No Hihou
Ruin Arm
Ryuki Heidan Danzalv
Sansara Naga 2
SD Gundam Gaiden 2: Entaku no Kishi
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari: Ooinaru Isan
Secret of Evermore
Secret of Mana
Secret of the Stars
Seiken Densetsu 2
Seiken Densetsu 3
Shiki Eiyuuden
Shin Megami Tensei
Shin Megami Tensei if...
Shin Megami Tensei II
Shin Momotarou Densetsu
Shin Seikoku: La Wares
Shinseiki Odysselya
Shinseiki Odysselya 2
Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-Kun
Silva Saga II
Slap Stick
Solid Runner
Song Master
Soul & Sword
Soul Blader
Soul Blazer
Star Ocean
Super Chinese World
Super Chinese World 2: Uchuu Ichibuto Daikai
Super Chinese World 3: Chou Jigen Daisakusen
Super Drakkhen
Super Inindo: Datou Nobunaga
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Super Ninja Boy
Sword World SFC
Sword World SFC 2: Inishie no Kyojin Densetsu
Taikou Risshiden
Tales of Phantasia
Tenchi Souzou
Tengai Makyou Zero: Far East of Eden Zero
Tenshi no Uta: Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori
Torneko no Daibouken: Fushigi no Dungeon
Tottemo! Lucky Man: Lucky Cookie Roulette de Totsugeki
Traverse: Starlight & Prairie
Treasure Hunter G
The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
Ultima Gaiden: Kurokishi no Inbou
Ultima VI: Itsuwari no Yogensha
Ultima VII: The Black Gate
Ultima: Kyouryuu Teikoku - The Savage Empire
Ultima: Runes of Virtue II
Ultima: The Black Gate
Ultima: The False Prophet
Verne World
Wizap!: Ankoku no Ou
Wizardry Gaiden IV
Wizardry I-II-III: The Story of Llylgamyn
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom
Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge
Wonder Project J: Kikai no Shonen Pino
Wondrous Magic
Xak: The Art of Visual Stage
Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
Ys IV: Mask of the Sun
Ys V Expert
Ys V: Ushinawareta Sunano Miyako Kefin
Yume Maboroshi no Gotoku
Yume Meikyuu: Kigurumi Daibouken
Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Tri-Force

~Trash head 22 "god is dead"

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the first 2 times i played i thought it was boring because i just played like any other fps, once you get a good group of medics engineers armor air support and artillery the game is fun as all hell though. you just need to play with people that know what theyre doing
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i have this game with an 8800gts and 3ghz dual core, definitely more processor intensive than graphics but runs great on my rig and fucking amazing game. tanks artillery jets helis hummers parachuting into towns commandeering civilian vehicles asking civilians if they saw any commie scum, basically as close to real war as a game can get. communication and teamwork is a must, go rambo and you die. if you enjoy war games get this shit now
edit: also a mission editor so you can set up your own missions if you want, or do dumb shit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khG8pVEmzO4
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driver parallel lines isnt so bad, i heard world at war was good but havent tried it, everything else has been mentioned
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sugar and cream ruins coffee. stop fucking up perfectly good coffee. dicks
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have you tried running more than 1 antivirus program?
edit: also it may need cleaned or thermal grease if its old
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just get an itouch and a cheapass phone like me
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i use the g11 keyboard and the g9 mouse, both near top of the line and both work great. it really depends on how much and what kind of games you are intending to play on your pc. if you arent playing games that use alot of twich reactions its not really worth it, but in fps and other actiony games like that they give a definite advantage. one problem i had alot on fps is i would hit too many keys at once and the g11 fixed that, lit keys are also nice and macros are useful for common commands. you get what you pay for basically.
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yins jag offs, i thought i was the only one
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the new hanzel und gretyl is alot heavier than before
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I've come to realize that asking random people online who probably have no idea where you live or the type of area you're in where to get drugs is pretty much pointless and in fact as lame as internet dating. lol. But yea, You could try hanging out at night clubs and hope to meet someone there. That's usually where people go to party after they've done some blow. But my advice to you is to try to find someone you can trust that can hook you up. I don't recommend ever buying off the streets. It's way too risky, not only because of the law, but especially around where I live there's some shady people. You also get jipped a lot more buying from the streets. Either try finding yourself a dealer or someone who can hook you up with a dealer.

thank you for this vital information, i will be sure to keep it in mind next time i am looking for cocaine on the internet. i was just kind of hoping someone could mail me it or something. how did you come about realizing this?
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anyone know where to get some good blow, everyones shit sucks here
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hi CATGUN i like your name
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a faster computer will probably make your internet faster, get a faster one
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edit: faggot

ur calin me fagot means ur really gay one cause hom ophobe = homoprobe dam qwueers
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i disagree with all of your thoughts fully. you are a stupid fuck and have no reason to be posting on this forum, all of your opinions are unfounded and did i mention you are stupid. i will blow up your house and kill your family, your friends, and everyone who ever knew you. you have never had a single correct thought in your life and everybody on the internet and real life hates you. your very existence is a mockery of the human race and i hate you with every ounce of my being.  :mad:
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i joined irc before the forums and i am looking forward to my first insult/argument