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Mine is Raimiette.  I have the same name for everything because I can't be bothered to come up with something original...

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You're in luck. If you get a 4 pack through steam, it comes out to 33.75(US). You just need to find 3 other people... Incidentally; I wouldn't mind going in for a four pack with three other people.

I am totally up for this if there's still an available spot.

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I watched Pandorum last night (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1188729/).  It was a solid sci-fi horror flick.

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hey guys, just enjoying a slurpee on july 11th

Ah damn, you missed the perfect chance to show off your bracelet...

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This game so far seems meh. It hasn't made me laugh yet, and yeah it is shittily made. I had to turn down the graphics by 3 points for it to run smoothly. It also does kind of suck it's episodic. If you have to pay in bulk for the whole deal, why not just launch it as a solid packaged game from the get go? Unless they're not finished the other parts? We'll see though, it might have potential to be an alright MI.

Ahhhh seriously...I was so excited for this...

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Alrighty, so I'm back home after the super-meet, t'was good fun.

In order to hold everyone over until a proper recap can be made here is a video of Sarevok mentally preparing himself for his skydive (I have no idea if I can embed this or not...):


and here is a photo of his landing (some cars drove in front of us after this so I couldn't get the remainder of the landing but just picture him continuing forward and planting his face into the ground and you've got the idea):

and finally, here's the happy English gentleman after his jump:


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Okay, I will be leaving around 2 from Hamilton so I'll probably get to your house around 3:30ish.

Farmrush never did get back to me and it's not likely I will have time to check here before I leave so I guess he's on his own.

See you then!

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What she said.

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I'll be there!  I am driving in from Hamilton if anyone else needs a ride.

Farmrush, if you take the Union express (bus) to Hamilton (it's like $12 I think and it leaves every 20 mins) I can pick you up and we can head down together (the Hamilton Go Station is like 3 blocks from my apartment)

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Well, I guess I was expecting this ever since ASE admin'd Drule. I would have liked to have been sent a PM or something because just being kicked out without notice isn't so heartwarming. I probably deserve it (with me not being around much and having to work most of the time), but I still care about what's left of the game developing community here, and I would have liked to have some input in it, but I guess I'm just gonna be kept in the dark. I'll probably continue to lurk on GW but it looks like the game making side of things has been almost killed off. Hopefully not but time will tell. I'll be on boardgamegeek.com (where I happened to come into contact with DP :D​) if anyone wants to find me.

On a positive note, these pips look better with my avatar.

I like you so this makes me sad because it makes you sad... :(

Also, holy jeebus all (most of) the forums are gone! Will some of them be coming back in some sort of capacity?

Finally, I miss being pink...

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I love you Konix ^_^

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From what I've read, you can actually get quite far if you simply read the manual. Of course, I never had the manual. My dad was copying games for me on floppies back when I still used my 286. What a crook!

Yeah, I didn't have the manual either but I'm sure that would have helped.  I gave up on the game because everything was so specific and tedious.

It reminds me a lot of Penumbra, but I don't think it actually is.


is it myst?

edit: uru?

Also nope.

It's a game called Dark Fall: The Journal.  It's a point and click adventure-horror game.  Someone else can go now. :)

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Ohhhh I've played this game!  It's retardedly hard and is has no sort of instruction what-so-ever and I hate it.

I think it's called Life and Death (specifically this is the DOS version).

EDIT:  Yeah, it's Life and Death (I googled it and found the exact screenshot).  Give me a minute and I will get a new screenshot.

EDIT 2:  Here you go!


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So I watched Drag Me to Hell and going in I was kinda like "meh" (I only went to see it because my sister wanted to) but then once I noticed Sam Raimi actually directed (and wrote) it I got super excited (I had originally thought his company Ghost House Pictures had just produced it).

I really liked it, it was like a throwback to his older stuff and I got all giggly and nerdy about it.  Having said that, if you aren't a fan of old school Sam Raimi you will likely HATE this movie as it's pretty much pure camp from beginning to end.  Could have used a Bruce Campbell cameo though.

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So can I just download any ps1 or snes emulator online and put it on the flashcard or do I have to find one exclusively for the psp because I'm tech stupid as fuck when it comes to shit like this.

also I got god of war with my psp I got a god of war psp its red and p snazzy

also got prince of persia and FFT but I'll check out some of the other ones you mentioned especially crush since you like it so much.

Do you have a PSP 3000 or an older model?  It sounds to me like you have a PSP 3000 as I think those were the ones included in the GOW bundle.

If  you have a PSP 3000 or newer then you can't as of yet play ISO's or anything so no pirated PSP games or playstation games although it has just been recently hacked to allow emulation and homebrew using ChickHEN.

If you have an older model then you can fully hack it but I'm pretty sure you have a 3000 model (like me!)

If you want to learn about the hacks I suggest going here.


You can download ChickHEN from this site as well as PSP specific Emulators (you'll have to get your own ROMS).

I assume at some point someone will come out with a hack to allow ISOs but right now it's not happening.


its a slim one


I don't want to fuck it up because thats probably what will happen if I pry it apart and start disconnecting shit but I'll keep that in mind if I ever feel bored and tired of the damn thing.

Oh, good news it looks like you actually have a 2001 model which you can fully hack.  if you go to psphacks.com you'll be able to get all the info you need.

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I used a program (VISTAGlazz) to patch the VISTA theme files to allow custom themes and then I use a program called StyleSelector to manage and activate the themes.

You can find VISTAGlazz here:  http://www.codegazer.com/vistaglazz/
StyleSelector:  http://www.aeroxp.org/board/index.php?showtopic=11279

Before that I used to use WindowBlinds (you don't need to patch files with this) but I found it took up too many resources for just a theme manager.

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Oh wow, thanks for all that Raimiette. Where on the box though does it talk about Jasper or whatever? I can't find it anywhere.

The Jasper Elite has a voltage rating of 12.1 amps.  You can find this rating on the orginal box it came in.  Otherwise it will be on the back of your 360.

EDIT:  But like I said, most people aren't going to care...

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I don't think it's wrong to eat dogs since they are just an animal (I wouldn't eat my pet or anything).

Legalizing would probably be the first step in the right direction but they would still have a long way to go.

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I'm pretty sure the Elites (with the 120 GB Harddrive) are going for $399 (in stores) now, generally in a bundle with either Resident Evil 5 or Grand Theft Auto 4.  If you can find the Christmas bundles, they come with 2 games (Lego Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda).  Now they have a new Game of the Year bundle that comes with Halo 3 and Fable II for the $399 Tag.

The wireless wi-fi adaptor goes for $100.

The game you have is DEAD RISING, not either of the games you mentioned and that goes for $20.

The XBox Live Account thing goes for $50 but you'll probably need to check the expiry on that to make sure it's still valid.

If you do have an extra controller that's another $50

So that's   $400+100+20+50+50=$620 NEW

Generally you need to cut that by at least 30% to make things worth it for a person buying used so that makes $432 if you have the controller or $382 if you don't.  (or at least these are the numbers I would expect)

EDIT:  Plus shipping obviously...

EDIT 2:  Also, yes, being a Jasper Elite is important to those in the know (it's supposed to be better about the ROD thing) but most people aren't going to care.

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If this is on a weekday then I can't go since I work 9-5 Mon-Fri.  Sounds like fun though.

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