So can I just download any ps1 or snes emulator online and put it on the flashcard or do I have to find one exclusively for the psp because I'm tech stupid as fuck when it comes to shit like this.
also I got god of war with my psp I got a god of war psp its red and p snazzy
also got prince of persia and FFT but I'll check out some of the other ones you mentioned especially crush since you like it so much.
Do you have a PSP 3000 or an older model? It sounds to me like you have a PSP 3000 as I think those were the ones included in the GOW bundle.
If you have a PSP 3000 or newer then you can't as of yet play ISO's or anything so no pirated PSP games or playstation games although it has just been recently hacked to allow emulation and homebrew using ChickHEN.
If you have an older model then you can fully hack it but I'm pretty sure you have a 3000 model (like me!)
If you want to learn about the hacks I suggest going here.
psp3000hacks.comYou can download ChickHEN from this site as well as PSP specific Emulators (you'll have to get your own ROMS).
I assume at some point someone will come out with a hack to allow ISOs but right now it's not happening.
its a slim one
I don't want to fuck it up because thats probably what will happen if I pry it apart and start disconnecting shit but I'll keep that in mind if I ever feel bored and tired of the damn thing.
Oh, good news it looks like you actually have a 2001 model which you can fully hack. if you go to you'll be able to get all the info you need.